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RE: How to not get a zero payout on Steemit

in #steemit6 years ago

haha i guess that gif resonates with a lot of people here.

I'm glad #teammalaysia has a curation trail now. Those days there were only less than 10 of us and we had to make lots of friends from everywhere to get to where we are now. Luckily we've some help now and with the recent delegations to the different 3rd party apps, it should be easier to earn SBD and SP.

Yeah bidbots can give negative returns, depending on how many people bid and the fluctuation of the price of Steem. The payouts reflect the market price 3 days ago. So today the price went down a lot, i'll be getting much lesser than what i paid for the bots nearing payout..

Thanks for the lengthy comment. Keep networking bro :)


Yea, hard work pay off in long run. Thanks again bro! :)