
can you explain to me what vests are?
my votes are worth half of my wifes, even though i have much more sp.
but i noticed she has a lot of vests.

So for the small price of half a million dollars you too can upvote a dollar?... Wow... lucrative... lol

A $1 upvote can be very lucrative if you're smart with it. Remember your rewards from SP and voting, content creation etc is all free money. The half a million dollars is still in your account and its value will fluctuate with the markets so it could go up or down. Some bots have a total $300+ upvote value which would cost a staggering 150 million approx. I'd love to know how much these whales paid to earn so much wealth because I very much doubt they invested 150 million. More likely they bought a load of steem before launch for a small amount and its value has grown over the years.

i really have a long way to go. my steem power is 0. bla bla. for sure being top of the pyramid is not that easy.