Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Would you like to know what my strategy is concerning self upvotes and what I intend to change in the next 30 days? I'd be also very interested to have your opinion on the subject in a comment because this will help all of us.

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

Steem is decentralized and there are no specific rules that say you should not upvote yourself or that you should. This is a topic that Steemians are discussing, some thinking it's wrong to self upvote, some thinking there should be limits and others thinking that it's all right.

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

I am writing this post to show you what my strategy is concerning self voting, but I am not telling you that this is the right thing to do, just that this is what I am comfortable doing.

If you go to this link, you will see this graph:

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

I invite you to check out what percent you have for your self votes, just replace my account "gmichelbkk" with yours in the URL, and if you post a screenshot for your account in the comments below with your opinion on the subject, I will upvote it 100%.

As you can see on the graph above, I have upvoted 243 users in a period of 30 days and my "Self Votes" is 11.2%.

I have 193 "Others" as the main portion with 19.6%, @qurator is second with 12.2%, I am third with 11.2% and @silvergoldbotty is fourth with 9.6%.

My strategy for self upvoting my posts

So, what is my strategy for self upvotes?

What I have been doing is upvoting my own posts 100% when it's published, checking the box that is provided for that effect.

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

I bet that most of us have been doing it!

The reason I am upvoting my own post is first the thought that if I am not upvoting my own posts, then who will?

Not upvoting my own posts would mean that I think my own posts are not good enough. Upvoting my own posts also encourages others to follow and if the option is available in the Steemit editor for us to use, this means that it is alright to do so. We are just given the choice not to do it.

I got this habit of upvoting my posts from Facebook for the same reasons I explained above.

It doesn't even cross my mind to upvote my posts, just to make a few more cents, that's because I do not have a lot of Steem Power, and I might think differently with much more.

Right now, when I upvote one of my posts at 100% vote weight with 550 SP, I earn $0.11.

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

You can check for yourself using the calculator here:

Considering that I post daily, in one month I earn 30 x $0.11 = $3.30.

If I didn't upvote myself, I would be short of three dollars and honestly there are better and easier ways to make $3 than upvoting myself.

Now, let's see, if I had 100,000 SP, how much would I earn?

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

At that level it surely gets more interesting.

In one month, I would then earn 30 x $19.35 = $580.50.

One last, if I had 300,000 SP, how much would I earn?

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

In one month, I would then earn 30 x $58.07 = $1,742.10.

With all the discussions by Steemians about self upvoting, those who are for and those who area against it, it all depends on which side of the fence you are.

When I make $3 per month for writing 30 long and quality posts, no one can say that I do it for the money. If I was at the other end and earning $1,742 for the same posts, there would certainly be people yelling their disapproval of such a thing, even though I could earn the same amount writing articles for clients, and without investing.

I personally think that when someone invests 300,000 SP in Steem, which is $843,000 today, they have the perfect right to earn their $58 per post at the condition the post is of quality.

They also have the perfect right, in my opinion, to earn ten times that if they write 10 quality posts.

The disagreement comes from people posting low quality posts and upvoting themselves for it. If you have lots of Steem Power, you don't even have to do that, just delegate your SP to a bot and you can cash daily payouts for even more money.

I believe that we are all on Steemit to make some money, otherwise we would stay with Facebook.

What I will do, starting today, is not to upvote my own posts to see if really this makes a difference, at least for 30 days. I will bring down this "Self upvotes" stat close to zero. I believe that not upvoting myself can bring me even more rewards as I give to others first.

My strategy for upvoting comments

Now, what is my strategy for self-upvoting comments?

My strategy is to never upvote my own comments, except if it is a very important comment that I want to be at the top of the other comments. I have done it very rarely, fewer than ten times I think, and the 100% value is $0.11 the same as for upvoting my posts.

I do not say that this is right or wrong, you are free to do what you decide is best for you.

My strategy is also to upvote all comments made on my own posts and I choose the vote weight according to the vote power I have available and the quality of the comment. I may upvote 50% or 100% a very useful comment, 20% for kind and meaningful comments, 10% for short but original comments, and 1% for repetitive spam comments to show my disapproval.

