I am delegating 3000SP to five Steemians. Details inside.

in #steemit6 years ago

I am a believer in a decentralized platform such as Steemit and it is my wish to see members grow their blogs and flourish in every aspect.

I have been thinking a lot how I can maintain a quality blog, making sure that my account grows in quality and quantity, while helping the community. Here is what I came up with, to experiment in the next coming months.


Credit: care4child

Supporting you

I am going to support up to five Steemians by delegating to each, at least, 600SP for two months. Every two months I will choose up to five new steemians to support and in time I intend to increase the numbers, providing this experiment succeeds.

With the delegation you can develop your own blog, gain followers, earn the necessary SBD and be motivated. You will be free to use the delegated Steems as you wish. The only two requirements are: to upvote my daily posts with 100% power and to resteem my posts.

Who can apply (eligibility) -

  • You published at least three original posts in the past week. Resteems don’t count;
  • You have never been flagged for Plagiarism;
  • You have less than 1000sp in your wallet.

Preference will be given to –

  • Old followers of my blog;
  • Steemians who regularly comment on my blog with quality content and are engaged in the community;
  • Steemians who regularly upvote my posts;
  • Steemians who publish quality posts;
  • Steemians who have an impact on their communities; backed by a community.

If you are interested to receive 600SP delegation for two months then you are welcome to apply.

How to apply?

Write a comment with the following details:

  • The name of your account (if different from yours);
  • What are the subjects you write about;
  • Some details about yourself; or a link to your @introducemyself post;
  • Why do you think the SPs will help you;
  • Confirm your commitment to at least three posts per week in the next two months.

I will review each application. Results will be known by the end of this month. Delegations will start on June 1st, will last until July 23rd (as it takes seven days to withdraw the delegations and assign them to another account). On August 1st there will be a new round of delegations.

Any feedback is welcome. We will see together in the next months if this experiment works and what can be done better.

Good Luck!

Credit: gifer


There are 2 pages

I recommend @leurbanexplorer (a dear friend in Paris) and @nv21089 (the current manager of the Israeli community).

Both can do awesome things with the extra SP.

P.S. You are made of win and awesome, you know.

🙏 Thank you

If you are interested, then for the sake of fairness, transparency and impartiality please apply here, in a comment, as I requested.

Well, first of all tanks for the chance to make a difference.

My blog is about photography art and nature.

I recently got the oppertunity to co-manage the steemit israel community and along with it the chance to help other talented ppl to grow and spread their original content.

I post at least 2 original content posts each day - you can check my blog for confirmation.

Just a two days ago I wrote post about being concerned how fast delegation to voting bots is increasing. In your case it’s million percent better and that’s exactly what I support and cherish. I’m so glad there are steemiens like you. I actually noticed, there is few more like you on this platform. I hope steemiens with some extra SP will consider doing the same instead of delegating to bots. For minnows it’s getting harder and harder. Especially steemiens from poor countries such as Venezuela 🇻🇪 or Nigeria 🇳🇬, where steemit I latform became their second chance. Steemit platform became their motivation and people like you can give them a great opportunity to grow. I hope you choose people who need it the most.

I understand your point.
Poor economic situation, although touches my heart, is not a criterion. I aim for quality content and promising bloggers, dedicated to steemit, whose blogs will flourish even after the two months period ends.

@nomad-magus1 thanks for offering this amazing opportunity. I will like apply for this. My account name is @yensesa, what we do on Steem is focused on the African community. Two main projects we are providing now;

  • Launching the first Steem/SBD to fiat exchange for the African Community. This makes it easy for us to exchange our Steem to fiat using the existing mobile money infrastructure. Most people lose a lot of money trying to convert Steem to fiat. They have to convert it to other crytos and move it through multiple trading platforms before they are able to cash out. With the service we have built which we launched a public beta last week after running a month of successfully private beta. You may check out the service from here :( https://yensesa.com) , currently it only support Ghana and w have plans of expanding it to Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda , South Africa and Rwanda since all these countries support a mobile money system.

  • Yensesa Basic Income : This project is to help at least about 60% of Africans that are on Steem to be able to get $5 upvote per day to support themselves. This is $150 per month which is a good basic income for someone in Africa joining Steem and working hard with quality content. This also gives us the power to be able to say NO to corrupt governments. Because with a basic income we can at least live on that.

