STEEMIT: Earn your Freedom

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Bildschirmfoto 2017-05-14 um 13.38.47.png

For weeks now I try to find a nice slogan for Steemit, I created a handful of it so far, but non was really catchy enough I thought. Finally today it came to my mind...


Financial Freedom : After months of daily writing here on Steemit, I earn more than anywhere else... even if you are not a writer, you can earn good money with Curation.

Censorship Freedom : Write and Comment what you have in Mind without Censorship...

Investment Freedom: Steemit probably have the most secure Wallet on the market plus you earn an interest of 1,425% on your Steempower a year... from an investment point of view this is a no-brainer !!!

Social Freedom: Follow the Authors and Things you like and make new Friends.

Earn Reputation and you will have Freedom :)

Whats your Freedom here on Steemit? Please Comment .....

PS: @ned, the Slogan is free to use :)


But it takes a hustle to start earning. I have been trying for long now

Commenting on popular articles like this is a good way to start.

Like I said, earn your Reputation and you will have Freedom.....

Well said but its hard out here for a pimp. LOL.

You just earned 2.82 $ :)

Wow! So grateful

There you go.

Has to be awesome helping people with a click of a button :3

It is. Believe me. Very good feeling.

So I also earn for comments I make? This is fantastic

But why is my reputation growing so slowly? I have been on 48 for a long time now

It is harder to make money from comments. However commenting is a good way to build followers. The more followers you have, the most people will see your blog posts and you have a better chance of success.

plus you earn an interest of 9,5% a year

which interest are you refering to?

you earn 9.5% Steem per year on your Steempower, anyone knows where this is written?
@dantheman should know....

this is incomplet.

annual interest rate of steem : 9.5% !

But the created steem are seperated allocated !
75% of the created Steem for Reward Fund !
15% of the created Steem for Steem Power Holder
(10% of the created Steem to the Witnesses)

you get 15% of 9.5% inflation for your vested steem

which is 1.425% annual interest rate for steem power Holdings !

(source: @steemitblog

Thanks Buddy for the correct numbers !

Useful and interesting info !!

Endurance and regularly posting are key for success on Steemit. Remember the day when you wanted to stop your report because you earned less than 1/100th compared with today. Crazy times :-)

I remember that, thanks to my friend's here on Steemit I didn't quit :)

perfect :)

Thanks :)

Freedom seems like an odd word. you know as in 'freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose, and freedom aint nothing if it aint free'.

I get your point and like it. but the sloagn 'earn your freedom' seems a little paradoxical and comes off a bit heavy handed- you mean to say I'm not free already?

Read it again and think about it, it makes sense :)

You don't earn freedom. Your using the word way out of context.

Financial freedom: you mean financial growth
Censorship Freedom: kind of a given normally - though steemit does have its own censorship
Investment Freedom: you mean investment
Social freedom: I think this is another given in most places

So yes I have read your post again as you asked and it appears you are adding the word freedom to things and expecting it to make sense. Or just listing things which are readily available and ascribing them to steemit.

The slogan might satisfy a community which wants to up-vote itself but it isn't marketing.

Now read it again, does it make sense?

Guess you have a different point of view... I earn my freedom here on Steemit, maybe you still don't... earn more Reputation and you will understand me one day :)

Get over yourself.
Try engaging with my post rather than just self affirming your point of view.
I couldn't care less about reputation on here.

I have a different point of view, don't just push it away though.

As several people have pointed out steemit is too self serving and comes off a bit like a dodgy pyramid scheme after a while. Content, quality and up-voting show a drift from Steemits espoused purpose. Self serving posts and in circles devalue the platform. Your slogan sums this up well.

Get over yourself? You don't even know me..... On your Reputation I can see you are very new here, I write here on Steemit since July last year, and you tell me get over yourself? It is just a slogan I like to discuss, what's your problem here?....chill...