You can see this here:

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

I do not downvote comments, or posts, as I do not believe that this feature is used as it should be.

I think that upvoting other users' comments is much better than upvoting your own because this promotes engagement and show people that you appreciate the comment.

I noticed that even though I upvote everyone's comments on my posts, I very rarely receive an upvote for replying to a comment, because I also make a meaningful and custom reply to all the comments on my posts, as much as possible.

You can see this here:

Is Self Upvoting Wrong? What's my Strategy?

It doesn't matter if the upvote is valued at $0 because what counts is the interaction and if everyone was upvoting other's comments and replies, then no one would need to upvote their own comments.

I challenge you to upvote my reply to your comment in this post and see how good you will feel in doing it. I also challenge you to continue doing it for other authors.

Remember that if you post a screenshot of your self upvotes graphs and give me your opinion, I will upvote your comment 100%.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my post and learning about what my views on self upvotes are.

Would you upvote this post and follow me for more because this will encourage me to write more Steem posts like this one?

Would you please help @jerrybanfield become a top 10 Witness because you can help funding projects to build Steem as explained here? Vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at Read the 5 reasons why I'm voting for Jerry Banfield as a witness and how to vote in my post. You may be interested to read: What is a Steem Witness, How to Vote and Why?

Michel Gerard

There are 2 pages

There is no such thing as right or wrong. When the money meters, there is just profitable or not profitable. In STEEM present economy model it's profitable to upvote yourself. So people will do it (an mass).

Just as simple as it is.

Thank you @master-set for commenting and giving your opinion.

I’m on the fence, some self upvotes are self promoting, and necessary. There’s a balance. Good and thoughtful upvotes with comments can pay off a lot more! And comment threads can be nice little dusting of SP :)
Challenge accepted, replies will be upvoted.

Thank you very much @britcoins for commenting and taking the challenge which will continue I hope with upvoting other authors' comments in the future.

Before I joined last July, I read up on Steemit. I saw it was frowned upon to upvote our own comments, so I never did. I've since seen many people doing that and wondered what the current thought is on that? I always try to upvote authentic comments to my posts to increase engagement.

Thank you @evernoticethat for giving us your opinion here.

Hello @gmichelbkk,
This is one of those hot button topics ongoing on Steemit as we clear the dust of this universe, there's plenty debate over what's right, what's wrong, posting etiquette and so forth. As most of us here are probably coming from Facebook, much of what goes on here is similar; we share details about ourselves, our lives, and our thoughts with the world. Here, aside from our friends and perhaps few family members, this global network links people from all countries and backgrounds, so there's plenty of new ideas and images we can invest our attention and grow.

When I joined Steemit, back in October 2017, a friend recommended me to share my artwork with the world here and earn rightfully an income worthy of its value. Not to mention, I believe that cryptocurrency (read: Blockchain technology) has the potential to change everything about what's not working (considering the value of labor) for billions of people around the world. I found the @Earthnation Guild, a group of devoted creators seeking peace and prosperity to all humanity, and they've enlightened me to the inner workings of Steemit in my short time here. In their former membership, the Guild supported its members by means of a voting bot, a combination service of resteeming and upvotes that the guild members' funded with their post content value. This is how I discovered @SteemBasicIncome, a project with a goal as titled; a universal basic income for all Steemians posting valuable content. The system is simple; as someone has to elect to sponsor your account or invest shares in an account, each share adds to a collective automated voting pool that positively generates STEEM and SBD by the post frequency of its invested members. The more you invest, the more you post, the more potential earnings each post can make. Sounds like Steemit could integrate a system like this one to increase rewards across all SP levels for everyone, forever. Imagine the first 100 users online Facebook or the first 5000 employees of Microsoft who were early adopters and hold a seminal position in the company that they've essential built. We Steemians, too, are all shareholders in Steemit and set the value of its currencies abroad.

