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RE: The Bitcoin Psyop

in #steemit6 years ago

Brilliant as ever, thank you James for the insightful educational explanatory short documentary that separates the myths from reality for the crypto-world. Keep them coming and stay safe.

BTW just a day before someone told me there's an attack on my name by a (12,000 members strong) Facebook Group led by a bunch of fanatics including a "high ranking freemason" (in his own words in private) known for its ties with the Australian spy agency when I shared a post on my FB account about Bitcoin mining and few days ago we ran a report on an Israeli/US Zionist businessman who opened a series of schools under alQaeda in occupied Idlib, Syria because Moti Kahana was attending a conference for Blockchain in Miami...!

Check this out: Enraged Israel Bombs Syria, Pimps Takfiri Moti Kahana