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RE: Dear Ned: Tough Love

in #steemit6 years ago

I agree with this growing sentiment from the community. One of the best bits of advice I ever got was 'Get others who are better than you to do the job'. Neds heart doesn't seem to be in it for the survival and success of steem as evident from the recent videos I've seen.
Maybe on the Witness voting page there could be a vote for a CEO from the community. There are so many worthy users that have been building the steem community and have their respect.
We need an evangelist with a good business sense and unfortunately Ned seems to be neither.
Like you stellabelle I don't mean this as a personal attack I just think that being willing to pass on the job to someone who could do it better would show true leadership.

Posted using Partiko Android


Exactly my thoughts too.

Posted using Partiko iOS