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RE: Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 15: Burger Domination Wild Style!

those pickled dandelions blew my mind! I NEVER thought that dandelions (any part of it) could be eaten. I watched your video and it was pretty apparent that you enjoyed them. There a number of dandelions around our neighborhood and I don't think I'll see them the same way again.

The Jerusalem artichoke looks very much like ginger but I don't think we have them here in our country. I also haven't seen an elm tree so I'm guessing they also don't grow here. The dandelions around here are quite small, their leaves can't match to the ones in your video. AND I would love to try those burgers! I think what you do is interesting! My husband and I make use of a vacant lot beside our home to plant vegetables for our own consumption but I never thought about the wild plants around us as food.

I hope you made it to round 15!


Thanks, @dandelion. I wonder how many plants we have in common between the US Northwest and the Phillipines. Some plants grow in so many places, even in very different climates. You have so many wonderful tropical fruits! I'm glad you have the vacant lot to grow plants, too. Happy gardening!