in #steemit7 years ago

Hello my fellow steemits, I am writing this story. It is based on a true event, please take time to read and help me on how i can make it more interesting. Thank you all,

Chapter 1

      It was in the mid December 2002; clouds were so dark and wind so cold, signs of the rains were in the sky; Larry had just finished writing his grade 7 exams. He was so intelligent, slim body, white eyes, light in complexion and he was about 13 years of age. Full of dreams, adroit I’d say. In every sound of nature, he could see all his life in front of him and he believed he’ll be someone special. He always wished that he would become an engineer; a great scientist. Anxiously waiting for the results of his cross over to grade 8, but his heart was at rest, calm as the glorious winter wind. Few minutes after the ending of his last exam paper, he was on his way home from school, Walking along that same old street he always walks in. A very beautiful small road in a shanty compound, a remote area in the Ndola city of Zambia called chipulukusu. The road was surrounded by long palm trees, shades all over the place, beautiful painted with butterflies around them and different kind of birds singing and dancing from one branch of a tree to another. As he was moving, he heard the sound of the sirens from a distance. Probably that’s from police cars…he thought and kept wondering about the rush! Just along that same street, he found the neighbors fighting and exchanging hash words, in the same neighborhood, the rumors of a man who slaughtered his wife because of food was the news at hand, 13 year old girl had a child, all these seemed so normal but Larry’s mind paused for a while, slowly the beauty of nature he felt along that street started to vanish, disappearing slowly like if someone had just rubbed it off from his mind, vanished in the winds.
    I guess he couldn’t understand anything and he couldn’t stop wondering what had happened to that beautiful place, in this beautiful country. The young man felt sad and emptiness crowned his heart, despondent for all these situations.
    It was quiet at home when he arrived, a very small but beautiful clean house, flowers all around the yard, mango trees everywhere, giving them very good shades for resting and chatting. Behind the house there was a very nice, well organized orchard surrounded by a small wire fence. Two small taps were placed on the middle of the orchard for watering the plants in the hot season and on the left side, there was a space left as a playground for the boys, he came through the back gate of the yard through the orchard up to the door steps. He entered the house and he could hear nothing other than his own breath, his heart was racing. He headed toward the kitchen, small kitchen but very clean, everything where were they were supposed to be. Dishes arranged like they’ll never be used. Some were looking like decorations placed on the cupboard, not any single scent of dust but soap with sweet fragrance. He sat down on a white kitchen table and made himself a cup of hot coffee; as he was sitting, he took a post newspaper which was laid on a table by his father.

He was shocked by the headlines of the newspaper which stated;

                                                       50 year old man sexually defiles his 9 year old daughter.

   His mind froze, he stopped thinking for a while, maybe he wanted to convince himself that, that wasn’t real and before he could do that, he heard his mum’s voice outside entering the house calling him. She saw his shoes on the door step. She exclaimed his name as she was entering the house. - Hey mum! He shouted back!

