Steemit. How Does This Work.

in #steemit8 years ago


So I did my first post the other day, and it got $52.56 in up votes. My wallet shows 13.890 STEEM. How does this work. Is there any documentation that explains payments, or how the voting system works. I love the traffic on here, and people seem to be really enthusiastic about the platform but I'm not completely understanding it. Any links to resources or comments explaining this would be great.


Thanks bleepcoin. Appreciate it . I'll check it out.

Steem whitepaper is worth reading if you want to fully understand the system.

Thanks checking it out now. Much appreciated.

Payments will start July 4, and will be automatic. Of the amount you see, half goes to voters who identified you post and half to you. Of your half, half is in the form of Steem Power (which increases your influence) and half in the form of Steem Dollars, which is a cryptocurrency worth about one dollar. Steem Dollars won't go live until July 4.

Wow, that's really cool. Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated.