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RE: Do not send sbd or steem to @randowale or @randomwhale

in #steemit7 years ago

Tell me on what data, on what research did you conclude that steem is going to bust?

Nobody beat you up, nobody stalked you, ok, stop spreading these lies, it's cyber bullying...

speak, in clear sentences so we understand WHAT beat up means, because everyone can see how that's literally impossible on the internet, same for STALKING, stalking and beating people up are Physical things, to do with the real person, not simply Downvoting and Responding to your comments, please explain to us how Downvoting and Responding to your comments is Cyber Bullying and why.

Yes it's your opinion, and people can have their opinion about your opinion even, like me, I can have my opinion of you as a CUNT, yet you are not ok with that you hypocrite, in fact you sought to bully people by ganging up on them, it is bullying because you threatened to harass people and not stop until they do things your way, and you cannot handle the fact that my opinion of you is that you're a cunt, by resorting to petty threats and numerous times telling me to stop as if I have to listen to you, you kept barking orders in spite of knowing how I saw that as ineffective and not your choice.

You have a need to tell us how many times you've been on tv, and how many years of experience you have, as if that makes you qualified on evaluating the value of steem in the light of the fact you have no idea what steem is, how it functions and what it's ultimate purpose is, how the community is structured and how power structure works in either sense of consensus and vests.

You came into a predominantly anarchist society, which was founded on anarchist principles, and is structured on anarchist ideals, and called anarchist

Anarchists are not civil people
anarchists Steem Power gangs
Well, anarchists have no respect for free speech. frankly they have no respect for much or anyone who does not support their cause.

You didn't take any time to explore the community, to interact, or to humbly ask for help in those directions as you believe that people would rally and gang up on your call, to help you with a bully on the internet. If you haven't developed the tools to deal with people on the internet outside resorting to harassing them, you haven't developed shit in 30 years experience and however many media appearances you've made, and if it happens, no matter the numerous libraries of books, and cd's you will sell. Instead of asking for help or seeking to understand exactly what it is you're assessing in value with your posts about STEEM WILL FAIL, you throw a bitch fit when people chose to curate that content as utter crap, and call that not free speech. You're a bully, and a cunt.