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RE: Just Chilling on a Fall Friday...75 degree Weather having a Beer and Working on Steemit in Backyard πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘βœŒ

in #steemit β€’ 6 years ago

Lucky you! I had to clean off our deck this weekend. They are calling for snow on Friday so it was about that time that I got the furniture in for the Winter. Nice that you have a place to practice your putting. My brother in law got me into Disc Golf and I bought him a basket similar to that for Christmas one year. He used to work for parks and rec in a county in Kentucky and designed a few courses around there. Looks like it was a great weekend for you!

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Word is some flakes here Wednesday night. I spend all day Saturday raking only to have it rain Sunday... And bring down more leaves with it. Never ending!

I hear you! I mowed the lawn for what I was hoping the final time this weekend just to get the leaves up and then Sunday came and you can't even tell I did anything! Hopefully with the wind we are getting they will all be down by next weekend. We are heading to Manistee though, hoping to track down that jerky store!

Same here.... But at least we got it done, imagine how bad it would have been if we didn't.

Dublin General Store, don't forget to post about it! It's making me hungry just thinking about it.

Got it! Thanks!