Your right, I don't know you. I understand everything you have written so far. do you understand what I am writing about?

I'll summarise: the upvoting and reputation system is ruining content quality on this site. Fix this culture and you will earn more.


Glad you like it :)

Has anyone already suggested "Earn with your content" anywhere yet?

Never heard so far .... :)

Not bad at all .

I like it.

Thanks :)

Steemit like you mean it. That's my slogan.

Where did that information of interest come from? It has escaped me.

If I am not mistaken it is like that after the last hard Fork... let me see if I can find it....

I would appreciate if you do. I have just noticed the interest in the wallet has been adjusted to 0.

I still think that "Your voice is worth something" is fking brilliant. Whoever came with that...
I personally don' t feel that the slogan needs improvement.

Glad you like it, it says everything, I just invented it today :)

I was reffering to steemit's REAL slogan

I'm sure you did not invent that one.

No that wasn't me :)

Financial freedom is quite significant indeed. It directly leads to many other forms of freedom.

Nice slogan! ;)



@creatr it seems you are very talented at design, do you like to make a nice animated gif. with that Slogan for us?

I will see what I can do, OK? :)

No promises, but we'll try... :D


Earn your freedom. The best variant.

Nice slogan... I am new here and I hope to earn my freedom with steemit anytime soon :) Please follow me @arnel

Just did :)

Thanks a lot @elyaque I appreciate it.

you are welcome :)

I love Steemit and its international appeal. It's nice to make new friends and be a part of something growing and influencing many people and underwriting new freedoms all over the world.


there won't be the "one and only" slogan...

of course not, its just my slogan I wanna add :)

it's a great slogan.
it represents the experience of a growing number of people here !

Thanks, glad you like it :)

Concordo com você eu mesmo passei a conhecer o site a pouco tempo e o próprio site ainda esta em fase BETA, mas ja é um sucesso, acredito no aumento da Steem Parabéns a todos nós e a liberdade que a empresa e todos nós almejamos buscar.

I speak spanish, but I don't speak portuguese....

Elyaque eu uso o navegador Chrome para entender todos os post de outros paises rsrsrs.

Where are you from? Brasil ?

Sim sou do Brasil, prazer em conhecer-lo.

Welcome and good luck here on Steemit.

Muito obrigado ja me sinto em casa rsrsr.

Yes freedom..there is nothing like it :)

Funny Avatar, are you mining Dodge?

Yup Doge, Bitcoin, Dash and Bytecoin...

Nice, I mine BTC and Dash

It is to some extent freedom.
Better write your mind rather than work at McDonalds >.<.
Though if someone comes with the idea of making a ton of money at the start he won't go far.

It takes time, believe me it is hard, but once you writing every day and have a decent Reputation, it is easy :)

Bravo! Now bring on the Venezuelans 😀

Hey Fabio, long time no see :) Situation here is a bit out of Control, hope we get rid of this Government soon and find FREEDOM ...


Students find now a nice Weapon to fight BACK, the PUPUTOV ( Shit Bombs)


...very effectively :)


Nice slogan @elaque - i like the visual connection to the sky as well! I share the freedom aspects you described. We could add maybe creative freedom not only in view of what you post but for developers also being able to create apps and more to support the community and currency.

Thats why I ask the community :) Creative Freedom sounds good!

Congratulations @elyaque!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 107 comments

Cool! Guess it is the first time :)

And hope not the last one ;)

I love your slogan. I just started blogging here and I also just started following you and upvoted, please follow me back if you want @road2wisdom have a great day :)

I get your slogan. Its pretty catchy if you have an idea where steem will take us.

Where Freedom gets an upgrade :)

THANK YOU STEEMIT FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY FOR FINANCIAL FREEDOM THROUGH MY WRITING!!!! Keep up the awesome pace and giving everyone such a chance to be free

Just checked your Blog, Love it! Upvote and follow :)

Really appreciate that, I returned the favor with a Follow on yours. Tell you what, this place has come alive lately and I really enjoy the fact we are all becoming this tight community. I will try to upvote your posts and catch your updates...great stuff....keep up the excellent work my friend!!

