Seaching for Clues, Cohesion within the Steemit Community - Does ANYONE Have Definitve Answers?

in #steemit6 years ago

Hey Steemies, beloveds all, over the course of the last 2 weeks since I joined your ranks, I have been digging deep, going down the mine shafts of steemit for knowledge.


Hoping to glean the gold of understanding just what the heck is going on with this wondrous social site?

And for the complete beginner, the plankton in this platforms' planet...that ain't no easy task.

Now for a might be me! I fully and freely admit this. I am more of a creative, wordsmithing kinda gal, and that's one of the main reasons I am share whatever talents I possess, to learn, grow and evolve in both my writing style, my knowledge base and to connect with kindred intelligent souls. All well and good. Where there are gaps in my learning, I seek to plug them with research, my own brand of data mining if you will. And I HAVE been doing that.


That said, there are SO many elements to consider on here...and many of them are completely new to me, as I am sure they are to others as well.

I recently came across a post which mentioned a Witness...and I thought huh???? Just what are we talking here...a Witness in what sense??? Judicial? Jehovah? Or simply spiritual higher self witnessing???

And that got me thinking...why isn't there a steemit community glossary of definitions and a super clear set of guidelines. The FAQs are excellent, of course, but not so definitive in these fast moving, furiously evolving times.


Part of the challenge on here for people new to steemit is being able to discern and understand what's going on from all the countless posts available about how to use this platform, what it's advantages (and pitfalls) are, about cryptocurrency, block chain technology and bots, resteeming bots and so on, and there seems to be a HUGE amount of knowledgeable people who try to help out. And a BIG shout out to all of you who have indeed answered my queries and devoted time to me as newbie! Sweeping bow to you all in humble gratitude!


Additionally there's a ton of stuff on youtube and dtube too which you can research, but not wanting to be a negative nelly here, most of what's presented is highly biased by the perspective of the person doing the presenting. Invariably they reflect the point of view of the person, NOT the steemit community as a whole, or the board elected to a form of 'governance.'

Where is there an agreed Glossary of Terms, of Terminology, of frequently used the Witnessing concept for example? That explains what a Dolphin is? This might just make the site more user friendly, without having to resort to hours of reasearching you and dtube, having a constant wiki tab open, toggling between posts, pages and people to find the answers.


So the idea came to me...would it be possible maybe for the board of Witnesses (or any other existent body or group of steemies that I might not yet know of) to compile a Glossary and an The Easy Guide to All Things Steem, FROM AN AGREED, mutually defined COLLECTIVE AND NON PERSONAL INTERPRETATION? Seems to me, this might be a VERY useful document, a logical and UNBIASED endeavour and highly beneficial for the whole community. But what does an itty bitty piece of plankton like me know?


Well, from a spiritual perspective any community requires concensus, cohesion and co-creation, and that requires a solid foundation in clarity of communication first and foremost. And that, dear steemies, for me, is the crux of this matter.

Picture credits;
Mineshaft Mural by Frank Wilson
Third Eye Dr Manus Briggs
Steemit logo
Vogue Collection by Louis Faurer
The Shepherds Glossary of Terms
The Spiritual Perspective from Waking Times


Index, finger-walking for all and any researcher, or student; Take the book from the shelf, and before it even hits the table, the index is speed-read/perused, and that book becomes a ref or is returned to shelf. So to all readers of posts be they user's blog, comments or replies, Think, Talk, Comment, ON INDEXing Please.
Thank-you @lilygolightly
Keep on keeping on 😇

Good point as always @simon62 thanks once again for adding to the discussion with such a helpful and important issue!

It IS important for ease of reference to have an index tab, and for many citing references is often the last thing on their minds but you are right it adds so much more gravitas to any article AND makes life easier for the reader or researcher.

Thanks for this helpful addition⭐️

Votes are always helpful, and your posts get my vote, usually. When I get time to read them. The more of us there are, and the more comments and replies to answer, the more new jacks to check and subjects that catch our eye, the less and less time to devote to doing all as much justice as deserved. I find it difficult to keep widening my interest, because of the time restrictions. I could spend all my hours here, and blow-off the time-wasters in 'real' life, but the outside connections need their time too, if only to create a 'now' income to pay bills. 😂
-resteemed your post-

Exactly right @simon62 this is a modern dilemma for sure.

How to balance the real life with the virtual one? There are no easy answers to this particular conundrum because for many people social media is a lifeline, for a greater number... an addiction and for a growing number a source of inspiration, connection and fertile ground for research, learning and growth.

