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RE: I am giving away 360SP in Delegation to 3 Awesome Steemians

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

You are going to be doing amazing things to help those in need. I wish you the best of luck and will be considering you for the delegation. Try to get this account a little more active in the community so that it is more known to everyone.


Thanks so much bro.
Crazy busy times at the moment for me personally, but still, I'm compiling relevant posts to curate for this page to get help out there, raise awareness, as well as raise the VP/SP so that we can reward great, positive content in order to encourage people to blog about their experiences with this issue. (if you see any good content that fits the bill, please pass that on to me in the Preventsuicide Discord server)
Anyway, as you know, I'm in this mission for the long game.
Blessings my friend...