
Yes, they make me work for an exploiter to pay their wages.

If a crapitalust doesn't make as much money as i do from my work, meaning i am paid less than half the full value of that work, he won't be in business long.
To then take more, is exploitation by cops, et al.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

I thought you didn't have a proper job and needed a haircut? Also what is a (good) alternative to capitalism?

Have you seen my pic?

Freeborn Anarchism is a good alternative to crapitalism.

The biggest change is that we stop paying for stuff, but we got to keep working while consuming for free, or there won't be stuff to consume.

But really, i am down with anything that doesn't include rule by force.

I'm not sure about Anarchism. I think the problem is that total Anarchy is basically bad...

Lol, I think the information you have been fed about anarchism is bad.
No statist is going to tell the truth.

That's to long for me to read. (I'm quite happy being ignorant – and I have other stuff I need to do, all on steemit naturally...). Also that's communist anarchism, not Freeborn Anarchism. Do you support democracy, or is it rule by force (as earlier stated)...

Democracy is rule by force.

Here, this one is shorter and more an-crap in nature.

FreeBorn Anarchism draws from what AB said, but adds in that we have Walmart already supplying the world.
We simply, keep working, but stop paying, and life goes on, but with a very different distribution of consumer goods.

Think of all the people that will be out of work and have to find something contributory to do, politicians, and their staff, lawyers, and their staff, accountants, and their staff, most of the bureaucracy, we don't really need them, the work is already being done today without their help.

What will we do with all that creative talent?
Go to the moon, and beyond.

Or, we can pay the bosses their cuts and they can continue to trade in humans.
It's really your choice to make.