
he knew it was satire, and said:


and you then said your jp sears, i screen shot it before you had a chance to comment so much that nothing originally there is near each other, its all 12 baah comments between every other conversation on the post.

If i have to tell the people that know its a parody that its a parody then shouldnt you have to say your "joke" is a joke when you make it? or does your logic only work for other people and youe not under the same critisim you make to others?

Cheers and good luck with the cgringy sjw lies and no self respect for anything but trying to prove your right about everything.

Im getting low on salt please supply more!


Your reading comprenhension is bad, go reread the comment. he is saying if it was video it would be jp's best monoluge.

You still dont understand the definitions your pasting for words, god damn bro, stop and think before sperting out shit, or dont, will be more funnny if you just keep doing what your doing.
