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RE: FAQ about Cheetah

in #steemit7 years ago

So cheetah is a She?!
wow cheetah makes alot of money, and that steempower helps hceetah ti have influence!

although cheetah isnt "official" it has enough steempower to REALLY hurt your post if you get flagged! so be careful and dont plagarise! aways cite stuff!

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that alll that school work about Citing sources would ever come in handy in real life with real money at stake?


cheetah makes alot of money

Cheetah costs a lot of money. :)

in time? because your time is valuable? or what are the costs does she need actual servers to run on that take up lots of electricity?
Or is it all the time and people it takes to go through all the posts
Anyway i apreciate your cheetah bot and i aapologize for lashing out at steemcleaners that one time

Well, I personally think my time is also valuable, but you should read the FAQ closer, I explain the costs in it. ;)