Yeah there is a lot of activity lately, I love it! This is just the beginning, imagine whats going on if we have 1 million users....

Oh man what a future that would hold and I suspect we will get there. I was working in PIVX myself, the guys over there got me into STEEMIT because of the novels I tend to write in messages. I decided to go full time here, well as much as I can. I run a very popular horror fan page on FB with about 18K steady users in our working as we speak to convert them over here at my profile @horrordwell as the new home base for that project. I am really in belief this will be huge and we need more widespread content so I am in hopes I start a trend to broaden our reach. Really good to meet you, feel free anytime to comment on my stuff, plan a lot of crypto talk and life discussions on this personal profile of mine

Wow, that sounds fantastic! I will check that page.... would love to talk about crypto, what else :) So you worked for PIVX?

I am so into Crypto its insane lately I am always up for chats with you about that. Yea I was in the marketing area of PIVX, I ran their Facebook, did promotions, you name it I was the guy the last few Sadly they had some issues within for the budgets coming out and a few mishaps where there was not enough funds for our team, I had a choice of continuing the pace I been for the last few months free as I have been and scrap by with my writings but I just couldn't do it for family reasons. They are a great crowd and sure will go far but I decided to stop with the work there, need to focus more on my life and make something happen for me with all that time I been putting in there. Kind of how it goes when a crypto is young, they gotta invest back into themselves and even though they loved me to death its just better I travel out there and find work for myself that pays lol

To move your FB followers to Steemit I guess will be quite a challange... not an easy task...

lol I agree, I am getting a vibe that if they understood crypto a bit more they would be here fast but they are so tied to our FB page. Going to just keep working it and hope it becomes the more exclusive side to our community...either way I am sure STEEMIT will become a household name

Pretty good.

Amazing! Followed you now. Hope to interact with you more soon. :)

@ elyaque that's Awesome Slogan you have here.

Thank you ;)

I see that you are from Venezuela. Your post could be inspiring for Venezuelans during the present situation!

I hope it does :)

Sounds good :D

Love this post! My slogan is life is simple, but simple is never easy. I figure that if I continue to grind and write about whatever inspires me, and not worry about the money, I'll be able to add a lot more to this community. Hopefully results in my rep going up and i'll eventually get rewarded for all of my hard work! Great post dawg! Back to the grind!

We are still on the very beginning, you are already way ahead in the game, because you are on Steemit, a year from now Steemit will be way bigger :) Write every day and you will have a good Reputation, with that comes Freedom :) Welcome to Steemit !

Thanks elyaque I will! And I think your totally right! At first I felt so behind, but I think this community will continue to grow and grow! I just followed you, so keep up the good work!

Good luck here, I wish you the best :)

Thanks, you too!

Is there a way where i can search by the netherlands and Belgium. Would love to have Some conversation in Dutch.

It's in the make, but for the moment it isn't possible as far I know...

If its in the make then its wonderful, i love this concept for a new and objectief social media, i hope its gonna be a great succes 😀

I just joined this community and am looking forward to exploring all the content! I also am looking forward to earning with my writing. I have blogged off and on for years and just learned about Steemit. Can we refer others here and earn that way too? I feel like I do not know what all to do here to earn income. Any tips?

Starting out here is hard. Especially when you have never blogged and don't have a followers to start with. Its a grind game, post everyday and hope for the best or is there a better way to share your post. NEW TO STEEM.

I'm all about it elyaque! Even though I'm a "virtual newborn" to the entire "universe" of Steemit, BitCoin, CoinBase and the like, I'm 100% on board with the entire venture into cryptocurrencies and the thought of a Bankster-Free society. I will be passing on the slogan as much as possible. Thanks :)