Good post. If people don't like it, they can always start a Wordpress blog where they will work for nothing and probably have 0 visitors/subscribers to their blog for the first 6 months. People get easily discouraged here because they only earned 5 cents on a post that they wrote. Meanwhile, that is more than you can ever expect to earn on almost any other blogging/social media platform that ever preceded Steem. We have a great opportunity to get people in 3rd world countries to earn an income by posting content online. We have an opportunity to make hundreds/thousands of dollars. What would you get if you posted all of this on Facebook? ZERO YouTube? ZERO
This place can suck sometimes. Most of the content on here is crap. But if you watched all the youtube videos, tweets on twitter, facebook rants you would get a total pile of trash as well with a few diamonds in the rough.