If we get the opportunity to qualify for the DSP, it will go towards the basic income project and used for the upvoting of quality content from the African community. If you look at Google trends, Nigeria is the leading country searching for Steem right now, with this growth and without a specific community to support new and old members, people will leave because they will not see good rewards for their hard work.

We also are the first African witness in the Steem community at rank 160, we are currently witnessing 1 block every 3 days, we hope to get enough upvotes so that the rewards can be used to power up the basic income project. Our witness name is @yensesa

here is an intro about us : https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@yensesa/who-am-i-exchange-steem-sbd-to-ghana-cedis-ghs-fiat

also all our updates and progress can be found on our blog here : https://steemit.com/@yensesa

Thank you and sorry if this is a long comment.

This is my account.
I write about various topics. I try and be informative and provide useful information.
I own mysearchisover.com and am VERY active on this platform. lol I have done a lot more posts/comments than you and have more followers than you although my account is newer.
It would make my upvotes count. For the most part I can not upvote anybody due to the .02 threshold. I would be over the threshold but I am very active on this platform so my vote power is normally low. I think with such a huge delegation I might be able to save some accounts on steemit and gain a LOT of followers. I think I might also be able to repay you back some day as my account is growing "pretty fast". lol http://steem.supply/@mysearchisover I have hit over 50% but the decline in steem price hurt me I think.
I pretty much always do about 1 post every single day but there are some days that I do 2 posts. I am pretty sure I have done at least 1 post a day every single day on this platform. If you include comments I average over 40 posts a day. lol


My account name is the same has this... @gaintshoulder

I write poetry and short stories and i want to start book review in the coming week

This is the link to my introduction https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@gaintshoulder/introducing-giantshoulder-6ff3fa28dbbe9

Well the SP will help alot, mostly mentally because its always painful well you spend hours writing and it doesnt get out to people. It go to me that i had to stop writing for a while, i just picked up recently.

In this month i have written more than 3 post, though am willing to do more, i really need to develop my blog since its more or else my only source of income right now.

If you read my post on my monday you will understand how my work is and now have been suspended. Its kinda hard.

I try to comment on your post has much has i can. Thanks


Thanks for you @nomad-magus who have offered this exciting program. I agree with your opinion about the concept of decentralization, it seems to be a manifestation of the spirit of this platform.

Previously let me introduce my account is @muktaridha, this name has not changed anywhere including in my id card. I come from Indonesia precisely in Aceh. During this time I am in college at bachelor degree and will be finished soon because now I am in thesis program

in this steemit my style is about motivation, and as a mentor in the community sometimes also make article about html tutorial perhaps that can help other to make a neat post. but during this my article that I write usually in Indonesian language because the ability of English is still lacking, but sometime i wrote in billingual.

During this time I have become a creator content from a new community in Indonesia that is @sevenfingers, I have been selected in it as a mentor, exemplary example, and also a moderator in discord group. Sevenfingers is a community for currating the good content of steemians in indonesia, during this time the steemian had been growth faster in my country, but the survival of the new steemian is very less, because the reward and grade they are hard to ride.

Surprisingly, my sp until now is 9 and with donations from the center of steemit and Mr @arie.steem then I get until 35, so my effective sp is 35. it's usable for my bandwith but not for currating steemian. Therefore if I succeed in this proposal then I will use my sp to empower a new steemian to keep them surviving and success together as steemian.

---Thank You---

Hi it has been first time i saw You here and I'm your new follower. I thought of new steemian called @hiphopvote. He want to be #hiphop community curator but he lacks with SP. He is posting today's top from all steemit/dsound/dtube/dlive content tagged with #hiphop every day. He follows only valuable hiphop content and he is making that im discovering new hiphop creators on steemit. I didn't know there is so much good musicians here but now i know thanks to him! He is doing awesome job but it's hard to be curator with 80 SP :D

He is welcome to apply like everyone else👍
Thanks for the comment and welcome.

Thank you @grant-vegra! I'm sure that our hiphop community would be grateful for delegation support. We definitely need some help to start this initiative. I'm discovering new hiphop artists everyday upvoting and sharing their content in my updates. There is so many talented people here that deserve more than they get. I want to unite all hiphop artists here. I want to make you see every new or underrated artist here. I want to make a place where they can find the best productions posted on steemit. Here is my introduceyourself post: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@hiphopvote/hiphop-curation-hiphopvote-hello-steemit-hiphop-community The only difference now is that I'm sharing top 6 instead of 3.

