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RE: 3 Month Retrospective

in #steemit5 years ago

We were able to assist Flipside Crypto in their Steem blockchain integration. Because so few blockchains have the kind of user activity that Steem does, the Flipside team was not taking full advantage of all the publicly shared data on the Steem blockchain. By helping them process the publicly available data which reflects user activity, our assistance may improve Steem’s FCAS score

The average user might need a small reminder about what this was all about. Here's the direct effect:

  1. Go to
  2. Search for: "Steem"
  3. Which brings you to the Steem currency listing.
  4. Navigate to the Ratings tab.

From here you will see HEALTH 548 (at the moment). The efforts of Steemit, Inc. will hopefully result in a better score over time. Just keep checking this page.


I doubt average users know or care about FCAS. Investors might care but that is another matter. FCAS is marketing.

You don't think the average user would care to follow my steps to see if what Steemit, Inc. is reporting can be verified as having a successful outcome?

I guess I will check the scores in a month to see if they are actually entering thrive mode instead of failing gamma.

I found it useful information and also, if they are going to use it as an example of success pointed at the community maybe they should try to communicate in a manner the general community can understand. :)

Marketing is important as well...

I care but a simple explanation like this one suffices

Thank you for this valuable info!
Much appreciated.

I for one appreciate this comment and had no idea what that section of the update was about prior to the context you added - thanks @inertia!

Didn´t know that. Thank you.