Larry and his mum had a conversation about his father going out of the country for his business trips, Larry wasn't happy.
Dad is leaving the country tomorrow, I hope he’ll be back in time, he thought. His father left early in the morning with his workers; he took all his investments that he raised for more than 15years of doing business. Early in the morning, they all said goodbyes. Mum kissed dad goodbye and the children’s eyes were flowed with tears, knowing that they’ll miss their dad for a long time. They all knew that this was the beginning of change, was it the change for good or worse? They couldn’t guess but they were hoping for a better life, a better tomorrow. A month passed by, no sign or a phone call from Larry’s father. The darkness grew so thick and nights so cold, days were so short and night so long. They ran out of money, schools were nearly to be opened.
It was in that period that the grade 7 results came out and Larry had an outstanding score. He just qualified to go to grade 8 at Masala High School with Ndola city. He was so excited because he came first in the class of 43 pupils and only 5 pupils made it to the high schools. He was very glad, he had dreams, he could even imagine how it will be at a new school, having new friends, learning new subjects and having new life. He couldn’t wait for that time to come, he couldn’t stop dreaming, and he was longing to tell his father about that great news but his father was nowhere to be seen. He got home very excited to share this news with his family; he couldn’t let the acceptance letter out of his hands easily.
The entire family share that moment of gladness.
Before they could finish the conversation, the phone rang.
-Am coming dear….let me answer the phone. She said, Larry could only hear on one side, it was his dad. Mum’s voice started sounding so low and disturbed, it was obvious that something was wrong, Larry was sharp enough to notice the situation, and he glanced at his mum’s face, her face dropped and a tear fell from her eye. She never wanted to worry her little boys and girls. So she came with a smile on her face and told them that their dad was in the country and everything was fine, they were all happy knowing that they’ll be with their dad by evening. Expecting some toys, snacks they’ve never tasted before and other surprising gift as always. Gladness manifested on their faces, jumped happily for that great news they had received and they were glad all day long.
But Larry couldn’t be fooled. He followed is mum outside were she went to have a fresh air. He sat beside her but couldn’t say a word for 10 minutes. And then he spoke.
-Mum….is everything alright? His mum sigh but couldn’t say a word.
He asked again –mum….is everything alright?
-Yes dear, all is well……and sighs
-No mum, tell me the truth, what’s going on?
She sobbed, tears started to stream down her cheeks. And then she spoke.
-it’s…’s your father….
-what about dad?
-he lost everything
-Mum I don’t understand, how? His mum noticed the strange expression on the little man’s face. Like one with so many questions but receiving no answer. There was no strength in her voice and she could hardly speak.
-Am not sure yet but he said that his worker stole everything. He sighs before he could speak.
- Why didn’t he go to the police or to the court?
-The man organized criminals to kill your father but he managed to
Escape, South Africa is not as friendly as Zambia but we’ll hear the
All Story when he comes.
The young man felt sad, he knew that things won’t be the way he expected them to be. But in the presence of his mother, he pretended in order to give her comfort. That same day, just few hours later. He received the grave news that his best friend Jackson just passed away, he had found himself in a terrible car accident as he was coming back from school, it was hit and run by an unknown drunk driver. The damage was too great that the body wouldn’t be recognized. Two days remaining for schools to be open, and he got not books, no uniform and no money for the admittance at the new school. He felt all his dreams been drained from him, been surrounded by nothing other than horrors and nightmare of emptiness. The world was falling over him and he couldn’t stop it, his heart was heavily burdened more than a 13 year old boy could accumulate, he felt grief crawling into his fragile heart uncontrollably. Wishing he could do something yet knowing that he could not. Tears streamed like a narrow river down his cheeks.
He went to his friend’s funeral right their when he just received the message, he spend the night there doing some works which he could afford. Second day morning, that was the day of the burial. Looking at the grave wasn’t so easy, surrounded by men and women wearing black suits, singing very sorrowful songs, songs that made his heart heavier. The songs had messages of saying eternal goodbye, Mrs Chanda cried uncontrollably for the loss of her son. It was his first time to go for the burial, so sad it was his friend. All the dreams they had shared, this was the moment he felt nothing but pain, needing to cry but felling to. The sky seems so high and ground so hard, feeling like his all alone with no one to notice. He left the burial, took a walk along the streets alone, those are the streets they walked together, he could even remember the taste of that ice tea they loved, that young beautiful girl they loved to watch and make funny with. The memories were as real as they were happening that very moment. The memories of them climbing the hills, going out for fishing, jumping from one tree to another. Studying in the bush and watching the sun as it sets. It was a wonderful view, he thought. He couldn’t stop the tears from streaming down his face. Nothing seemed so real other than tears making his white shirt wet, where is my friend now? He thought. Is he in heaven? Will I ever be able to see him again? Is there really life after death? So many questions came in his heart that he couldn’t control them; they were like just being channeled into his mind automatically. The pain he felt for this loss was like that of adding salt on a fresh wounds, pains so deep and stripes across his heart. He sobbed, why God…..why!!!!!!He cried out loud to ease the pain. Expecting some answers for these questions yet he knew he can’t get any. “The world is filled with grief and pain……to loose the people you love. To watch children raising themselves in the streets. Missing the opportunity of being in school”. Who can hear the silent screams of these innocent souls? Longing for hope and redemption, someone to promise them tomorrow and better life.

   There is a distance from Chipulukusu to masala high school. It’s a long journey to take every day. Walking miles and miles through the rail line across the Kafubu River. The place where it’s cold in the morning, you can barely speak when you’re crossing through because of coldness. You can barely see where you’re going because of mist from the river, it’s a long lonely journey surrounded by bushes and big rocks all over the places, small roads crossing the rail line and very few sign posts.
 Schools were open, children gladly reporting to schools but Larry still had no hope. His father was back with nothing, he was depressed and he could only drink. He has lost too much; Larry’s brothers and sisters were already in schools but he could only hope.

