Steemit has risen significantly on Alexa ranking!

in #steemit6 years ago

Hello everyone,

It has been a little while since I checked the position of Steemit on It is a great site to see where in the search the certain site stands and how well it performs. It was about 3 months ago when I used to check Alexa fairly regularly and Steemit seemed to be stuck at 2200 in the world ranking and some 1000 in the US ranking and hardly moving. So it was a nice surprise for me to find out today that the move over the past few weeks has been significant with the site being ranked as #1728 most researched site in the world right now and #703 in the US. We also crossed 500 000 registered accounts recently and the price of Steem has risen nicely as well.

This actually makes me wonder what can we expect next year in terms of number of registered accounts. One of the steemians actually commented on one of my posts recently seeing the growth of users to increase 50 to 100 times. I personally think that is quite ambitious and do not see that happening until 2019. One thing that I am pretty sure of is that once the wider adoptions starts taking the place the move will be fast. My guess and prediction for the number of registered users is somewhere around 5 million by the end of 2019. Don't take my word for it though as it really is only a guess. How about you? What is your thoughts?


Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #13 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!
Christmas comes one day early! Hitting 3 000 followers today!
ColorChallenge - Red Monday - @schmidthappens in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
I hope you did your Christmas shopping yesterday:)... The crypto market is back in green.

CEO & Founder of CGH


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i cant guess because sky is the limit and we all only at the beginning

I like that! The sky is the limit.

I’m new on steemit, only joined 2 days ago. I can already see how unique this platform is. I have been inviting all my friends and family to steemit, if you all do the same one day steemit will become one of the most popular social networks!!

Welcome onboard! You have made a great decision and already doing a great job at promoting to others. Keep it up! We need more users just like you. Tomas

It's getting to a level where more people should notice it, but Steemit still doesn't get much media coverage. I suspect that the marketing team will be more active next year when hardfork 20 happens as they will be able to cope with many more users. We shall see

Yep, I think you are right. At the current point in development, getting new users is actually pretty annoying for Steemit; not only do they have to check for fake accounts and spammers, they also have to pay their creation fee. At this point I think they don't really want too much media attention, but after the next hardfork there is nothing to stop them from onboarding thousands of new users every day, and at that point is should be much more interesting for them to get media coverage.

I think we are all eagerly waiting for Steemit to come out of beta phase and it will definitely be very exciting to see what comes out. Recent rise in price of Steem should help the company to finance marketing activities and employment of more developers and possibly spending funds on marketing once ready for that. Have a good one. Tomas

Your most of predictions are near to reality, as I'm one of your followers too. And reading your blogs regularly dear @steevc. Thanks for your point on the topic. Stay Blessed!

@czechglobalhosts I think we will Grow Very Fast later in the year in 2018. The reason I say later is because I expect a lot of people to start getting involved with Crypto for the First time in the Summer of 2018.

Sounds perfect to me:)

Wow, Steemit was a good online marketing tool already and this will make it even better!

Its going to increase more because am bringing all my family on board and I will have to go over to my facebook account where I have up to 2000 friends to join this great platform.. Its just a couple of weeks I joined and have learnt a lot and meet good friends on here

Great initiative! I love to hear that. We need more users just like you.

I have one question, how can I have strong steem power because have been asking people this but no one answered me because this are part of the questions the members am bringing on will ask me. Thanks

By being active, engaging, posting a good back to community and if possible making an investment in Steem.

Everything that also grows your reputation score right?

Even in Africa the number has significantly increased. We are planning a mass campaign in January 2018 in various universities of East Africa. It will be a great experience for African as it was for me 1 week back. I got surprised about steemit and actively sharing it to my friends.

I can't wait to see 2018. All universities in East Africa will be knowing steemit.

Great job, keep it up! I am very pleased to hear that. We need more people just like you sharing the word out.

Hey dear @czechglobalhosts, I hope you're doing great. First off thanks a lot for your awesome job specially for the betterment of steemian community. Second I must appreciate your great research level not only for you but for the people of this awesome community. I'm so blessed that I'm connected with you here and I got great stuff from your blogs on daily basis. This is a beautiful time of my life over here at steemit. Your Research Stats are so good and I'm looking these stats almost in double by June, 2018:
Ranked as #1728 most researched site in the world right now and #703 in the US. We also crossed 500 000 registered accounts recently and the price of Steem has risen nicely as well.
All the best for your awesome work, and Stay Blessed!

