App store whitelists STEEM, now waiting for bithshares people!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Whatever your view is on Apple, they are currently gatekeepers to over 500 million smartphone users in App Store. So while other respected projects such as Bitshares will have to wait for approval to be whitelisted in App Store (this will probably happen very soon), Steem applications, wallets etc can now officially be used within App Store.

Check this Twitter link from Anthony Di Iorio, he had a call with Apple.


Well, that's good news. Hope my eSteem app contributed to that at some level. I remember very first time I waited review 18+ days back and forth, providing more details, etc. Glad that we can see more apps now...

Hope the Bitshares application---smartcoin by BlockPay team will be launched on Apple store!

Great to hear & thank you for sharing! :)

diiorioanthony Anthony Di Iorio tweeted @ 12 Sep 2016 - 13:22 UTC

Just got off phone w/ @Apple (again). @steemit @LiskHQ & digicash(??) r now @appstore approved. Keeps getting more interesting..& confusing.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.


hey what i do wrong so you downvote my posts??? please remove it aleast give warn before downvote the post