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RE: An Idea for creating - Premium!- This Steemien's response to spam, plagiarism, vote-begging and follow-digging.

in #steemit7 years ago

exactly...however my heart does tug at times regarding some of these folks and how far a dollar goes...can not blame them...The whole Christian heart and loving others...when I was hungry you fed me...when I was naked you clothed me. What you do to any of these you do to me. Paraphrased obviously. It is hard...maybe that is who i should be upvoting ...
Blessings to you and yours,

Sort: has a way of bringing the deserving to the attention of many when it is necessary.

good point ..your post did help me re-focus a bit on what is important..a balance ..sending love your way! following ... hope I can contribute something back to you from my bolg