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Great idea that promotes more engagement from members like myself who browse but don't always step up to the keyboard.
I especially like the one description you have of yourself "marketing hacker", it's a good term.

Noob here, joined last Sat. But a firm believer of STEEM and its platform. I am an investor for the long term and am still figuring out how I can add value to the community. Never blogged before in my life, but have found purpose in STEEM!

I'd encourage all of your to check me out as I will be posting primarily about trading cryptos and futures!

2018 will be an amazing year for us Steemians!

Thanks all!

Welcome to the community @dirkboy41. I agree wholeheartedly that Steemit is where it’s at. Glad to have you here.

Thanks for your post!
Please Follow, Upvote & Resteem my post to help us to travel & explore more

its great offre so intresting

This is a win-win situation for both the author and the curator. Innovative idea. loved it.

I really like these ideas of earning steem. This platform is incredible!

Pretty cool. Is this part of the program to bring Steem up to $100? I saw something about that last week.

Thank you for what you do to build this community with quality content!

And so are you! :)

The only problem you will have is that you didn't buy more !

Thanks for the comment, @xcryptomaniac. But it's $20 worth of SBD per post that I'm spending. I pick one random person for each post and send them their SBD directly. So there shouldn't be any issues. In fact, I'll be upping that amount in the coming weeks. :)

I was a joke haha, the comment was from The wolf of wallstreet - sale take "The only problem you will have is that you didn't buy more " - but nice job tho !

Lol you got me! Gotta love the wolf, the king of FUD. ;)

Nice way to give it back to community

Really very clever post about 20$ converted into SBD and writing comments to spread the followers.

I think it's good that you're using youtube to get the word out there for steemit. It's such a great idea, and now the cryptos are "hot", I think the social media aspects of steemit will really help it bloom.

This is good stuff @brandonfrye. Your presence here on Steemit is much appreciated. 👍😃

Lol... Thats a hilarious image you've got there.. Please how did you upload it, am new here😀

Thanks. It's a GIF, you just copy the link of the GIF on your comment... Try, select a GIF, copy and paste the link of the GIF to your comment or post.

this is a nice idea and i really think comments also helps and i really love this contest

Awesome, glad to have you participating @desmond41! I'm excited to get this started. :)

Hey there, just started using Steem a couple days ago.
I left Facebook 2 years ago as I felt it was consuming too much of my life and just dragging me down. All I did was share news and post things I hoped made me look like a deep thinker.
My first day at Steemit, I began writing the first article I ever wrote. I finished it in a couple hours and I was very happy with what I had. I was so excited I posted it right when I was done (which I later came to regret-I have so much more to add)
My point is-after a few days on this website I already feel as though I am bettering myself. I feel like everyone here is very positive and their aim is to post quality content.

That's a great testimonial to the power of Steemit. I feel pretty much the same way about Facebook. It's built to empower Facebook, not the end user. And it can take up a lot of your day. It's kind of funny, but now I rarely even get on Facebook anymore. I'm more focused on talking with people on Steemit and seeing what they're up to. Anyways, glad you found your place here. :)

This is a good idea because it encourages more people to participate with the curation process. A quote on encouragement by J.K Rowling "Don't let the muggles get you down" Peace

Thanks for your comment, @mauisunrise. I appreciate your feedback! And I agree, this should add to the awesome conversation that's already begun here. :)

i like this idea, thanks brandon, best think happen this year finding your steemit page thanks again.

Thanks @aliexplorer I appreciate that!

Hi Brandon, I am totally new to Steemit, and it was lucky that I bounced into your video on Youtube. Very helpful, it helps me a lot. TQVM!

That's awesome. Thanks for letting me know how you found me! And I'm glad you did.. perfect timing!! :)

This is a great idea to increase engagement as well as support the community :) btw since you post videos, why not try dtube?

Thanks @jznsamuel, i appreciate the comments. And yes I've tested out Dtube a bit but need to do some more testing with it. I'm eager to move completely off of YouTube completely at some point. But so far my I've had issues with playback in Dtube. I'll keep testing it though and once I can get it working regularly for me I'll move my videos there.

Good idea, it will let new users to start with steemit :)

Check out my latest post - Thanks

I am unique and so are u! :) By the way people love to be rewarded. Cheers!

Lol, you're definitely not a robot unless robots have learned to read and comprehend. Thanks for the comment and the upvote! :)

Nice idea, really like it, thanks for helping others like me.

Thank you for joining in the conversation. Glad to have you here! :)

Just followed your blog, I'd be waiting to read some awesome contents.

Thanks for following, @pritambanikk. And I'm glad to see you joining the conversation. :)

But I don't understand how I'll win win ''at least $20 USD worth of Steem Backed Dollars (SBD)''?

Watch the video above again if you need to. But I'll be choosing a person's comment at random each day (or for every post) and sending $20 worth of SBD directly to that person.

Alright alright! Hope that person be me lol! :P

It's always great to see people utilising Steem's ability to incentivise participation.

I would suggest you investigate (if you haven't already) as a potential supplement to steemit/busy.

It's tailored towards forums and in my opinion, is more suitible for discourse and conversation.

Thanks @cmorton, I'll have to check that out. This is the first I've heard of it.

Let's do this! I have been commenting basically since I started not long ago. You're incentivising involvment, which is great and wished more whales would do.

Thanks @xyzposter! And I agree, I'm actually wondering if this will catch on and more Steemit users will begin coming out of pocket to reward those who share in the conversation on their channels. I owe all my success on Steemit to those who support me. So I feel compelled to support them back! :)

BTW, after how long you created the post, you'll reward someone?

I’ll announce usually on the following day or whenever the next post is. But I usually post every day. Sometimes twice.

