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in #steemit6 years ago

Thanks for this post @charliemckay. It really hit home. When I first joined steemit, a little over a month ago, and saw what was being put forward, I was a little disappointed but I decided then and there that I was going to do what I came to do - give of my best and hope that it will become good enough.

This impact even pushed me to write my first real article on steemit titled Do it for the LOVE, don't do it for the LIKES!!!. It didnt get many upvotes but I was satisfied with myself and even amazed myself. Truth is, I enjoy writing, hope to become better and I in fact impress myself with what I produce.

And like @dmilliz said, it aids in developing my writing and also markdown styling (which I knew absolutely nothing about before joing Steemit). It has been quite an adventure thus far and one I hope to enjoy for a while.


Thanks for the comment. I agree, all we can do is continue to produce content we can be proud of and hope that one day the effort will reap the reward. I will check out your article. Appreciate the comment. Thanks!