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RE: My Announcement March 15 2017

in #steemit7 years ago

I'm glad you're going to be honest and not lie.

That's a step in the right direction, I guess.

I've been through a some stressful times myself, building my business for the last ten years. This stuff is hard. Tomorrow is a new day. I'm hopeful we will see a brighter future here, but it's hard not to feel sad/frustrated/angry about today.

I hope your team is getting the rest they need and a chance to step away. I hope you weather the PR storm that's coming. I hope you can rebuild trust.

I hope.


I have tremendous confidence in our team right now.

Thanks Jeffrey. I really appreciate that, especially from an insider with direct access to the day-to-day workings of Steemit, Inc. The rest of us have to take your word, hope for the best, and see what tomorrow brings.

he is the new trump |:D + card :D