What I Learned from Auto Votes Not Working

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

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It’s no secret that automated votes are a huge part of this system and how authors are rewarded for their content. You don’t have to be a genius to figure out who votes, for example me, automatically.

People use different voting services, which don’t always work like they should. Sometimes there is a glitch in the system and the vote misses it’s target. That has been happening quite a lot in the past couple of weeks, I suspect it’s something to do with the hardfork.

Of course I have gotten used to a certain minimum number under my post, and feel disappointed when it’s less than that. This is after all my livelihood. But I was always prepared for things like this, because I know you shouldn’t take anything for granted. There is no contract, no guarantee that you will get rewards, any rewards, let alone whale votes. They can come, they can go. It’s the name of the game.

You just need to keep on doing what you do, and do it even better, if you are serious about it.

I keep a same pace of 2-3 posts a day, no matter the rewards. Of course, if this would no longer pay my bills, then I would have to get a real job and reduce the rate I’m posting.

Getting to the actual point of my post, I noticed I have a fair bit of manual support. A few times where a post missed all automated votes, the rewards were still higher that what I would have gotten with the normal autovotes. It has been really heartwarming to notice that I have actual followers who see me, not just the blind upvotes.

I have said this before, but how I determine if my post is interesting, is not just by the dollar number, but by the comments. If someone gets a lot of big automated votes, most of those voters might not even see the post, so the big number doesn’t actually mean that there is something valuable in the post.

The fact that a post doesn’t have much rewards, isn’t such a big deal, if there is an active comment section regardless. That is what for me, shows that there is value in what I do, and I am more encouraged to keep doing this.

I won’t know if the votes work today or not, and I won’t know if this will get many comments, but that’s the part of the fun! I wrote about a subject I wanted to, and that is what matters the most.


I voted with a bot for time and consistency reasons... I'm here in person for real interest reasons. I wouldn't just let the bot run blind. I'd be missing all the awesome content I directed the bot here for in the first place.
And ... I know the comments are going to be entertaining.
Eve, you have a fantastic blog! I'm glad you're here.

I know you keep tabs on the people you have set automated votes for, and I think that is the best way to do it! For people like you, I will do my best to keep the entertaining ongoing in the comment also :)

Wow, great post! And it gives me the confidence that what I do will pay with a bit of endurance and patience :)

It’s not easy, but it’s possible :)

Have a manual vote today 😛

I've had several, thank you very much ;D Someone needed to pay for her own Steemfest ticket, so I would prefer not having many more at this time 😂

You need a sugar daddy :P

Yes I do, but I'd be a shitty sugar baby, I'm not very compliant 😈

yeah, your comments section is always full and fun - it is a good sign that you are on the right path...but i'm very envious lol ;)

It's taken a lot of months of almost around the clock comments back and forth to get this place to what is today :)

Yeah, i know how much you post and how often you reply Eve - these are the fruits of your commitment...

I had the same thing....

I know it's not all about the money but it does help prevent you from taking it all for granted/ getting complacent!

I paid for my own steemfest ticket too.

I've seen far too many wealthy westnerners with the begging bowl out for one for my liking!

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Exactly, it does good to have a bit of reality check to wake you up from the face sense of security.

I'll see you in Krakow, soon! :) P

Ps. have you checked/participated in the #roadtosteemfest writing initiative? Check it out if you haven't!

Cheers... see you there!

I've seen the series, but I'm just really not in the mood for writing about myself atm tbh.

I'm just looking forward to a few days holiday and to meeting a few oddballs.

I'll probably spend most of the time in the spa!

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It's a good way to lurk what kinds of oddballs will be attending ;)

I'm very much tempted to run away from the conferences too and just go explore the city :P

That's always an option!