Well, since the major market tumble a couple of months ago, the Earthnation Guild on Steemit has since gone defunct, however, SBI is still going strong as well as other similar services like @SteemAuto and @SmartSteem I've since incorporated into my account activity. I've ceased paying for bid bots as a part of the guild's collapse because the value of SBD fell so much, it wasn't worth the cost, so now I'm mostly self-powered. Occasionally, the automatic voting mechanisms set in by @SteemAuto and @SteemBasicIncome finds my posts and upvotes my own content, but often I have but two or three manual votes daily to offer my most favorite Steemians (other fellow artists like myself; @haedre is one of them.) Of course, I've followed your account because of awesome content like this, I usually comment first, before then resteeming, seldom I'd simply upvote other comment replies or posts because I'd overrun my voting power.

Here's to the future, see you at the top!

Thank you @gmichelbkk for sharing this!

Thank you very much @craigahamilton for your long comment explaining how you started on Steem and that I will have to read again later has it has a lot of information in it. I upvoted your comment 100%, thank you for showing your graph and the resteem.

I wait 30 minutes for the curation awards.

Thank you @mysearchisover for letting us know that you wait 30 minutes .

This is a very interesting post. Thank you for that. I am a massiv selfupvoter. I am not shamed of this as we all are interested to grow in the community so i see the upvote as a tool to grow up. some day if i become more powerfull in sp and my vote will be more worthy i may be would not be upvoting myself this much. I think it is important to vote for others content and spread the love.

Thank you @blockchainnerd for giving your opinion in this comment.

If you are discussing self upvoting you have to include delegating SP and being rewarded for it and bid bots for self promotion. I see these as more of an issue as they can massively promote a post, far more than self upvoting.
Why is it wrong to upvote yourself but acceptable to pay someone else to do so? I do t see the difference.
Steem is a long way from the concept of the best content rising to the top and receiving highest rewards. But if you ban all of the above, most whales would check out (as they can’t make the money) crashing the price. You can’t have it all ways!

Thank you @grizgal for commenting here. Nobody here is saying that self upvoting is wrong, it depends on what you feel doing it and what others feel when you are doing it.

I would like to see good content at the top too, without using bots.

here is my graph and I will gladly upvote this comment now!selfvoteshans.jpg

Thank you very much @hansdewet for showing us your graph. I upvoted this comment 100%.

Nothing wrong with upvote!

Thank you @livelifefullest for giving us your opinion.

I also do self upvote on all my posts for the following reasons:

  1. I barely get $1 on my post
  2. Whatever I posted are original and I really gave time and effort on it
  3. But I never UV'd my own comment/s as I feel it is already too much to do it. But as you said unless it is very important and I want it to be added on top
  4. I agree with you that one of the reason why we're here in Steemit is because of the rewards we're getting. Otherwise we'll all stay in Facebook


Got 7.4% Self Votes here

I'd also agree with you on the amount of each UV. Maybe it won't be noticed if its only a cent to few dollars but if we're already talking about 10$ and up, perhaps thats the time issue may arise...

just my own opinion though! ☺️

Thanks for this very nice insight! See you around! 😊

Thank you very much for writing this comment @pingcess and showing your graph. I think 1 & 2 are very good reasons to upvote yourself. I upvoted your comment 100%.

I love this view. Initially, I shy away from this but I started upvoting my post with same reasons you highlighted. As you thought, there noting wrong with it since it is made available. It can easily be disable or let me say remove if it is not needed.

I may not be upvoting every comment to my post, but I always try to reply. But I think, you make sense with that, I may join that strategy.

Here is my graphempowermite-steemit.png

Thank you very much @empowermite for posting your graph and giving your opinion because this makes the post more interesting. I upvoted 100% percent.

Thanks, I appreciate and derive pleasure in being part of candid opinion

Here it is for what it is worth. For clarity it is worth noting that @jamesallen is my account, so it is essentially voting for myself.


Thank you @seablue for commenting on this post and showing your graph. I have upvoted your comment 100%.