Thanks ever so much for stopping by and leaving a positive feedback. Have a great day and keep on Steeming. Tomas

Hi @czechglobalhosts,

I am always a big admirer to your work and writing style. Yes it is true and very much logical that the coming time is the time of #steemit world. That is why i am here too.

You talked about the popularity of #steemit via #Alexa and globally it's ranked 1728 WOW!
I did not know it before.

Keep sharing such informative data with steemians and make us more aware about the things we don't know

Stay Blessed :)

Thanks ever so much! We truly are doing better and better but the growth in 2018 should set us to become the number #1 social media site in the years to come! Have a good one. Tomas

Welcome #Tomas

Undoubtedly you're the best when it comes to promote #steemit. 2018 is the year of steem for sure :) @czechglobalhosts

It's good but we need Steemit to grow faster.
the competitors - Facebook, Instagram and etc are better then steemit and if we will see here more users - steemit will be the most popular social network in the world. thank you for the post!

All the good things in life need little patience to come to maturity:)... nothing happens over night... Have a good one. Tomas

maybe you right.. we will see...

I have been patiently writing away, and so far, it's coming good - although some immaturity does come along in my posts now and again! lol

I'm not sure facebook and insta are better. I seem to avoid those and head over here. I suspect the reasons I do will be reasons a lot of people choose steemit.

  1. The content is more involved/article based. I'm a bit sick of the shallowness of fb and insta although I appreciate that people are linking info and videos etc and it is a little easier to get to know people over at fb.
  2. There is less trolling and a more positive attitude here. Maybe it is down to the ability to flag? I'm not sure. I think the atmosphere is just more nurturant in the first place, perhaps because of the demographics of early adopters? They tend to be people interested in liberty and freedom of thought/speech ... so they are less likely to try to shut you down.
  3. Hell! I get paid in steem to interact here and I'm NOT feeding fb/instas coffers!
  4. I'm not assaulted with wrinkle cream and weight loss adverts here [ ;-D ]. FB seems to cannily know I might be in the market for either, or or both.

you so right! but facebook and insta are easier to use, i find it more interesting then steemit and can't tell why...

I’d have agreed they are easier to use, but since I discovered the steemify app I think the playing field is level.

yeah it looks good but it's only for ios...

Your guess is that the words have come true that in 2019 steemit subscriber count will increase a lot, almost more than what you said, now that subscriber is increasing number and it is good news for us that its progress is thanks

I am glad to hear you are sharing the same thoughts or being even more positivity. Great time to be around for all of us.

I also hope that we can make everybody successful by improving our communication. I am a new user with you, I can be successful in your cooperation and I will be successful from steemit

My thoughts are the same as you, ahead of the year 2019 steemit users will greatly increase further than expected.

Great way of thinking! I like that.

surely it's a friend,
friend please support me always.

Just wait and watch steemit will grow much more higher in 2018.

2018 will be the year of block chain.

You may like my recent posts so please check out-

Underwater photoshoot at Bali - A heaven on earth.

Let's all hope for that. I am sure great things are coming for all of us that care.

Actually as steemit will rise then SBD will also rise. And then bloggers like us with get rewarded by multiple times of of the value as of now.

So let's hope for the very best.

I want to investing on steem in 2018. What it will gonna be??

More, that's for sure.... How much? Who knows..... 10, 20, 30, 100... anybody's guess......

One person had told me to invest on steem instead of SBD.. is it gonna be right??

How many registered users are active is the question. Seems a lot of people don't stick it out and quit

True, it is not for everybody. Not everyone can create good content but that is ok.... However, with the implementation of SMT`s there will be something for everyone based on Steemit blockchain....

SMTs are going to be a game changer for sure

But then they see a steem post somewhere or someone mentions it and they think "Oh yes! Steemit! I forgot".
I think inactivity will be less likely when we have communities. My finding was that it was a bit difficult at first to find my 'tribe' and to find what I wanted to read and curate. With communities that will be easier and people will be drawn back in by habit [as they clearly are for facebook etc!].

I kept coming and going [been here since Oct 2016] and forgetting about Steemit [I'm actually quite forgetful and very easily distracted ... so I'm not the best example!] but someone would always mention it somewhere and I'd remember and come back.
Now I'm really in the habit of posting, reading, resteeming, voting [my voting power is getting used up!].
I wake up and look at steemit before I check my crypto! haha. [I use the steemify app so I can do this before I even set foot on the carpet! ... and it sends me notifications which is essential for a forgetful type like me!]
People will see more and more reminders and they will find their connections more easily on Steemit and then we'll have more active members.

