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RE: Ingestron 0.0.2 released for every platform imaginable

in #steemit7 years ago

Ingestron isn't here to save you from latency anymore. Ingestron is here to save you from API design these days. Originally ingestron used RethinkDB and was designed to enable real-time updates of page elements that had to be fetched from steemd.

No, fuzzy is talking about an application that i am shamefully overdue in delivering to him, for reasons that are my fault and reasons that aren't my fault, both.

Ingestron is a part of getting that done properly. Tell you what alex, I will make another post that explains how ingestron would change how people build apps using steem. So, stay tuned. It'll be complete with a diagram.

Dan's recent post was awesome. He's got a lot of brain in that brain pan of his, for sure!