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RE: How do we create a middle class?

in #steemit8 years ago

The upper classes use voting bots, not curation. The middle would likely do the same. No curation. Minnows curate for they believe they will be rewarded for it and possibly an early sense of duty, which fades. Curation has failed and who blames them. The new wall is filled with junk. A whale said to me, the new wall is 19/20 trash. Who wants to dig through that.


Thanks for your comment @jennsky , I agree that some will use bots, but , I also think most of the Whales are technical, and have the ability to manage the bots and optimise them. Vs. If we have a large middle class, most of them will be ordinary writers like you and me. They will have to currate carefully, and also there will be a lot more middle class than whales, hence more people have a larger influence on what should be trending. Not only one or two people.