Inactivity isn't going to be a big issue I think. And if there are tons of inactive members and tons of active ones, the effect is still only as big as the active members. Inactive ones are not much of a drain on the system beyond their original fee, I think. And there is always a chance they will become active later.

What I LOVE is that people can have access to a system that can raise them ACTUALLY out of poverty in some areas ... even when they are minnows the steem they can earn can make a massive difference to them because of its value compared to their own fiat currency.
I LOVE the inability for it to be censored by Governments [hope it stays this way and that the flagging system doesn't become a form of censorship].

Eek! I just saw @cryptoriddler show stats for yesterday and of 530000 users 80% are still on starter reputation of 25, so not active I’m guessing.
Highest rep is 78 and lowest is -18

soon there will be less then 1000 number in global rank

congratzzz to us all!!!!! :)

It depends on a lot of stuff happening. I believe that we'll be in the top 500 somewhere in 2018, but that can happen sooner or later. If a famous youtuber mentions the website, it will definetely skyrocket

Steemit to the moon, supply vs demand

This is really exciting. I can't wait to see how much the site grows over the coming months.

Steemit user will increase more in the year 2018 because as at today i have brought more than five user and i will still bring more.

Tak teď jen @czechglobalhosts, aby lidi v české republice bylo na steemit mnohem vic nez je nyní, abychom si trochu pomohli.

The network effect should start to grow it exponentially.

As soon as we have more long term 'evergreen' content showing up in Google, it will help people develop brand recognition and try it out for themselves.

Steemit will grow faster come 2018. I know steemians are doing a lot of campaigning for its widest coverage.

Nice information and useful contribution.. Thank you

Great steemit graph i like your post thanks for sharing dear

Thanks bro good job and upvote

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good post

thanks for sharing information @czechglobalhosts

This a great sign that steemit is growing as a community and a social media. We are now entering or already at rank 100.

Thanks for info my friend @czechglobalhosts

It's been so good, everyone has a good day :)

Let's make Steemit in top 5 social websites (^_^)/

This is a very real figure. It seems to me that we will be able to overcome it in 2018. And in many respects, simplified registration facilitates it, which will appear with the 20-th hardforkom. Good luck to you and good.

Это вполне реальная цифра. Мне кажется, мы сможем преодолеть ее еще в 2018 году. И во многом, ей способствует упрощенная регистрация, которая появится с 20-м хардфорком. Удачи Вам и добра.

I think next year we see steem up 8$ .

I think most of the people don’t aware of Steemit. If owners advertise site , grow rate will increase swiftly

Nice to hear that Steemit Platform growing rapidly, as per my guess registered users could go up by 8 millions by the end of 2019, because steemit platform growing rapidly and Youtube policies become more rigid so, video content creators can attract towards the Steemit Platform, lets hope for the best. Thanks for sharing.

Have a great day and stay blessed.

The way Steemit is going it shows that it would definitely soar in the year 2018
The increase in Steem dollar will inventually make people to visit the site often thereby increasing the number of steemians

my love steem!!

good job.keep it up :)

good job.keep it up :)

I now of registered user graph for social media is not linear, it exponential...If it take 1 year to reach 5 millions, the next year will be like 50 millions....I admit that I am being too much optimistic but that is who I am!

Nice post Sir.
Thank for sharing knowledge.
Thank u very much.😍

It's amazing to see such a sharp rise on the Alexa rankings! I'm really looking forward to when we breach the top 100; at that point we can probably consider the site to be pretty well-known, at least on the internet. However, we still have a long way to go until we reach that point, so let's all go tell our friends to register!

Please keep posting. Your info is helpful . Have a happy new year!

Hi @czechglobalhosts, I've been spreading the steemit word and have about 15 people signed up at least this month ... and that is 15 x just me ... so if everyone was to rave about steemit and encourage their friends to sign up [for the friendly community, lack of censorship, payout & to safely get their foot on the crypto ladder], we are all so well networked nowadays that we might well see some people getting x100 sign up rather than x15, etc.
Ie, it will grow exponentially but more like the richter scale :-D

I've been recommending it to the teens I know who can't easily earn and might miss out on adopting crypto early due to their age and lack of income. It's a wonderful opportunity for them and they have grown up with social media. This is such a nice platform compared to many. :-D

and, ps. I think they have a LOT to offer us here. They have fresh ideas and enthusiasm and often still can think outside the box. If they don't have these elements still [due to schooling] I'm hoping they will read stuff here that will help them question received wisdom.

We need to have the next generations involved :-D

Wow! Thanks for the comment upvote @thing-2!