Self upvote option is there for a reason. There is nothing wrong in using it (my opinion). My voting power is zero but I do upvote my posts. Same reason as you gave. And after reading this post, I'm encouraged to upvote people's comment as well. Initially, I thought there's no need of me to upvote others with zero power. But you have changed my mind. No matter what's your voting power, upvote is an act of engagement.
Here's my graph. I had been in-active for a month. I have resumed since last week so my stats are pretty low.

Thank you very much @event-horizon for showing your graph and giving your opinion, I have upvoted your comment 100%. I am glad that my post encourages you to upvote comments by others.

ok, i just learnt something new today. i always felt since my 100% upvote was 0.002, no body will appreciate it especially bigger guys like you on steemit. Guess i'll have to change that though.

Screenshot (9).png

I always upvote my post sometimes. but i guess i will do more of upvoting now, for 30 days, thats 0.06. and i will upvote more coments starting with yours.

My 0.002 matters too. Thanks for this piece.

Thank you very much @t-flames for commenting and posting your graph, I'm upvoting it 100%. I am glad that my post encourages you to upvote comments more and I am glad that you have updated your profile image.

lol...thank you. i didn't know you noticed

Hello my friend, thanks for this, upvoteme please.


Thank you very much @storypictures for posting your graph. I can say that your profile image is somehow familiar to me, don't remember where I have seen you before! I upvoted 100% this comment.

Why? some page from discord?

No, a history book!

I can't rely argue against self-upvoting other than it defeats the purpose. We might be better served to encourage, and even do away with self-upvoting, by replacing it with viewable shares. In essence, the higher voting power USED (yes this guarantees automated voting for busy accounts) the more views of their own and other posts they can promote.

Minnows might vote on whales in hope of getting an upvote. Whales are more likely to upvote minnows that add value to Steemit. With no self-upvotes (including alt accounts) we do away with the snake eating its tail.

*Note: I do use Smartsteem so my vote rewards get recycled.

Thank you very much for your comment and the graph showing that no self voting is possible. It's what I am going to do now on. I upvoted your comment 100%.

Opps. Missed upvoting and resteeming yours. Not sure how I found you, but I hope to network with people passionate about their topics. Sometimes I get involved in the comments and busy with work and forget to save a good author so I can check their posts throughout the week. Isn't the Hivemind supposed to make this easier for us? It would be a blessing.

Thank you for the resteem.

i agree with you. Everybody can do what he want with his upvotes.

Thank you very much for your comment and giving your opinion, also sharing your graph. I have upvoted this comment 100%.

I believe what people do with their accounts is their business. If I don't agree with it, I don't support them. Simple.

I sway back and forth on the self upvote thing. Right now, I am on a no self upvote kick. This is due to personal decisions, not because I fear someone is going to not upvote me because I did a self upvote. I just prefer to spread that voting power around and there is a ton of great content, or people, I feel would be better served with that upvote (even though it is less than $0.20 for me right now).

Sometimes I will upvote my stuff. Why? For the same reason you give, to get the ball rolling. I will do the self upvote to help get the post noticed earlier than it might have otherwise.

Anyhow, great post here. You got people talking and interacting and to me, that is the most precious thing we can do here on Steemit. Get people interacting and talking. Bringing social back to social media. Thank you.

@triverse, thank you very much for giving your opinion and showing your graph. With this post I am also starting a no self vote period and will see how it's going. Apparently, I do not need my own vote other than to say that I like my post. I am delighted to see so many comments and replying to them. I have upvoted your comment 100%.

I see nothing wrong with self voting. Everyone does it at some point. Whether regularly or sporadically, it happens.

I am much more concerned with plagiarism myself. The people copying the work of others and passing it off here as theirs without any attribution to the original creator.

Self voting only effects you and those that you interact with the rest of your upvotes (we only have so much voting power per 24 hours). Plagiarism hurts Steemit as a whole because services like Google just see it as another "illegal activities" site and doesn't bother indexing the great content that is made available here.

When I first got "serious" about Steemit, I upvoted everything I posted - comments and articles. I didn't care. Then I started making friends and wanting to share a bit with them and realized my voting power was nothing because I upvoted all of my content.

