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Oh ya know, whatever.
Rancho down voted me earlier. Felt pretty amazing not gonna lie.

I don't get it, rancho downvotes you, then haejin (who has a rancho delegation) upvotes your comment? I guess you're even now, the circle is complete.

Haha, I don't think it was intentional.

Haejin had given me 20.5 100% flags :P I think he just forgot to flag this instead of upvote it.

Or he for some reason wants people to see he'll have rancho flag you if you speak the truth. on the edge. You're like hey! Haejin


Good, suck up more of the morons voting power.

What do you know about this entity? In what way do you think he is affiliated with Haejin? I find it hard to get information in this and you seem the right person to ask. I want to know as it is important for my judgement in the reward pool distribution matter, would be grateful for your insights.

Yes, the dumb-fuck removed his flag ( = wasted VP) from @spiritualmax then had rancho come and flag it because his was too small. Did not do the "technical analysis" on flag placement I guess :D lol

@biasnarrative, The Good Minnow

You feel amazing that Rancho down voted you?
Geez! I've got a lot to learn about steemit.

I'm curious; do you guys have a beef or quarrel? Why do people down vote other people's posts? And what the fuck is amazing about that?

So, rancho has a ton of SP which gives his upvotes a lot of worth.

This worth he gives specifically to one person, who I believe to be himself.

If he downvotes me, that is less money he gives himself.

This whole thing is based on him getting less % of the reward pool as the 4.7% he was getting was ridiculously big.

So the more they downvote me, fabulous. Cause it gives less rewards to him, and spreads more rewards to the community as a whole. :)

The more love we can spend, the more Steem will grow.

Guess its a good thing after all.

Thanks for the explanation.

I just followed you

Hey @biasnarrative, could you eleborate on this belief?

"This worth he gives specifically to one person, who I believe to be himself."

Sure, 97.3% of rancho's voting power in the last 100 days has gone directly to Haejin. If he were to do this for a whole year without getting flagged, eh would give more then 3 millions dollars to Haejin.

I find it hard to believe that a whale chooses to never do anything except up vote Haejin without somehow being involved in the ordeal.

Why would this whale only 100% up vote haejin and that is it.

You can go here to see.

The 8 votes means 8 people.
percentage is the amount of VP given. So if he were to give everyone the same number of votes, he would give them all 20 votes at % voting power. Meaning if he gave all 8 people 20 votes, he would give Haejin 97.3% up votes, he would give himself, .08% of an up vote, and then whatever the others are.

This 97.3% up voting is more than the worst rewardpoolrapists.

So, why would Rancho give EVERYTHING to Haejin, unless he himself is Haejin.

Any other logical conclusions by people?

I agree it is suspect. On the other hand the ranchorelaxo account is older then Haejin's and has waited approx. 6 months before upvoting the crypto blog. To me, its still a possibility that the ranchorelaxo account is owned by a very detached Steemian that has made some succesful trades on Haejin advice and feels obliged to return a favor solely to him.
On a related note, I think the number of followers is unbelievable - literally. A significant part must be automated which is pointing in the direction of either:
-some brilliant long con
-opportunistic change of behaviour after initial succes

However, so far not enough proof for me on the rancho=haejin issue.

But Haejin could have easily bought in Steem earlier in the summer and then took a few months to hatch his plan.

On a related note, I think the number of followers is unbelievable - literally. A significant part must be automated which is pointing in the direction of either:
-some brilliant long con
-opportunistic change of behaviour after initial succes

You can tell from who up votes him and how they up vote him that it is pretty unbelievable. A lot of accounts that circle all around Haejin, giving him 75% or more of their up votes, and some of his hard core followers also raping the reward pool and giving their 98k SP investment output basically just to themselves.

That's interesting! There's so much to learn :)

The madness continues, what else can I say? Maybe I'll upvote my two-lined comment, it's fashionable on Steemit nowadays. Also, you may delegate me 1M SP so my upvotes are worth more.

Me too... why not? 🤣

a post is the best from all really super, thank you

Haha, funny gif (if it's called like that? dunno) :) I'm still a newbie so ther's a lot to learn about steemit.

Yup, it's called an animated gif.

I even call them .GIFs sometimes, but I've been on the Internet waayyy too long.

You have my witness vote. Will you stay onboard with steemit even with these fools downvoting you?

LOL I ain't going anywhere anytime soon

Well that's awesome news.

