Building the Steem powered Cybership

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

First watch this video from the tech genius Josh Harris:

enter image description here
Josh Harris is the same visionary who produced the documentary titled "We Live in Public" which I recommend everyone watch. Additionally a book to read would be "The Transparent Society" by David Brin.

Josh Harris is a visionary who laid out a vision which very much resembles what Steemit may ultimately evolve into. He called his project Net Band Command. What is Net Band Command?

Josh Harris's Net Band Command

Net Band Command could be described best by Josh Harris himself:

Net Band Command is like Steemit on steroids. It was designed by Josh Harris prior to the graphene technology or Steem blockchain becoming available. Net Band Command works around the concept of a Cybership, where everyone is connected to everyone via their personal studies to lifestream or lifelog themselves or produce content. The content which is best of course would go viral and the producers who are best would make it onto the Cybership.

Josh Harris should check out Steemit but since he knows about Bitcoin there is a high probability that he knows about Steemit already. It would be good to bring him in the fold because he's similar to Dan Larimer in terms of vision and would ultimately be able to take the platform to a new height.

It is now clear to me at least that Josh Harris was right about something. He seems to understand what social media is going to evolve into and he predicts it will evolve into a sort of hive mind. In my opinion this hive mind in inevitable but the nature of it is up to us to decide. I say it's inevitable because the technology that will enable it already exists in some form and will continue getting cheaper of Moore's law continues.

Technologies which can give a glimpse of this vision today would be technologies such as but the problem is that technology is centralized and has no reward system. Steemit could be viable for Net Band Command if it can allow for streaming video content.