It was now hard to survive, eating once a day not knowing were the next meal will come from, only hope kept them alive. Larry had no choice other than to accept his mum’s plan of him selling goods in town to sustain their leaving, he has never been to town before but he has heard of the town streets, traffic lights and the meaning of their colors, he heard that their so many people, he has never been to a place with many people other than from his former primary school, he was nervous. Next day in the morning he was finally on the street selling, he was too strong and courageous; he loved to walk down the streets in town, watching big shops and admiring goods sold their, it was just a big world he saw in front of him and he was doing well with selling but he felt something was missing.
One day when he was selling his ice blocks, he came cross his ex class mate. That’s the guy who had low grades than him. He was in the uniform looking excited. They said hello for they were friends.
-Hi Larry!!! He exclaimed
-Hi Bernard!!!You’re looking good. Larry shouted with gladness!
-thanks, aren’t you reporting for school? And why are you selling?
-it’s a long story….I’ll be in school as soon as I raise some money, I‘ll find
You guys. He was so sad after his friend left and that’s the time he came to realize that he was supposed to be in school. I’ve got no future without school, he thought. A tear started to stream down is face slowly. He sat down on a rock near chisokone market for a long period of time. He wasn’t even sure why he was there and what to do next. The memory of his late friend passed through his mind; he was always there for him. Jack, if you were here, I know that you could’ve told me that things are going to be fine. He spoke to himself in a comforting manner. What should I do? Time is running….he thought.
It was now running to mid of the first term. That day he got home early, as soon as he was entering the house, there was his mum standing in front of him. Like one who was expecting him to arrive but expression like if she has seen a ghost and a look like one with many questions.
-Larry…’re back early today. Are you ok?
-am fine mum, just tired and I want to go school; I don’t want to be selling.
My all friends are in school.
-I understand dear! But we’ve got no money for you to pay and to buy books,
Uniforms and shoes. As soon as we raise money, you’ll go back to school.
-am sorry mum, I am not going to sell this anymore. I understand you don’t have
Money but I know that you can do something for me.
-And what’s that, you need K350, for school fees and you’ll need money for books and other things….you know,I or your dad doesn’t have that money.
-Am not asking for more than K100,
-Boy….what are you going to do with K100,?
-I just need to get the uniform, book and a pencil, I’ll report to school and I’ll
Explain my situation to the administration. If I can’t be allowed, at least I’ll beg for the school to keep my place long enough.
-Am sorry my son, I wish I could do more but I can’t. I’ll give you the money you’ve requested and I pray that God will be with you.
-thanks mum! The following day was Saturday; Larry bought a uniform, two books, pen and a pencil. On Sunday, Larry’s school preparation was almost ready, he cleaned his old finished shoes. He had no belt for his trousers, no socks for his shoes and no tie for his shirt but that didn’t matter to him. On Sunday evening they all gathered for a family meal, spoke of so many things as they were enjoying their supper. They all wondered how Larry will do it, -I’ve never heard of one reporting to school on his first day without money. His big brother said loudly and made fun of him. –why can’t you just wait? Even next year you can report. His sister commented. They all spoke and spoke until it was late.
Next day morning, Larry was up preparing for school, looking very excited but nervously wondering how he’ll go about it. But he didn’t want to think about that too much. He has spent his childhood building and inverting electronic projects, he was good at his works in his young age. He was motivated by the dreams of his childhood, what he has always wished to be. –I can do this, he thought. –if I’ll become a great scientist someday, I just have to do this. I have to do this! He spoke to himself confidently. He had dressed up early in the morning and ready to go for school, he checked through his pockets and he had only K4 left. –this is only enough for going, can I ask for some more money. He thought and then he spoke to himself loudly. –no, I can’t ask for some more money, I’ll manage what I have in my hands. I’ll walk on coming back. He grabbed his book, pen and acceptance letter and went off without thinking; he never wanted to even look back in case he decides to stay.
There was a distance between his place and were the station was. He walked past the streets alone, it seems like everyone was asleep, he thought. It was cold and still dark, wind was blowing and there were some showers. He moved silently and fast while holding his book tight like a precious jewel one is afraid to loose. After some minutes he was at the station, a very small station with a bench at the sign post. The sun was about to rise and light was enough for one to see. He sat on the bench as he was waiting for the bus to come, looked all around the place watching more school boys and girls as they were coming, most of them were looking smarter than him, well dressed with their neck ties on right places, bags on their backs and drinking bottles on their necks hanging on their chests. But all these didn’t matter to him.
Few minutes later, the bus arrived. The old bus with white and blue colors painted on it, he entered the bus and sat next to an old man who was wearing a long jacket and a cowboy man’s hat. –morning sir! He said to the old man.
-morning young man, he replied gladly with an amazing look on his face.
-am going to masala sir, is this a right bus?
-yes my dear, you’re just in the right bus but you’ll drop off in town and you’ll get in another bus that will be going to masala, is this your first time?
-yes sir, it’s my first time. The he looked outside the window. He recognized so many people there, some who were in the some bus and others who were outside. The bus started off and he was amazed by the distance, will I be managing all this distance, he thought. He had no trouble in locating a bus to masala when he arrived in town, for he was familiar with town especially the bus stations.