Aight, thanks for the clarification!

It's a great idea, nice contest you have here. It will let the new Steemians know that upvote and leave a comment on Steemians posts has a feedback.

Thanks @sugar.tumonggor. I appreciate your comment and I'm glad that you're participating!

he follow and upvote I follow and upvote back

Self promotion could make your reputation a whale snack!

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

thanks for the feedback

Share your good fortune... and good fortune will never leave you. Namaste.

Agreed! 😊✌🏻

Well that sounds great. Followed.
Hope your content is worth sticking around as well :D

Lol I hope so too. :) I mainly post about Steemit and crypto and my posts are focused around helping people make the most of our platform here.

With this ideology,it will help the newest on steemit platform and letthem know how to make their wallet robust

win something just by commenting may i should tell a joke too if we are at it....
Why don't they play poker in the jungle?.... Too many Cheetahs

That's actually a pretty good joke, lol :)

With Steemit I like the idea that when you're grown up as a whale, you're feeding the little fish helping them grow too. Not like the system in which the biggest part of society is living.

Thanks for this! You are a great person!

I agree.. reading comments will let you know how much your audience love your blog or how much they dont. I also depend on the comments 😁

Glad to hear you're doing the same. I think that's one of the most important things you could do to provide what your following is after. Thanks for the comment!

Truly love what you are doing! very helpful and informative! I have been thinking about how to help spread the word and help grow Steemit and I think this contest is a great way to do it! great work!! Any more videos that you can make it help grandma get it would be nice! The easier Steemit is, the more people will use it as well!

Thanks @hilladigahackles, I'm glad you've enjoyed my content so far. I will continue to create blogs and videos that aim to help everyone here and make this a simpler place for everyone. Glad to have you here! :)

thanks! it is the one thing i truly think we need here at steemit is spiffily! p.s. i am now following you here and twitter, and i did some retweeting and resteeming! i will continue to help spread the word! thanks again!

I found you on youtube today bro, <3

Awesome! I'm glad you found me. :)

Thanks for opportunity you are trying to create for the steem comunity, is really nice. Many people will see it as a prank, but we all know you are doing it for the betterment of steemit

Definitely not a prank. Thanks for actually watching the video. It appears some haven't watched it and they think I'm just running a Steemit lottery here lol. Glad to have you join the conversation! :)

you are always welcome sir....alway feel you are not alone

Alright peeps! Brand new here so I thought finding my feet and saying hello to some of the locals would be a great place to start. So far everyone seems to be rather nice and friendly and I'll be happy to follow you and enter your contest - It can't hurt to try :)

Welcome to Steemit! As you said, Steemit is full of a lot of welcoming and friendly people. I got the same feeling when I joined. Anyways, we're glad to have you here. Hope to hear from you again soon. :)

Well, I think you understand me if I just say that you are a great marketer, let's just leave it at that 😘

I completely understand and I appreciate the compliment. Not sure how long it will take for more people to start offering these kind of bonuses to their following. I think it's a great way to receive feedback, reward your following, and build your channel. So far it seems to be a hit! :)

So, will you posting videos here on Steemit blog from tomorrow?

Yes, I typically post every day so be on the lookout for tomorrow’s! :)

Wow! Just finished watching your video and this is an awesome initiative of yours. This can build an engagement space for each and everyone and with every comment, we can get a new learning also.

Right on. That’s pretty much the idea. Continue to add value in every way possible. Thanks so much for being part of the community here!

Will support you on this one, it's a blessing to find this post of yours :) Looking forward to more new learnings that we will all get in your future posts. God Bless you, dear!

Well worth the follow, your videos are perfect for some of us simple minded folk.

You're definitely easy to listen to ☺️ not only is your information helpful, I like your accent.
Do you have any videos on how to improve my visibility on Steemit? I put a lot of thought into my blog posts (all 3 of them LOL), so how do I get people to read them? And what happens after 7 days?

I don’t have a video or post specifically on that but it’s a great idea for a post. I already have many thoughts on that. So I’ll share those very soon. Thanks for the idea, and the comments! :)

You entered the new year with a bang! This is a fantastic idea and a great way to build community here on steam it. I’ve got some plans in the making to be more active here in 2018. More power to you! Or should I say more steam power to you! 😉

Lol thanks @blairwarner! More power to us all in 2018. It’s gonna be a great year!!

:) Thanks!

You're indeed welcome :)

Could this be real? It is a great way to motivate and promote post but for us newbies we can't afford this strategy yet. But we can join you in this technique and hopefully gain some rewards from you.

Yep, completely real. Glad to hear from you and hope to see you more in the conversation on this channel. I share tips and strategies for people to build their Steemit accounts and I occasionally talk crypto currency. Hope one of those interests you! :)

Yes crypto is so popular nowadays. But i am more interested in improving my steem account to make more valuable post.
Please guide through this.

wow that is very nice as well as generous. But like you said if we all work together we can all grow together. I believe that is one very valuable life lesson that Steemit is teaching everyone, if you dont work as a community you get left behind. Together we can achieve what we thought to be impossible. Lovely incentive, thanks a lot.

You're welcome. Glad to have you joining us here and participating in the conversation. By working together we can all help one another. This is a platform with a lot of awesome people willing to help one another. That's been my experience so far. :)

In as much as I love free gift, i won't pass your post without doing as requested. Hope am the winner already. Winning is my thing

Found steemit a couple of days ago and its awesome.

glad to see you here .. need a lot of advice from you to be like you bro..:)

You know what, you're awesome. How many of you agree to that? Kill the Upvote button. :)

You're doing something great here@brandonfrye, i personally look forward to your daily posts...keep up the good work

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