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RE: ...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Well while it technically can, i feel it. Shouldn't

The DApps are the last major ways to save this platform and give it much needed exposure and credibility - even though I personally do not use them

I am also not a huge bid-bot fan even though I've used them to boost my articles in the past, as I've also seeing the rate of abuse on the platform

So am going to stick with a hard no on this one

Lol on the last tag by the way


So yes.

Not asking on the morality here, just the technical.

Lol. :-)

(I wouldn't be asking if it was shit content in question... sometimes the ends justifies the means, and if this goes down, the amount of laughs that would come from it would be well worth it. I also learned recently that bidbots also come with the risk of loss, so it's not a matter of trying to game the system for profit, but merely a promotional expense.)