Please don't! I'm still getting to know my way around here myself. I was glad to see the "Let's Chat!" title because this place was feeling pretty antisocial for a "social media" website when I first joined up.
But after seeing $423 in upvotes from a person with a -18 reputation and then seeing what all the fuss was about, I'm more intrigued than ever to start spending more time here!


The real truth on how @dan stole @sweetsssj away from @ned!

Can I ask you which exchange you think is the best for keeping usd/eur on? Thinking about always taking some percentage of my profits into fiat, while keeping it on exchange to be able to buy again in dips like this. The ones I know are for direct withdrawal, which would cost me more on taxes. I am not trading for much, but I would like to step up a bit in my trading level

I have seen cryptokitties.. what if someone developed STEEMrides? Where you can buy parts and skills to race in a league for points and a share of the prize pool at the end of the season.

I'm sure it could be done, but everyone's too busy talking about what they'd like to do or see done...

C# is a bitch to write... I am hoping I can get a mock up soon.

I saw someone on one post arguing that we 'don't want Steemit becoming a commie haven'. Now, bearing in mind that in mainstream US discourse anyone slightly left leaning is a 'commie' we'll assume they mean they don't want Steemit becoming a social democracy. Well, as far as I see it, a group of powerful people with capital work together to gain influence, followers and more capital. They then invest that power, influence and capital in themselves. They do not distribute it equally among the populous. They do not hand it out to those in need. They do not give it to the deserving. It is not a utopian dream, it is exactly a reflection of capitalism. Wealth inequality rises, the richest few are greatly richer and the poor are left to beg at the side of the road for scraps. That is not revolutionary, that is not even reform. It's the same damn neo-liberal system. Go Bernie.

What does it mean by RPR? I didn't get you...

well, I would love to talk about coin market cap,Bitcoin? When it will increase ?? :V

Thanks for the answer on my previous question. I have a couple of more questions for you, if you don't mind. Also, if you answer them, I would also ask you for your permission to quote you or use the information in future articles of mine. Just let me know if that's okay or not. I might use your answers, but it's not set in stone.

Here goes:

You're often called a little bit of this and that. But you continue to do you so to speak. You don't seem to care about what others might think or call you. You also seem to start many of the so called "flag wars" for various reasons. Often (probably mainly) due to reward pool rape.

  • Do you see yourself as a Guardian or Protector of Steemit. Or do you just enjoy to start flag wars? (Which one might actually believe at first glance.)

  • Why have you decided to be the one who "tell it like it is" when many others doesn't seem to care too much about it?

  • I (and many others) have often felt like you're kind of aggressive. Is that who you are as a person or is it because you're simply tired of all the BS you've seen since Steemit came to life?

The last question is:

  • What do you think would be the best thing for Steemit, in terms of growth? (To help minnows, to get more heavily invested people on board etc.)

anything you want

but I don't know why they are flagging you

I guess it's fun? I dunno, I do it with a purpose, they do it because they're morons wasting voting power...

What is your great post I really like

yes sure don't care and move on

end of the day it's not hard to create a new account, transfer some SP across and there you have it, more voting power.....

money talks...

How about talking related to rando ?

Is there any chance to develop @randowhale again because when i joined steemit , I used to get upvotes from that bot with good profit . Hope you are behind all these bots #rando , #rewardpoolrape, #eatrewards if you combine these randowhale will be in top place .
If you delegate me sp I will continue my work by upvoting good posts 😊 / I will join your team(@rewardpoolshare)

Good to see Dan downvotes , I will support you

Witness vote for @nextgencrypto done ~2 hours ago. Thanks for the things you do.

I appreciate that! Just havin fun as usual!

I might not be that smart, and definitely not an expert... But I truly believe that I know what you're up to with all of this.

And if you're doing what I think you are, then you're doing an amazing job for the greater good of Steemit. - Which is why I voted for you.

However, I have one question. I don't think you'll answer it, but this is probably my best chance.

  • What are you up to with the rewards from rewardpoolrape, eatsreward and whatever all of the account names are? (I guess you're behind those accounts?)

I'm sure it's not as awful as it might have looked like from the beginning, but I would love to know exactly what you have planned. :)

People need to understand why steemit needs a downvote. At the moment it is a taboo

Serious question, for how long do you think this situation will keep going? Do you think someone is going to make drastic change soon? Such as... regulating posts and rewards? XD

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