I stopped upvoting myself a while back and have had a mixed response from the community. Some articles or comments take off like wildfire while others that I thought would do well flounder in the sub $0.10 range. That is the nature of the beast though - others found value in that other content and showed their support for it.

In turn, I have been able to move up a bit in the Steem Power levels and can give just a little more to content creators that I feel deserve it.

I am not one of those people that pour over the history of an author, checking their self vote record, checking their paid promotions, etc. If I like the content they have right there in front of me, it gets an upvote. If I look at other content they have made available and I like it, I will upvote it as well and then follow them to show my support for what they do.

How they spend their voting power and time here on Steemit is their business. Mine is simply to show support for what I like and ignore what I don't. I think eventually the content that is not popular or is unwanted will weed itself out because most of the time those authors are only here for money. If they are not making money, they leave.

For proof of this just pay attention to categories you enjoy. Watch how much content, and by whom, is made available when the value of Steem and Steem Dollars is high. Then watch who is left and what is made available when the value is low. Those that are still here, producing content like the price doesn't matter are the ones I try to pay attention to over those that only come out when the value is up.

Those people that are here day in and day out are the ones that help make Steemit great.

Again, thank you for starting this thread and making yourself a potential lightning rod for controversy. Sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones and just say what is on our minds and get the opinion of others. You have seen the response so far which is part of why Steemit is so cool.

Good people attract good people.

I totally agree with what you are saying here, thank you for your long comment.

Oh great stuff -- again!!! Here's mine:

Thank you very much @joannereid for reading the post and showing your graph. I have upvoted your comment 100%.

Thank y for your informative post about voting own post or comment...i always learning in steemit community...thanks...
here is my graph......i always upvote my post or any of my it ok!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you @abu.bakkar for your comment and showing your graph. I can't say if your self-voting pattern is ok or not because there is no rules, everyone is free to do a s they want. I upvoted this comment 100%.

First off you can get more and better information at

Second, sure I'll take your easy upvote, I ain't too proud for that. :)

Thank you very much @sircork for showing me your graph and the website that I will check out. This might be a good post for me to make about it. It's my pleasure to upvote this comment 100%.

Pleasure, The steemocean site is made by @ura-soul

He and I are both witnesses here, and support each other's work, but as you can see, he does good work. :D

This is mine

I agree with you @gmichelbkk, personally i feel that upvoting your own post also shows you love what you wrote, nobody will work hard to create a post and wouldn't like it.

The place i see upvoting your comment as wrong is when you upvote someone's post with let's say 50%, you decide to comment on that post and give yourself a 100%, just on your comment alone while the actual post is carrying a lesser percentage of your upvote.

My opinion though

Thank you @cherylsonty for commenting and sharing your graph and opinion. I have upvoted this comment 100%.

Hey Michel, thanks so much for this great post. I've been thinking about it for a while now, but wasn't sure of how high was my self upvote %. Now I know it's 14,9 which isn't so bad I guess. Cheers for sharing the tool and will be looking for your results in this experiment.

Thank you @etka for commenting and checking out your self-vote percentage on SteemReports.

Heh im always upvoting myself.

Thank you for showing the graph with us. I upvoted this comment 100%.

I do self upvote, I see it as self promotion. As you said, if I don't upvote for myself, who will? Currently my voting power is 0$, so I don't gain much by doing it, but it feels nice to have that 1 vote there.

Captura de pantalla (169).png

I don't get what is the big deal with self upvotes and why there's so much people complaining about it. If big users upvote their own posts, don't they deserve it? I mean, they worked hard to reach that level. As long as they give back by upvoting other people post, I don't see the problem.

Also, I just learned that upvoting comments is important too, I didn't know that, I thought that by replying was enough. I'll start to giving upvotes in comments too.

Thank you for this post, it was very informative.

Thank you @mbell for posting your graph and giving your opinion. I am glad that my post motivates you to upvote comments as well. I have upvoted your comment 100%.

I think self UPP vote is ok because when you user join the community estimate there will be happy to see one vote from his post.

@starhassan, thank you for explaining what you think of self upvoting and showing your graph. I upvoted this comment 100%.

