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RE: This is such BS.... why are some people just out to get you and screw up your life?

in #steemit6 years ago

What's up @steemchiller good to see you around working. Love steemworld. We lost the master pass so I will attempt the account recovery method. I have been trying to recover accounts that were created and are still in Vessel on Linux. I've tried the some of the db files although didn't do it right =D If you can help I'll be at (discord) .. Also do you know how long the recovery process takes?


I don't know if/how Vessel stores the master password. If you lost the master key and there is no way to extract it from Vessel, I guess there is no better way than starting a new account. Maybe the developer of the tool (@jesta) can help you.

I would recommend that she creates a new account via the normal registration process on Steemit.

Thanks for the reply. Her account is safe other than no one having the master pass lol