
The easiest way is to just make quality posts and make yourself known. The upvotes and rep will come with that. Join and introduce yourself to all the other authors and curators there and build relationships. We have the #MINNOWSUnite movement on there so feel free to join. Look for the #MinnowsuniteCHAT. Look forward to seeing you and all other minnows there! :)

This post received a 16% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @cmtzco! For more information, click here!


I have to get on the chat myself! good response!

The better reputation the better You will do. 😊 but I would recommend You to do what You enjoy the most and not think too much on all the numbers involved

i think reputation is needed to be a long term contributor for the steem community

I am level 0

I find myself in the same position to be quite frank. I'm also new, 2nd day here actually, and so far the only ways to increase reputation that I know of are either posting quality content, or powering up (buying steem power).
If anyone can share any other ways that would be very nice and kind. Thanks

I think it has to do with the mount of upvotes you get. Also the power of the upvotes. There is a website to track your rep gains down to a decimal.

what is the adress of this website

Not sure mate, I saw it awhile back, it does exist however.

You just have to post relevant content. If people like it and give you a vote then your reputation increases.