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RE: Where Does The Money Come From (Value and Rewards Pool)?

in #steemit6 years ago

I'm actually glad you enjoy understanding these things. I see a lot of people just doing their thing on Steemit without fully understanding it.. and that's fine. But seeing as we're given all the details is inspires me to learn more about the inner workings. And unfortunately I don't have the answer to your question about the logic they're using or what exact formula they're following to predict at what rate the inflation should decrease. But what's good is that if something were to happen, and their calculations were wrong, they could correct it with a change to the blockchain in the future.


It’s funny once we understand how money is actually created. Before blockchain, we could just watch the central banks print it, now we’re doing it ourselves essentially. I wonder whether eventually there will be a future with no money, kinda like Startrek :)