I tend to not upvote my own content, as i think it is better to give it to others. IMG_1222.PNG

Thank you @marcovugts for showing the graph and reminding us it's possible to give it all to others. I upvoted this comment 100%.

Thanks for the post. I do upvote myself, if steemit don't allow it. The provisions will not be made


Thank you very much @cryptoskate for giving your opinion and showing your graph. I upvote this comment 100%.

I don't self vote all my posts, just sometimes when I see I'm not getting any votes at all. But I really think there is nothing wrong with self voting.

Thank you @gduran for your comment and giving your opinion, also for showing your graph. I upvoted this comment 100%.

this is my result, am i doing right or wrong?

Thank you @tfq86 for showing your graph here and that you keep your self upvotes low. There is no right and no wrong, if you like giving to others then upvote them, if you want some encouragements for yourself then vote yourself. I upvoted this comment 100%.

thank you @gmichelbkk for your 100% vote and advise.

I've learned a couple things here today. The first is how to take a screen shot ;) (I'm a bit of a computer illiterate).
I also learned that my near zero upvote might actually mean something to others.
I do upvote some my own post and have voted on my own comments in the past. I will stop voting on my own comments but continue to vote on some of my posts.

@hhayweaver, thank you for your comment. I am glad that my post was informative and that it encouraged you to find out how to make a screenshot. I have upvoted 100% your comment.

This is my account. The proportion seems like normal 😀 Screenshot_20180421-162414.jpg

Thank you @cuaderno for shoeing us your graph. I have upvoted this comment 100%.

My screenshot struggled a bit, my self percentage is at 6%. I've actually only just started upvoting my own posts after a few days from the publishing. It was also due to a video Jerry did going over this issue and how it increases payout. Honestly, there are far more worse ethical problems one can do. Other than taking time out and taking a self upvote, there is nothing wrong in doing so. I'll make a comment so I can easily find the post again, and once I'm recharged, Upvote! Another win win. I think this makes for a great discussion.
Thank you.

Thank you very much @stevestrange for your comment and showing your graph. I think there is nothing wrong with self-upvoting too, it all depends on how you want to allocate your voting power, yourself or others. Whatever you do there will be people to disagree. If you self-upvote they will say you are selfish and rape the pool when you have invested thousands in SP, and if you only upvote others, there will be people saying that you are buying followers and votes back.
I have upvoted this comment 100%.

It's always good to hear people's opinions on self voting, I am not for it or against a but my opinion goes back and forth, sometimes I do it a lot and sometimes I don't do it at all, lately I have been doing it more and later I won't... steem on IMG_6177.PNG

Thank you @vladivostok for giving us your opinion and showing your graph, I have upvoted this comment 100%.

Hi @gmichelbkk nice to meet ya! This topic is a good conversation piece for sure. I have been testing out self-voting. I feel it's ok to do on quality content offerings. But, it feels better to share votes around. Personally, i I see posting 10 times a day and self voting as very limiting of your experience here. A sad reality. But, it can also be means to make a bit of cashflow if you've enough to invest. If that's how you choose to exist, imo it speaks volumes. I am curious why you choose to upvote spam comments in your blog at all? Why not ignore it? Rather than offer 1%.


Thank you very much @yogajill for your opinion and showing the graph. I have a lot of comments and when I go through the recent comments tab, I need to know which ones I have responded to, or don't need to respond to. So, I upvote 1% for me to remember I've already seen the comment and don't need to waste time going to it again. Comments by bots are obvious, so I don't upvote them. I have upvoted your comment 100%.

That's really nice of you. Now, it makes better sense.

@gmichelbkk - Your post really hit my heart that always in my head of "Self Upvote".

I used to act the same like you of self upvote on my own post once publish. All of my posts are in Thai language so I summary in English and post in comment and upvote as need to pin it for attention.

Now over 3 months that I stop my selfupvote both on post and comment. And try to figure out the answer from the community.

If it is the problem, I rather suggest the develop team to remove the selfupvote button. Would be great to learn from the community's thought.

