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RE: Scratching the 7 day itch or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the short payout window.

in #steemit6 years ago

I don't understand how we get 2% interest but I've just taken it on faith that's it's not a good idea to power down so I've never done it @mattclarke.

I've been here 7 months now and have worked really hard. I just made it to over 900 SP. Woo hoo!

I've never been very interested in the USD amount of my account because it shifts too much. What matters to me is more SP and that is, and will continue to be, my focus.

I've been fortunate to be given a few short delegations of 200 SP a couple of times and I've won a number of competitions.

it's been a hell of a roller coaster ride so far with so much to learn. Now i feel I've settled into a bit more of a rythmn and, hopefully, 1000 SP won't be too long in coming now. Then it will be onto the next goal! 😁

Thank you for the encouragement. 😁


There sure is plenty to learn.
I delegate out a big chunk of my voting power at 2% per month, which makes it easy to quantify.
Curation rewards would probably deliver less (it's hard to be precise with an erratic SBD price), but then you have the opportunity to directly upvote the people you want to support.
Look at this though.
I delegated out 102.553 Mvests late last year. At the time that was worth 50,0000 STEEM.
Now it's worth more than 1.1% more.

Ah. I see. I didn't realise you were talking about delegation @mattclarke. That makes sense. 😁

At this point I'm still trying to get my Steem Power to 1000 and I have 50 delegated for votes on posts but I don't have any spare to delegate just for interest.

It's a long old haul these days. I was talking to someone who got in a couple of years ago and who earned 10000 SP in their first 6 months. Someone else who was in a year ago and earned 2,500 SP in their first 6 months. I just made it 800 SP in my first 6 months. Things have changed massively from that perspective.

A friend of mine joined almost 3 months ago and hasn't even earned their initial 15 SP delegation back yet. Admittedly they are not spending as much time on it as I am but that's a massive difference.

I don't self vote because I can earn more by being in the top 10 in Asher's Engagement League than I would by upvoting myself as my vote is still only 8c at 100% but I carefully manage it so I can upvote as many other people as possible.

Maybe I'm not playing the game very well. The figures are difficult for me to get my head around.

It looks like you've done really well in the time you've been here. 😁

I don't post often, but I comment heaps.
Last time I checked I made around 50 comments for every post.
Don't worry about trying to optimize your performance, just keep engaging and you'll continue to pick up followers and votes.
Too easy to burn out unless you're having fun.

I've been looking to ways to optimise @mattclarke because it was all getting a bit much and I wasn't having so much fun.

I comment as much as I can on other's posts but don't feel too much pressure there other than to respond to everyone who comments on my posts. That part is pretty manageable.

But I earn most from posting so that's where I feel the pressure sometimes. I have a few people who vote for me automatically so if I don't post I don't get the vote.

And of course the posts generate comments to respond to and engage with.

I'm still trying to find the right balance I think. I've started to go to bed a reasonable time again instead of getting caught up in live commenting. That was pretty bad for a while because a lot of people are becoming active when I should be getting ready for bed.

But this week I've done a better job of that.

You're right about having fun though. There really is no point to it if it's not enjoyable. I might as well be doing my other work which is far more lucrative!

Wishing you a fun weekend! 😁

I was just revisiting this post, and noticed you smashed your goal of 1000SP. Congratulations :)

Thanks @mattclarke. I actually earned my way to 1000 SP and then the rest I've bought in tiny bits while the price has been down.

It took me 8 months of solid slog to get to 1000SP and, to be honest, I'm not having as much fun as I used so it makes sense to buy when I can.

I still haven't powered down though and it makes no sense to me to do so.

There seem to be fewer and fewer people to interact with here but maybe that's because I don't post as often. I'm down to twice a day now. 😂

I'm hoping that in one way or another Steem Monsters will be a good little earner although, at the moment, I don't really have a clue what's going on.

I really need to put a couple of teams together (assuming I have enough cards) so I can at last have a bash on Sunday. 😁

I find having a solid stake takes some of the pressure off posting and actually makes it more enjoyable.
Steemmonsters is so much fun. I've been beta testing for nearly a week now, and I have to say, there are a couple of brilliant guys at the helm.
There'll be tournament options for all sorts, from alpha golds to level limited regular cards.
Exciting times :)