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RE: Investing in steemit or not.

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, in my opinion, you have over 1MV already, so you are at the minimum you need to really play.

Steem and SBD will spike up here soon, and then taper off as before.
So, buying now is a good move, buying later... maybe.

Steem and SBD are an inflating currency. They are only going up in price because the entire market is going up faster than the inflation. At some point that WILL NOT be the case.

10 MVests seems to be a good number for voting and seeing an actual movement in payout.

My bet is that Steem will die a horrible death, but from its ashes 10 more things will be born. But, it really is difficult to fortell how it will die. It is... when there are popular, competing platforms, as well as, sudden real price drop, as well as, some real fire storm in comments. (that and steemit not actually updating its software to include what it should have done a year ago)


Superb comments, and to a certain extent I agree, though not on the death part.
I think it has a massive potential, if and a big if, it can be cut free from any ties with btc, as in being able to buy in (invest) without the need to spend half a day buying btc, converting on another sire to sbd, then sending it here, simplify and make it so people like me and you, could literally enter our debit card number, enter the amount and boom, the fiat is on here in either sp or sbd, any movement of btc up or down would matter not then, would it not?
Have a superb week.