@andyjim, thank you for giving your strategy for upvotes and also showing your graph. I don't think there is a right or wrong, but people get jealous when seeing posts that have an upvote of $50+ without considering that the user has invested hundred of thousands of dollars in the platform. I agree that the only thing to do to stop things that are potentially wrong is to do it technically, end of the story. I have upvoted this comment 100%.

Sell is the best policy

Good post, I tend to self upvote if my voting power is high and I don't have time to read other posts. By doing so I increase my steem power and can share out some of that increased steem power. Having said that I checked my percentage and it seems I need to share out some votes a bit more. Thanks for the info.

Thank you @unclehermit for reminding us that self-voting ourselves also give us back more Steem Power to in turn upvote others.

Indeed, it's hardly raping the reward pool, as some people think, if you are ploughing everything back into steem power. It gives me great pleasure to give out slightly higher value upvotes that I've been able to build over many months of consistent blogging.

Completely agree!

the SadKitten bot needs to be stopped it only helps the whales, everyone knows that, when any post has a upvote that shows a amount besides zero that the post will most like then be viewed by someone and maybe even upvoted, and everyone who does up vote get a slice of the pie, the down votes hurt not only the person who upvotes their on post but others who also get a part of it. and when the coins are devided up by steem the only one who get any are the select inner circle aka the whales, which is the only reason that the sadkitten bot is really their, why not flag all the other bots out there who always upvote the whales the ip and vpn always show that the bots are from select whales even now some whales are now changing often the ip and vpn to cover ther butt, steem was a good idea at first then the greed and bots and now even more sad kitten proves it greed and censorship to keep the peasent poor while the rich get richer, greed is greed and nothing more and it will be the death of steem as people flee and will not want steem

Thank you @newschannel428 for your comment. I don't know what the sad kitten is. I know the grumpy cat, and it seems people are putting everything of the shoulders of this poor animal! I hope that the downvote issues will be addressed in a future fork, or Steem is not going to go where it should go.

Steem is decentralized and there are no specific rules that say you should not upvote yourself or that you should.

Exactly. The nature of the blockchain means that issues (at least most of them) shouldn't be a question of whether we should or should not do something, but that of preference. And when it comes to preference, there is no right or wrong. Of course, once the community weighs in, and a consensus is reached, things take a different turn.

So, until that consensus is reached, whether by the witnesses making a categorical decision on things (I assume it is one of their jobs), a blockchain update penalizing or banning certain actions, or some other consensus-building initiative, I say self-upvote all you like. Or perhaps, self-upvote with caution? After all, as you pointed out, no one wants to see poorly written, spammy posts self-upvoted with abandon.

Thank you very much @cryptocopy for your comment and I agree with all you said. If there are restrictions to be implemented, let's the witnesses decide and then code that into the blockchain.

Nice post, so I also put a comment here and upvote my self comment too.. :P

Thank you for commenting and showing us your strategy upvoting comments.

Give him all your best Upvote and best comment and the sky will be how limit, always celebrate with the best, tomorrow is my birthday everyone, it @emmanueltare please show me love..

give him all your best upvote and best comment and the sky will be how limit, always celebrate with the best, tomorrow is my birthday everyone, it @emmanueltare please show me love..

Thank you for your comment and happy birthday @emmanueltare!

I'm not very active on this plateform and my vote is worth nothing.
Screenshot - 01.05.2018 - 23:03:27.png
Steemit allows self-upvotes. The reward pool doesn't suffer of my $0.00 upvote. So I upvote my own posts, not my comments.
Screenshot - 01.05.2018 - 23:06:09.png
If I don't upvote my own post, nobody else does it.

Thank you for commenting @droida and showing your graphs. You need more SP for a better experience.

Thank you for the tip :)

Currently, I must have 20 SP in order for my vote to be $0.01 worth.
Screenshot - 02.05.2018 - 23:52:42.png

I own 8.254 SP, +6.764 SP delegated by @steem. Really, thank you @steem for the initial support of 15 SP.
Buying 5 SP is not enough to have 20 SP because @steem will cease his support. I should buy 11.746 SP. The price of 1 STEEM is now $4.03. The cost for me to have a minimum of influence on this plateform is $47.34. 50 dollars, that is expensive!

