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RE: Just How Far Has #philippines Comes In Terms Of Steemit Growth In The Last 5 Months? And The Powerful Role Of Women In This Growth.

in #steemit6 years ago

Your right except on average physically men are stronger than women. Even if they have the same nutrition that's just how it is...But yes women can do the same things men and vice versa! :D


Yes, they are, but that is only the product of evolution, women have been treated as inferior beings throughout history, while men fought wars and worked, women were supposed to do in-house works like raising children, making food, taking care of thr house etc. I did fail to make this point in my comment, but yes, maybe not today, not tomorrow, but if true equality is achieved, it is only a matter of time they become as strong as us.

Evolution doesn't care much about having women as equal to men. Because all it cares about is about making the species survive. So it just happned to be men who had the extra body strength. And that's before when it was just hunters and gatherers when there was eqaulity. So there's probably an evolutionary reason why men would have more body strength. And women having something else. So yeah. Honestly I feel like it's okay if the genders were slightly different. I don't know just my thought..