
These are very kinds words and thank you (sincerely) for the feedback @gideonchu. But to be honest, I feel the systems inbuilt earnings incentive is driving behavior for 99% of users. My Blog Feed is filled with junk even after carefully curating the users I follow. Hot and Trending have Posts that are obviously (to me at least) designed to harvest Votes. Something novel, insightful, entertaining is just so rare and I'm not finding it through all the noise. I need to step out and return later after a few (major) updates to the Steemit platform.

you're awesome @morningtundra and I'm glad to have met someone like you. I would'nt have met a great personality as yours if it was'nt for steemit. think about it. follow your heart. I will miss you. think of other many great people you'd get to meet through steemit.