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RE: Hey @Haejin, can we meet halfway? | Let´s have a dialogue, please.

in #steemit6 years ago

I want to tell my experience of frustration and anger that happens to me for making contributions through comments on Heijin's blog

a little bit of my story
More than 3 months ago I started in steemit, with the idea of ​​publishing the analyzes I was doing daily because I felt that others would also be useful to me.

The idea of ​​steemit is not to grow together? creating quality publications or comments, enrich the content with your opions for or against the publications?

Little by little I got to know other analysts of which I am grateful, learning from their videos and publications in steemit.

When I got to know Heijin's blog it gave me great joy to know that someone was doing so well doing analysis and I'm very excited to create more content and comment on their post
But I realized that we were few who contributed to the posts and did not understand why
Only hundreds of comments are seen saying thanks without providing content.
Little by little I saw that my comments received very few votes in comparison to the thousands of people who only voted to the post.

Soon after I saw that my few cents earned in each post were canceled by negative votes and there I get a big fight and frustration. And I pass in several post Heijin

Because one that provides content that serves another was canceled by another user?
Without considering the effort one puts in making an analysis or making a comment, and the time lost?

I decided to write to Heijin explaining and asking for help for all the users who were unjustly annulled his comments in his post

Of course I did not receive an answer, which frustrated me even more, there I began to read more and I found out about the "Heijin war".

I am not in favor, nor against, I just want to make known the situation of many users who want to participate and grow this good idea of ​​steemit, but sometimes it is unfair and frustrating