
ah! so sorry I didn't spot that, been a little distracted the past week or so. Have they been flagging you as well? You were on their hitlist a few days ago before they editted it, along with @calluna, @conradt, @antimetica and @outofperspective. I presume through association. The whole situation is very strange I have to say.

How do you know if you have been downvoted do you get an alert from something? I kinda do not go back to my old posts to look at who voted I know that sounds bad but I just do not think on it much.

I've check steemd regularly now, it shows up on there, but other than that I don't think there's a way to get notified on Steemit. Busy does have some notifications, but I don't know whether it would tell you about flagging.

I don't know what effect it has on posts older than 7 days, probably nothing, and these accounts have so little SP/VP that they just don't have any impact. Plus their list on enemies is growing day by day, I don't know how much longer they can keep this up.

They were flagging me as well. Thanks for the heads up!