The Future of STEEM

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I'm going to give you the perspective of #Cryptocurrency from #Mars. #Martians are waiting for Cryptocurrencies to get to space, and this is what we see.

I have been using #Bitcoin since 2011, and it has had a good run, going from 10,000 BTC for a Pizza, to $5 per Bitcoin, to $30 per Bitcoin to $100 per Bitcoin, to $1000 per Bitcoin, and now steady around $600. And when Bitcoin was going from $100 to $1000 to $600 a flood of new coins came up, like #Litecoin and #Dogecoin.

But Bitcoin still doesn't have 100 Million Users.

There are over 300 Million People in the United States alone. And #China and India each have over 1 Billion people each, and the world's population is something like 7 Billion. So with under 100 Million Users, Bitcoin still has a long way to go.

Bitcoin has its obvious value, with the novelty of Bankless Banking, Large #Transaction Possibilities, International Trade, etc. but Altcoins have been missing something. Every #Altcoin that is created is launched into the Bitcoin community. When someone makes an altcoin, they go to in the Altcoin section and they use the tag [ANN] then their new currency, say it's #STEEM it would be [STEEM], then people start mining it, and it is a new currency in the Bitcoin ecosystem. But STEEM is doing something different. STEEM is creating an entirely New platform for social interaction, and that interaction does not have to be Cryptocurrency based, but everyone earns Cryptocurrency for it. So STEEM has broken out of the Shell of the Altcoin world, which was restricted to the Bitcoin community, and is reaching out to the world of Social Media. Steemit is a platform that could easily grow as large as Bitcointalk, then as large as Reddit, then as large as Facebook. Facebook has had years to get where it is at.

In 5 years, people will probably be using #Steemit as a platform to launch new coins, and new Million Dollar Projects funded by STEEM, and Satellites being launched into Space by Whales.

A lot of people are freaking out about the price of STEEM being at $2.00 or $2.30, but less than 1 month ago (about 4 weeks ago) it wasn't even worth $1.00 on July 6th, you could buy 1 STEEM for $0.80. For STEEM to be worth over $2.00 on August 1st is an accomplishment, and a rise in value of about $1.00 per month. STEEM is going up. Go to Bittrex and look at the trade volume right now. If you had 100 Bitcoins and you wanted to tank the STEEM market, you could only knock it down about $1 in value from where it is. But if you had 100 Bitcoin and used it to Buy STEEM all at once, you would raise the value to something like $8. So based on the Buy and Sell walls, it is more likely for people to come int he market and raise the price (over time) than it is for someone to come in the market and tank the price.

Everyone needs to stop looking at what is happening to STEEM because of the Price of Bitcoin, or because of the #Ethereum Hard Fork (unless you want to make some money trading on the markets), and just watch what STEEM and Steemit become over the next Year, and 5 Years, etc. There will be Altcoins launched on Steemit, there will be Steemit based website where you can Host images for Steemit and get paid in some other currency (maybe STEEM Tokens) for posting images to their site, there will be Steemit stats sites, people watching STEEM tickers all day making thousands of dollars trading, Email chains where people get the most recent STEEM trade updates sent directly to their email, STEEM App companies, STEEM Real Estate, STEEM 4 #Gold, etc etc etc. STEEM is about to be huge.

And the Altcoins being created won't be worthless. There will probably be #Hospital Coins, where every Hospital in X countries or on X continent are sent manuals as to how to mine the currency. Or #Jesus Coins, where every Church of the Presbyterian Faith is sent a Manual for how to mine the currency. Or Research Coins, where an Altcoin based Scientific #Research Journal pays users in their coin and has directions for how to mine it on their site. And so many other possibilities. There could be a STEEM Instagram, or a STEEM YouTube, and they could all have their own currencies.

Then from there, Steemit will eventually grow to the point where either STEEM or a STEEM based currency will be traded by more people on the planet Earth than any other currency, and at that point the STEEM or STEEM based economy will be stronger than any Nation, and will be the Currency of Earth. At which point it will be so valuable that everyone who has some right now will at that point be Millionaires and there will be STEEM #Satellites, and STEEM #Cellular, etc.

Bitcoin just started in 2009, and STEEM is the coin that is bringing Bitcoin on to the next Step. STEEM is the vehicle for mass adoption of Cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are here to stay, and they are going to facilitate the Trade between planets,

Here is something to think about. Craig Venter, he is the one who discovered DNA. Before him it was theorized that DNA was a Double Helix and everything, but he actually mapped the Genome. And you know how they say the Human Genome is like 98-99% similar to that of a Chimpanzee? It was Craig Venter's Genome that was compared to the Chimpanzee, and he compared it.

So after doing that he went on to write books about the Genome and how it is very much like Computer Code. And then he discovered that if you take the DNA out of one cell, and put it in another Cell, the new Cell will actually use the DNA kind of like a Disk and it will run the code and the Cell will run as if it were designed for that DNA. So if you take a Cow Cell, and remove the DNA and a Carrot Cell and remove the DNA, you could then put the Cow DNA in the Carrot Cell and the Carrot Cell would act like a Cow Cell.

He also discovered that Yeast will create Artificial Chromosomes. What a Chromosome is is a section of DNA. All DNA has a certain number of Chromosomes. Yeast will actually produce new Chromosomes when given Amino Acids, just simple Amino Acids and Yeast creates brand New Chromosomes. So what he did was create a machine that uses this, this machine is called a Digital Biological Converter. And what this machine does is it takes DNA and turns it in to Code, turns DNA directly in to 1's and 0's. Then you can send that DNA through the Cloud to another computer in another country, and print it out on another Digital Biological Converter. This has been tested.

And what you can also do with this machine is create new Code, new 1's and 0's, feed it into the machine, and it can insert that New DNA that has never been seen in Nature before and Print that DNA into a Cell. If someone were to take 1 single Digital Biological Converter to Mars and send new lifeforms, possibly on a Network/Blockchain created by Cryptocurrencies, which could, for example, turn Fe203 (Rust, the Red color of Mars) in to 02 and 03 (Oxygen and Ozone). Mars could be Colonized and have a form of Transactions.

This is all just starting.


Biologist here. I like the analogy :)

I really enjoyed this article. Thank you.