I will not earn $0.01 but $0.0075 for a self upvote, and will have to post 6312 times to get my expense returned. With making one post a day, it will take 17 years, 3 months and 2 weeks.

17 years !!!

It's so long, I will be old. Very discouraging. Sure that it will take less time. With time, my vote will have more value cause my SP balance will grow.

I see that you know your calculation for your SP, but I bet you won't need 17 years. You will have some posts with more rewards you could power up and also win a contest. There are many contests that could earn you what you need. I upvote this 100% so you get closer to your goal.

Thanks. A more optimistic view:
Since June 2017, 11 months, I've earned 8.254 SP. That's an average of 0.75 SP per month.
This way, only 15 months and 3 week is needed for a $0.01 (self) upvote.

Here's my stratigy.

If rumors are correct your stratigy may be finished in the next fork. But maybe @jerrybanfield could confirm that self voting is to be removed; as it was he which resteemed this post to my feed.

Thank you very much @novacadian for commenting here and putting a link to your graph. I do not know about what's in store for the next fork and we will see then.

Thanks Michel sharing are valuable information like to calculate the upvote through calculator.My self vote is 38.6 perecentage

Thank you @tanveerali for commenting and sharing what your percentage og self votes is.

I agree.
If you do not vote for yourself, that's the message to the readers.
Every one of us knows how much he fought for his position.
This is also a way to charge a small part - for sure.
If something is not forbidden, I think the platform creator agrees that it's OK.
Good theme, nice exposition of your own attitude, just keep going.
You have my voice and resteem.

Thank you very much @crypto-mammoth for your comment here and giving us your opinion.

I agree @gmichelbkk. If someone puts in the work to create a quality post, and has invested into their account to build their Steem power, why wouldn’t they upvote themselves. Great thoughts on this topic displayed here. Thank you.

Thank you @kenmelendez for sharing with us your opinion here because this is very useful to see what other users think.

I upvote all my posts and none of my comments. But I upvote all the good comments I get and sometimes those on other people's posts.

I did not know we have an ongoing controversy about this. I have managed to miss it from June 2017 until today :)

Wow! This is an interesting post. According to the steem power upvote calculator my upvote is worth ZERO but I've noticed that sometimes it's 1 or 2 cents. Maybe someone was upvoting at the same time I was. I don't know.

@codycookston, thank you for commenting, I am glad you like the post. The value of your vote will vary with the value of Steem and also the voting power left in your account. I see that your voting power is at 56% now, which is very low and you may want to rest a bit, not upvote for a time to let it recover to 100%.
Screen Shot 2018-04-22 at 8.37.57 AM.png

Thank you for the advice. I believe I'll take it. LOL. Where do you go to see this screenshot you posted? I like that it tells you when it'll be back to a 100%.

THANK YOU SHARON!!! That is really neat to look at. I'm honestly encouraged by all this as I only have 34 followers and already on some post getting 10 to 20 cents per post. I really don't think that's bad when I have such few followers.

Thank you for commenting @fitinfun. The controversy is not for us little fish who upvote our posts for one to ten cents. For me it's just interesting to see what people think about it.

Well, I'm upvoting for 20 cents and plan to continue indefinitely :)

Bro your post always good and informative
yup, i agree if we up-vote each other than no need for self-upvotes
but here scenario is different on this platform.

Thank you for your comment @imran-aslam and you can help change that in upvoting this reply!

hey @gmichelbkk nice write up, my steem power is below 50 so my vote value is 0.00 but I do vote for my posts because I believe if I don't do that then who will.

I think that upvoting other users' comments is much better than upvoting your own because this promotes engagement and show people that you appreciate the comment.

my habit is when I take time and write a comment then am appreciated with a vote it encouranges me to keep checking your page always to find out if there is any new post so i can leave a comment

Already followed thumbsup @gmichelback

Thank you @ireneblessing for your comment. It doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of SP, what counts is upvoting what you like, and even if it's $0, it still shows that you care.

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