Announcement: Steemit Meetup in Bangalore - 21st Jan, 2018

in #steemit6 years ago

In the past few months I’ve worked hard to onboard new users to the platform and sustain their work here. This has led to some interesting things. Some of these users I’ve mentored have gone ahead to bring more users and social media influencers to the platform, and establishing themselves in the process.

I’ve been successful in bringing vloggers, bloggers, photographers, artists, travel bloggers, influencers, motorheads such as myself and all kinds of creative people onto Steemit through some viral marketing. Infact I mention about Steemit to anyone I meet on my travels and tell them how to use it and this word of mouth based marketing has worked very well.

Bangalore is the IT capital of India and it’s inevitable that I organise a meetup here. As an established user from India I hope to hit the road this year and organise meetups in various cities in India and promote the Steem blockchain and the various apps built upon especially Steemit. Our platform has the ability to scale and potentially change the world, and as they say: change begins from home!

India Steem Meetup #2 in Bangalore

Location: Three Dots & a Dash, 21st January (Sunday)
Address: No. 840/1, 100 Feet Road, Metro Pillar 56 & 57, Indiranagar, Indira Nagar 1st Stage, H Colony, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038 - 080 3951 5401
Google Pin:
Time: Post Lunch 3-6PM - Please be on time.
Seating: Limited. Therefore attendance by prior confirmation only! Last day for confirmation is Saturday 20th Jan.
RSVP: Mandatory. Please check with @thebatmanbiker on Steemit.Chat in the India channel to confirm.

Please use: -to log onto the channel for Indian users on Steemit.Chat and confirm your presence with @thebatmanbiker before proceeding to join us. He’s assisting me with RSVP for this event. Please coordinate with him in advance to reserve a seat as we have some prior confirmations already.

This will be the second meetup for 2018 that I’m hosting and there will be more editions. We will revisit some cities along the way to assess the difference between previous meetups and new ones. Hopefully some new authors would be able to establish themselves with higher rep along the way.

Discussions will take place around Steem blockchain, Steemit UI and other interfaces built on the blockchain in addition anything else that the participants want to discuss.

If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:

  1. Steemit.Chat Contest #13 + Contest #12 Winners Announcement!
  2. 4 Tips For Steemit Account Recovery & Wallet Security!
  3. Let's Talk—Why Are You Not Buying and Powering Up Steem?

Follow Me: @firepower

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Congratulations for meeting with friends. good picture....... Thanks for sharing.

This one's gonna be fun


How low, do you think might STEEM fall before a comeback?

Will stabilize somewhere btw 3.8 - 4. 5$ :)

even if you did not mention resteem, i will certainly, because i am thrill with you work. when i see people who are promoting steemit and are successful. it gives me strength that i will be success in my young quest to promote steemit. the beauty is i love how the promotion thing goes. thanks..just up voted you, follow you and resteem your post.

Thank you very clever ,,, I want to like you ,,, I will also help others by teaching people how to play steemit and what steemit👍👍👍

Hey guys @firepower & @thebatmanbiker, great initiative. very much interested to meet fellow local steemians and discuss with them. Cheers to all !

Awesome! Are there any meet-ups organised in Delhi?

Hi, I am a newbie at Steemit. In fact, my account is approved today itself.
Can I still join the meetup?

Great let us know whenever we have any meeting in Delhi ...would like to be part of the community.

Awesome, Guys you are doing great job, Thanks for sharing @firepower

Thanks for the important update

Very Nice, Interesting and Informative post
Keep posting like that
Follow me @sohailomi

Awesome Picture....... Thanks for Shearing.

Wohoo 🙌 Banglore :) I’m coming to Bangalore on 26 because of college industrial trip ;)
Wishing you meet turn into a success one

Lot of thanks Sharing this informative and valuable of luck brother....

you've mentoring newbies ?? do you mentor them in person or it can be online ?? hope for your response thank you

@firepower, very cool! I'm looking forward to see what happens.
We just had our first meetup here and it was tons of fun. Here's a post about the night, please check it out if you have a minute. Cheers!

wish you happy party.... keep enjoy yourself and give happy your best person of life... good luck brother....

Congratulations for that meeting friend @firepower

Thats a bit far from me

A Delhi Meetup also ?? It'd be really great if you can pull some time out and come to Delhi. 😊

Awe-inspiring initiative , i will be glad if you organize such events in Guwahati also, and all the best for meet up program

great job wish you all the best

@firepower do you have an outline for discussion that you use for these meetups? I'm considering doing a local meetup as well and would like to have a focused outline to help facilitate that.

yep, listened to what you said here, i need to start doing some local meetups for steemit, i've done 3hrs+ video teaching different parts of steemit over on @teamvideo but i need to do something more.

my best friend do not forget my follo and open my blog

Konten yang sangat bagus anda bagikan, saya menantikan yang selanjutnya

super post,i resteem it

I appreciate your support and am grateful to be here on Steemit.
I welcome any feedback you have to offer as well as an upvote!

Thanks for sharing the knowledge, enjoy and resteemed.

I have told a lot of persons about Steemit, many appreciated it at first but later loose interest, may be am not as persuasive as you. So am interested in knowing how you where able to convince such great people into Steemit.

really awesome you do it so big. im also creating a team and have brought 3 people on already ! i like it alot to tell about steemit.

This could greatly participated in the meetup with a friend steemit in the world, it's just that I haven't been able to go fro there
successful greeting from indonesia

Thank so musch for bringing this unity to the platform, it makes me feel happy to see so much great people in one place, i wish you all success on the journey

Great going, looking forward for your stop at Hyderabad. All the best for the second meet-up.

Great that you are growing the community and awesome that you are having another meet up. I am hoping to host one somewhere in NC in 2018.

Sorry for my ignorance, however pl advice if the meet is formal PPT's, or across the table discussions etc etc.

Across the table discussions, meet and greet type. No formal ppts etc.

I like your posts , they are very useful . i am following you and upvoted some posts and resteemed them . thank you .

I just come to rub the heat, hey hey hey.

I heard about you from one of my friend, you are doing fabulous job. Wish I could join.Best of luck 👍@firepower

Wonderful. Hopefully you'll host one such meet when you visit Himachal sometime in future :)

Wow great job friend, you are fantastic. I am waiting for your arrival to my area. Thanks for sharing your great effort to develop our community. You are a star of India your sweet presence makes steemian's energetic and practical wish you a very successful programs ahead.

Job welldone @firepower... hats off to u.

Hi @firepower, just wanted to mention that I nominated you take part in the 7 day Black and White Challenge in my last post.

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