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RE: How to Maintain a Flawless Steemit Reputation

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I don't want to accuse you of plagiarism , but I pretty much posted the same thing before you and barely got any upvotes. It's not a word by word copy. But my basic ideas are in it.


I've never even seen your post until you just mentioned it, and the only "basic idea" that's in it is flagging, which is a widely talked about issue, especially when it comes to reputation. To be honest, your claims of plagiarism is a little uncalled for when the only thing our posts have in common is the flagging subject. I've never seen your post, I didn't quote it, mine is significantly different from yours.

On top of that, in your post you talk a lot about downvoting someone because they got more votes than you did, which is exactly what it sounds like you're doing. The fact that you even mentioned the number of upvotes you got implies that I'm correct.

I absolutely deny that I've copied anything of yours, but I'm not enough of an asshole to flag you back.

Additionally, you have 4 days worth of posts on Steemit, I've been here for over a month with a number of successful posts and my reputation is 100x stronger than yours. Your claims of "plagiarism" are completely unjustified. Talking about the same subject you did isn't plagiarism. Especially when the rest of your post talks about "Whoring out is not a way to make money. Have some self-respect!" and "No pictures of your cute little baby." and "Don't post too many personal details." which are subjects I don't even mention in mine. You honestly deduced that I plagiarised your work when the ONLY thing we even talked about that was the same was flagging?

My post got more upvotes, because I've been here longer, I've written more posts, and I have way more Followers than you do. Not because I "copied" the subject of flagging.

Where are your other great posts?
So please post something new. I want to see that you get the same attraction. Can you do it?

I don't need to validate myself to you when you haven't even provided any proof of the "plagiarism" you're accusing me of.

You didn't even respond to half of what I said, which means either A) you didn't even read it or B) you're just trolling.

Bro, a monkey with half a brain can see the similarities.
Besides , prove you didn't buy your way in. Lol. I don't waste my money by buying Steem and have my posts upvoted by my own sock puppets to get a following.

So first the issue was that I copied you, I proved you wrong on multiple accounts.

Then you claim I have no other popular posts that made money, I proved you wrong again.

And now you claim I "bought my way in"? Lmao, you're a funny guy. I've never once bought Steem/SBD/Steem Power, everything I have here came from posts I made and curating content and winning a contest or two. Transaction histories are completely public.

I'm done responding to your ridiculous claims, and at this point, I will be flagging you and muting you. I feel sorry for any user that ever has to interact with you.

By flagging him you are breaking your own rules. He isn't abusive. You simply have a difference of opinion. And he's kind of being an asshole. Those are both things you said NOT to flag for!

Agreed. People are hypocritical like the left and I do not like the ideas of flagging too much because that is what Facebook and YouTube has and many people believe in relativism which is an invisible justice line that you may or may not cross as it can move or not move at any time.

Steemit might turn into Facebook and Twitter if they are not careful and it is very possible that they can begin to censor too much like China if they are not careful.

Two people independently having similar ideas and writing about it is not plagiarism. The two articles are completely different and are about different things but have a small overlapping topic. The discussion and content of the topic is different as well.

Disclaimer : Upvotes from "tuck-fheman" do not necessarily equal endorsements.

I'm not taking sides by upvoting this comment, I simply saw it flagged and saw no reason for it to be flagged. And personally, upon reading OP above my first impression was that I've seen this same story published here before and this was just worded slightly different.

Yesterday when I first came across this article I tried to find the article it reminded me of, but I gave up after a few minutes with no luck. I'm not calling it plagiarism and I'm not saying it was taken from @conspiracynut (because I'd never seen their article before), but it's simply regurgitated content that's been reworded.

Since I went ahead and upvoted OP, I'm upvoting the comment above to keep it from being hidden since I see no reason for it to be flagged.

Also, I just removed any flags I put on his content. They should all be gone. I'm not doing it to be nice, because I certainly don't appreciate being falsely accused by him, I'm doing it to stay true to my words in the post I wrote above.

I still have him Muted though. I don't care for what he has to say.

I'm not going to bother arguing with him or you about this subject any further. I've already muted him after he tried to accuse me of several things, none of which are true.

Just because I wrote about a topic that's been talked about before doesn't mean it's "regurgitated content that's been reworded". I developed this entire post all on my own, without reading any posts about it beforehand, it is 100% my own work except for the first image that was sourced from @dantheman, and credit was given to him.

I've never copied or plagiarised anyone in the 30+ posts I've written, and I don't intend to start now. My work is my own.

I flagged his comment for accusing me of plagiarising when he provided no proof whatsoever, and then continued to make false claims that I've proven to be incorrect each time.

You can't plagiarize ideas. Multiple people can have the same ideas, as long as they express them in different words it is not plagiarism. There could be a lot of reasons why you'd not get upvotes and @voltarius did. It's the way the system is.

Course, throwing out your comments and then a link to your article is rather spammy.

Thanks for the input! I agree with you completely. Writing about the same subject doesn't make it plagiarism. :)