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Well it's not much but I will do what I can so you never have to get a real job. upvoted ;)

Thank you :D but I think you bring more to the table with your regular comments :)

I just gave you manually one cent, hope it at least warms your heart :D

It would be sad if you had to get a job and not add the amount of value you add to this platform. So hopefully you can keep it up :D

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Absolutely true. For now, almost all my votes are manual and I hope they will continue to be in the future; no point in upvoting something if i don't like what I see. As I grow here and follow more and more people, unfortunately I can't upvote them all as I would want. And since voting at 10 or 20% and not rewarding an author makes no sense to me, manual is how the vote will stay. Maybe after minnowhood or dolphinhood, I can spread the love more easily :)

I tried the autovotes at some point, but it was not good. I only vote manually, and usually it's a pretty small circle that produces content that entertains me regularly.

How do we get some autovote? Because I rarely get a vote

Stop buying votes and start making real connections with people.

yeh i completely agree with @eveuncovered no matter if you are earning more dollars but there should always be people those who follows you and try to stay connected with you.

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It's all about the community and conversations :)

It is good You speak loud about the subject - true is that the amount of rewards You get is not a true valuation of the content You share. Automated votes sytem is something that in my taste should be fixed, I don't have idea how but it should. It is really enoying watching the amount of upvotes on Your posts, where You spend many hours to prepare them... and the same time hundreds of dollars on featured posts, where someone share something , not even made by him, with two sentences of comment... I don't have hope the steem platforms will be fair in rewarding only the good content, but sometimes I really have enough of the bullshit I see in the top of Trending feed...

Automated votes are important for this system, both for authors and for investors who want to make passive income on their investment, so I do not think the system should be changed in that regard. And what comes to the trending page, that is mostly bought appearance on it with bitbots. I hardly ever open it, and I don't understand why anyone else would either. You find people/content you like, and stick with them, and you probably won't find them in the trending page.

Yep, maybe You are right about this, not everyone have time to upvotes supported accounts every day, so it is true, it can be useful for both sides. I am checking the Trending section to look for someone new and interesting to follow - but to be honest, much more interesting content appears in New section of the feeds...
It is just useful when we wanr to hear some news about steem situation or some new, big projects... I was in the top of Trending once long time ago, but it was only once, in the beginning of my journey here, I didn't even know about bitbots or vote buying that day - it was great shot of energy to keep doing what i do.
Anyway, good luck for You! Hope the steem will help You in independent living, without the need of extra work!

I never find anything interesting on the trending, all the new additions to my following list come from lurking on the comment section of people I already like, or then I find new people because they come to me first :D I have been on the trending page a few times too, a long time ago, I'm not sure if it was more harm than good, but sure fun :D

Just keep going my friend! I know its hard to ignore the $ sign of every post however we must think long term and learn to love the process!

Happy Weekend :)

But what if I die next week!? Live every day like it's your last, or some bullshit like that...

Yes certainly one way to look at it.

Happy weekend and enjoy the present:)

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Any suggestions of choosing the good upvote bot @eveuncovered? Or thoughts on using different accounts to support your main one.

I really have no idea about the voting bots, you'll have to do some research. What do you mean with the second question?

By saying auto votes you mean what? People who automated their voting? Some experienced steemians use different accounts they have to support their main account by voting and similar stuff.

I mean you set up votes for people you like, a certain percentage and a certain time for the vote to go out. For example a person X sets a 25% vote at 20 minutes for me.

Got you, automated voting between friends. Thanks for the explanation @eveuncovered.

It's not always between friends. A lot of people use autovotes for people who constantly get good rewards so they can earn curation rewards, passive income for what they have invested in Steem Power.

It’s very interesting. Thank you

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I feel this. I have you on fanbase on steemauto to get votes from me and I'm part of a trail that upvotes my post very small amount. But interactions is what I crave. Votes are nice but I prefer comments or feed back.

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Uuuu a fanbase :P I don't like compromises so I want both the money and great interactions :D

Same here lol

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It is indeed disheartening when someone tries to make valuable posts and not get a reasonable reward.. Automatic upvotes to me is earned not only by content creation but also by established friendships.. I long to get to that point in time!

All of that and consistency is a huge part of it also.

