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Best post you ever made, Bernie.

I'd pay 10,000 Steem to see you and @berniesanders kiss and make up.

Haha ! If you get a chance , Check out my 2 meme entries to this in the meme challenge ! Very funny stuff !! Hope you like them ! Thanks !😆
First :
Second :

Love this comment, well-played. Would I be going on a limb if I imagined some good strong beer was involved? It's healthy to vent. I remain unoffended, since my posts are not shit :) And the word fuck is truly the most versatile in the English language, this is living proof.

How do you know? You've not heard me speak. You should really take lessons on Christianity from verbal-d, that lovely man knows things like Judge not lest ye be judged, and love your neighbor as yourself.
The only way swear words are even referred to in the Bible are if the words are directly used to cast someone down. Swear no oaths? Has nothing whatsoever to do with the words I wrote in that comment, in fact, you're guilty of swearing those oaths if you have ever signed a paper that says "I swear that the above is true to the best of my knowledge."
It certainly doesn't surprise me that you are continuously downvoted into a muted state if you run around throwing stones with your 'mouth' like this.

I'm not sure where you're quoting that from, but this is direct.
Matthew 7:1-3King James Version (KJV)
7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

I'm not religious, I do not claim to be Christian. I don't know why it is you felt the need to single me out about 'cussing' in this of all posts, but my guess is it makes you feel powerful over another which you mis-translate in your mind to "righteous". All I see is a sad, pitiable man who has wreaked havoc with his cursing of others (and no, not with words you deem curses, but actual negative slander) all over the platform to the extent that people no longer want to see what you have to say.
I will mute you now as I feel there is nothing productive that could come from a continued dialogue, though I do hope that you will "one day be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (From Romans 12:2)

Even the accent is decent! I double down on that statement @fyrstikken :)

I love this.

shit. this was funny. i was starting to dislike bernie and all the other steemit oligarchs . now i have to live with thinking hes funny while abusing power to down vote bitches.

maybe get frysk i. on the next one so we can get the authentic flaming of steemit.

The axe should of been bigger. But yes. Best post Bernie has ever done.

We want most like this. Lol

Made sense to me. No sugar coating on that one. :-)

I enjoyed it even more than the live version.

This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Oh, I needed this today. Thank you @frystikken and @berniesanders!


Lolol @berniesanders and @fyrstikken two little 🕊🕊 sitting in a 🌳K-I-S-S-I-N-G😂😂😂😍

It's a little out of context. He had a toothache.

Was this supposed to be the original recording for this cartoon? All I'm hearing is music.

I think it is a link to Steemspeak... maybe nobody was talking?

Oh, that could be. I'm not sure what that was about, for him to explain about a toothache? Sorry inertia, I appreciate you were defending your friend, but

This is super , we want more ROFL

People take steemit way too 'fucking' seriously...
This is some funny shit
"Go to the wellfare office"

Did that big, bad viking say a bad word? Oh No. The snowflakes are melting, the snowflakes are melting.

"lol, You already fuck yourself, fuck yourself again"

I admit I lol'd.

That has to be the best line, absolutely.

Laughed so hard for so long that the gf almost called an ambulance. I agree with fyrst, this is bernie's best post ever! :-) @fyrstikken was telling it like it is, in a way only he can .. and I nearly choked to death as a result. LOL

The work of a glorious... dedicated asshole!

Hilarious :P

Why, I tell ya, that's love baby.

I don't know what was more fun - watching the viking turn all shades or the rampage. Total entertainment either way :)

Nice to see the community collaborating! I think you may have just done someone a big favor.

lol, I don't disagree about the matrixdweller part.

SteemIt, Where Free Speech Earns.

(Here is the proof of concept)

Fact. lol.

I had a listen for a second time😂😂😂😂

I played it for the hubby when he got home. Entertainment worth sharing.

Does this kind of thing happen regularly on Steemspeak? I find this very refreshing, a sign of live. I'm going to have a copy of the audio on my phone and listen to it once or twice a day when work gets me down . Re-steemed

How come I always end up liking funny considered as "assholes" who finally vote for my worse ever #shitandshortpost about too long toenails as fashion trend. How bad can it be to get Bernie's ❤️....he seems to really read our articles, at least.
Anyways, what joy watching this mad but perfect Steemit PR clip. That's how you make them 😜 compete. Finally a reason to laugh out loud!

Omg, that was precious,....

Do you want to be part of a community that loves hard, works hard, cusses hard, what, what kind of community do you want?

Let's start the Steemit ad campaign right now with this video. Get it on the air!

Make it happen, bernie. I know that we can always trust on you to deliver the goods.

If you had cut it off .02 seconds earlier the exact time would have been 4:20. Just saying...

I'm loving steemit and having a good time. Do yourself a favor and Follow me across Latin America. <3

this was straight up hilarious!

This was fucking great! Go fuck yourself again he says.

I missed the context. Who wants to explain?

Once Upon a Time in the Land of SteemIt, there were two outspoken and sometimes vulgar dudes............................................................................... For reasons nobody understood.............................fuck................
The End.

At the top of the page @inertia posted what I think is supposed to be the original recording at discord...but all I'm hearing so far is a bunch of music, so I'm not sure lol.

It's a link to SteemSpeak, where you can talk about anything, and catch this kind of motivational speech now and then

This was explained to me, but thank you :) Motivational, haha. Were you there for the original? And I'm guessing inertia put it there because at the time they discussed this post, did you catch that at all?

yeah we discussed the post and yeah I was there for the original. It was a pretty decent rant.

I'm putting my hand up as being present for the original. I was able to appreciate its content more the second time around. It is a very coherent argument for change. :-)


Too much fucking.....! Fucking as noun, fucking as adjective, fucking as adverb, fucking as subject, fucking as object... so what is the point ! :D

The only point ever, anywhere, at any time, is to fuck!

Somehow I thought BernieSanders was a socialist from New England, turns out he's an uptight Viking.

hello @berniesanders.

Nice Video, i followed you.
Follow me back and i promise to deliver quality content.


Makes the case for the collaboration function to be added next hardfork...

This is funny!

LMAO that's hilarious.

LOLOL Owww, my stomach's actually funnier the second time through! That is some awesome animation, must have taken serious time to get the lips to move in sync like that. Love the different shades he turns, hee. Well fucking done D.A. ;)

Ha Ha Ha im screaming laughing here ..... lol i best make sure my posts are up to standard i dont wan this guy after me ha ha .... AWESOME

This was hilarious.

Brilliant. This should be the next meme template. Move over, Hitler from Downfall.

Definitely your best work by far! I love it!


Excellent post! I like your work My friend

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