THe word BALANCE comes to mind but in a world so out of balance, that can be extremely difficult to achieve, can't it? 🌏

I very much appreciate your continued support either by your valuable comments, upvotes and resteems, thank you so much for that. 💚

I hope you succeed in finding a way to balance EVERY aspect of life and when you do, please tell me how you did it? 😊

If I manage such, I expect you'll notice the TV news, of a bloke in Aussie walking on water with a light shining from his head bright enough to light the town 😂
No, seriously, balance is questioning oneself every minute of every hour of every day. Renewing and repeating one's renewals in faith in the Universal spirit that quantum physics says destroys us and recreates us 960 times per second. 😉
I like to think real balance is attained by a certain detached view in which the being using this bodily vehicle has control of where it places and or spends It's energy-in-motion. This E-motion whether to the good or disharmonius, is generated in a neutral attitude to all dichotomatic life. We partakers of Soul, the spirit in everything, are the sole matrix for the responsibility of everything that happens within our sphere. Does anything happen TO you? No, Everything happens FOR you, and our responsibility is the balancing of the way in which we perceive it. To see, a verb or an adverb? Is it there to see, or because we saw¿ Shakespiere made famous a line, To be, or not to be. . . . But we Are being, and unfortunately we deny our act of Being, and be an Act. So, balance, what is there to say, be kind, be truthful and do, as you deem necessary.
There are mental exercises which are helpful to still and control one's mind, and there are faiths that teach their practitioners their spiritual exercises. One has to think and discern and practice until one finds a balance with which one is at ease. Remembering that uncomfortable is incentive to learn more, and being too complacent can lead one into a eddy that does appear to go around, but doesn't actual move along, hence called an eddy. Ah balance, hmmm, it is a noisy world, my best advice is to deliberately spend twenty minutes everyday, at the same time everyday, in stillness of the vehicle/body, and silence(as close as world allows - you will find your awareness of nature sounds expand considerably) and practice watching mind as if an observer, until one can get a handle on its control.
I do realise that only skirts the sort of answer asked, but really, it is about learning to control one's own mind, from stillness to manifest action.
Umm¿ more? My notes are a mish-mash and I am trying to keep it simple, clear and concise, which seems to be the object of most of my blogs.
--To regenerate aura, for strength and a help in healing of self, from Sanskrit, try saying sotto voce, on out breath, for ten to fifteen minutes in a quiet still atmosphere, sitting with spine upright, comfortably; OM CHAITANYA CHAITANYA SWAHA.
A-u-m cha-i-ta-nya cha-i-ta-nya sooa-ha.
Can be practiced anywhere, walking in cadence, working or washing-up, but these not counted against the regular sitting and repeating till you perceive a difference, from a week to three.
Try for a week or so, then get back and let me know how you feel your balance is better understood. 😇💛

Wow, what a beautiful piece of prose you have blessed us is worthy of being a post in its own right! You really should consider writing this one up.

I think you highlight the difference between being a human BEing and a human DOing very well. We get so wrapped up in the world of doing things and constantly being busy (probably busy doing nothing really) but the act of doing BECOMES our being instead of vice versa.

And yes, Shakespeare articulated this perfectly with his famous speech in Hamlet often quoted, for sure, but rarely perceived for the deep truth it contains.

Bringing me nicely to the different levels with which we see, perceive, to look into, to see BEYOND and deeply. This takes years of practice to achieve because to do so cleanly and clearly one has to detach oneself from INTERPRETING what we are seeing. If this can be done without the overlay of the self, the ego and all its desires, wants and needs then indeed we are SEEING into the heart of the matter!

I will be examining the darker aspects of digging deep and discernment in a future article so stay tuned for that because balance DOES indeed require the ability to face the inner aspects of the self that often remain hidden, or masked.

I have been using sanskrit chanting meditations in my life for many years and so I was delighted to see your suggestion and use of the Chaitanya chant, surely one of the greatest! I touched on the use of sound and vibration in my Tesla post and again, I am planning another post on how to use sound for healing, calming meditation and also in daily activities as well. There are so many aspects of this to bring together as a resource for both newbies and advanced practitioners, so little time, but a heart beat to do it all in...and yes, that is a touch of irony given that we were talking about BEing!!!

Your contribution, as always, is richly received with deep gratitude and humbly returned in the circle embracing us all 💚

PS I will stay tuned for any news reports on Australian TV, just in case they feature your water walking halo glowing feats in the near future😊

I tried to resteem this yesterday here, but it must have gone beyond 6.4 because when I opened my blog it hadn't come thru. The oblong arrow was still there, and it asked me Did I want to, -OK. But, not in blog today, ah well. 😑

Thanks @simon62 It was kind of you to try!

The post kind of "expires" after 7 days and you can't resteem them after that period of time has elapsed.

But I appreciate you trying ❤️

That's ok, I've still no copy/paste ability, so redeeming an old post will have to wait, and posting an old comment/reply will also have to wait, unfortunately. 😉

No worries. I checked and what I said above is correct...after 7 days you cannot resteem posts and green arrow button won't work.

I think the steemit developers want us to resteem quickly amd strike while the iron is hot so to speak.

Thanks for trying all the same and have a relaxing and peaceful weekend⭐️

I think that's silly. An item a week old, even ten days should be able to be re-advanced. That is the point of information. But like I said, it probably possible to copy/paste and attribute. 😃

Resteemed, but it didn't come through onto my blog today ¿¿?
Must have been over 6.4, but it still had green oblong arrow, so¿