Have you tried diversifying your writing platforms? too many people chase the wrong things here on Steemit. I hope some miracle might happen some day and this place would prioritize visibility more than the number below the posts..

You are right with the "vote!=quality ". Have a manual vote from me!

I'm not sure if there is a wrong thing to chase. Money, audience, community, what ever the platform allows, and what ever the people want. There is so much different aspects to this site, non better than the other, because we want and value different things in life.

For me the line is crossed when some asshole can pay 1 steem to a bidbot and get voted 1.2 steem in return. I've seen great Steemians leave because of this issue.

I still believe though, as much as i can. Because I can't find anything better than this.

You either play or get out of the game, that is what it all boils down to, in my opinion.

Ao are you using vote system for all your posts?

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Ao are you using vote system for all your posts?

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I don't use any vote systems. I've never bought a vote. And I only upvote manually.

What country are you from ?

The land of Santa Claus.

the north pole?

Santa Claus lives in Finland, everyone knows that!

Is that one of those made up countries?

Very much so, it's like living in a fantasy!

The best new year bass drop happened in Finland in 2016/2017. So i'll never forget about Finland.

Someone is a Darude fan! :D

Wow, I now feel archaic. Am I the last person on Steemit that does not use auto-voting bots? I still read posts, make comments, and only upvote if I think it was interesting, original, informative, or entertaining.

I guess people like me are becoming extinct.

No you are not. I only vote manually! I’m talking here about me receiving auto votes, or not when they don’t work.

Don’t worry, they are not. If that would be the case, this platform would be dead and buried by now ;)

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Steem is what ever the people make it, isn't that the point of decentralisation? Of course I think people shouldn't just blindly upvote what ever, but for investor point of view, most don't have time/care to be carefully curating every day. And me being on the other end of it, the one receiving rewards, I am not gonna bash a system, that is beneficial to me. Yes, I am very selfish.

I have you on my auto vote list, it's a pretty short list though, mostly friends and people I know make good quality posts. I set it up so they always get my vote, because I am a busy person who can't always manually vote for them. But I usually go back and read the posts, well after the auto vote, when I have time.

Not going into it too much, but determining good and bad people, is not black and white. But there has always been, is and always will be both good and bad in the world.

I'm not sure if you read the whole post but this is a part of it:

The fact that a post doesn’t have much rewards, isn’t such a big deal, if there is an active comment section regardless. That is what for me, shows that there is value in what I do

But I'm also not saying that the money doesn't matter, of course it does, it's what makes me able to do what I do, and pay my bills while doing it. If you take a few minutes and check some of my posts, you'll find that I have a very active comment section, so it's not just blind upvotes but genuine interests in me, and what I talk about or show, not many people in here can say the same about their activity levels.

I have always felt uncomfortable about autovotes and it's impact on the quality of posts on the system and it's use for gaming the rewards by their timing . So i know where @heimindanger is coming from.

I also agree with you that it is the comments that show value. For me it is disheartening to get votes but no comments, this is a social media after all. I was thinking of setting aside a reward for the best comment on my posts and see if it improved engagement.

I think removing the ability autovote or use bitbots would do jack shit for the overall quality of the posts, or if it would, it would only be for the worse.

You don't need to make a big thing out of it, but you could try what I do, give little upvotes to most people that comment to you, if the comment is half decent.

I don't like the way Steem is becoming a network full of bots and vote selling. I know there are no rules against it and people can do as they wish but I signed up for Steem for the romantic notions that it was advertised as being. All I can do is stay true to what I think is good for it's continuing growth and try and ignore all the nonsense.
I already upvote most comments on my posts as I think engagement will be Steems saving grace and like to thank those who take the time to be organic users with a similar vision as my own. Ok, i'm down off my soapbox. Thanks Eve for your reply.

I have no problem if people start implementing CAPCHA before every vote.

Ain't nobody got the time for that!
Except me, I have no life outside of internet, and I rather give bigger votes and less of them, than spread tiny ones everywhere.