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RE: Let's Talk—How Did You Decide On Your Steemit Username?

in #steemit6 years ago

Well, for me it's very simple: my name and the initial of my surname. (exactly opposite of your @mnaik logic 😁)
I use this since I want to be real to people. What I post here is about my music and my life. It's like my personal account and I have the same ID on other traditional social media like Instagram and Twitter. So it becomes easy for people to find me.
But I agree on the point that if you are going to do something bigger than yourself, you need a brand, an Idea like Nolan said in Batman Begins! Even if Batman dies, someone else can take the mantel and carry forward, so in essence, the idea lives forever.
So tomorrow you could handover the reigns of @firepower to someone else and none of us will be the wiser 🤣