This is an awesome initiative. Thank you for even thinking of doing such a thing, both for individuals and the communities they are a part of.
I've been to Steemit since the beginning of March 2018, and in my time here I realized I have a lot of beauty to share with the world. I feel like I'm making new friends and inspiring people to whom I've had no other way of reaching. So far I've posted about my creations and the beautiful things I see in nature and in otherwise mundane situations, but I am slowly and gradually expanding my topics. At some point I am going to start a special corner about secret spots in Paris, and alternatively, I would also like to reach some health issues (being a person who suffers from an autoimmune disease, I know how important it is to talk about it, although most of the time I prefer to focus on the beautiful sides of the world). If you like, you can read more about me in my introduction post.

I would definitely be glad to have some more power to contribute and help others with. This will also be a great motivator to continue my 2-posts-a-day challenge, which I've been managing successfully for almost a month now, with full intention to continue doing just that.

Again, I thank you for this initiative. This is not a trivial act that should be taken for granted - but rather the opposite. I hope to be one of the lucky people who receive the delegation :-)

The name of your account (if different from yours); @emmakkayluv

What are the subjects you write about; life, motivation, religion, agriculture, Africa, charity etc

Some details about yourself; or a link to your @introducemyself post;
I joined steemit December 29- 2017,but I lust password into the account in February 2018 and I reconnected back in March 2018. Here is the link to my introductory post https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@emmakkayluv/introducing-emmakkayluv-the-next-big-gem-people-are-talking-about

Why do you think the SPs will help you;
I'm running a program where I see to the need of people both on steemit and outside steemit. I am currently spending half of my earning to finance this vision, having access to more power would help me to earn more money to finance the project by touching more lives. It will help me to grow as a person as well. Here is the link to the project objective https://steemit.com/onemealaday/@emmakkayluv/random-acts-of-kindness-i-have-dream-to-make-the-whole-happy

Confirm your commitment to at least three posts per week.

I made an average of two to three posts per day

Thank you for this beautiful initiative...

@tomilolafadipe. I write about spirituality, motivation and I also promote Steem.

Here is my introduce yourself post link......

The SP will enable me reach the maximum of my goal. I run a discord community where I teach new users on how to make earning on steemit through making quality and honest relationships through making comments. When I teach, I have a challenge of examining my students because I have a low SP.
Here is a link to the discord server

I would like to use the 1-100 power percentage bar to score the students who continuously visit my blog to practice what I teach them but unfortunately I have not enough SP to encourage them.

I am crystal I make at least 3 posts in a week since I joined the platform.

Thank you @nomad-magus for this opportunity

I wish you the best of luck on this endeavour, however im still working on being able to make at least 3 posts per week, maybe i will try again next time.

Thank you @nomad-magus for giving people this opportunity

Best of luck fam

Actually, I just got to know you through researched, I have never once commented on your post nor upvote, this is my second time getting to reach your post,. The first is when I follow you and the second is today.
I really like this act of generosity kindness and. Love you have for the development of the platform by helping people who are less privileged but are committed and consistent. I appreciate that.

I don't know whether I will be considered be I will be delighted if I can be among the few to be selected.

I have been on steemit since February, I have been consistent and I can say I'm making progress gradually but the problem is how do I get to support people, like my experience ever since I came on bound, I see that people appreciate those that have much SP in their wallant though some people appreciate good content but you still have to make contact with some people. I believe good communication skills answer all.

Still the same name if I could find favor in your sight, I used to post at least twice In three day. I write about poetry and talk more often on motivation ever since I realized that motivational speaker has the heart of the audience more. Here is my introductory link https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@adeyemidrey/introducing-adeyemi-dare

I have less than 1000sp, I wish to be of support to people too on this platform, I have been up voting people even with the less SP that I have. If i could be among the few selected I will surely use to SP wisely by supporting people and myself, like you said you come first because you are the Brain behind this success I'm anticipating for. May God bless you. You are awesome.

Wow that's a great opportunity for me. I will must attend this project cause I really need it.
And I am always with you. Thanks for taking such a great decision.

Great. Read the criteria please and apply as requested. Goodluck!

My account name is @soumon.

I write about my feeling, about my study, cryptocurrency, token,mining,about nature of my area, especially about some rules which are needed to know for learning proper english.

I am a student of B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering. Beside my education I am working in online market especially in cryptomarket and steemit. Before that I was learning forex business. I love decentralized platform as steemit which helps me to improve my blogging quality. My introduce post : https://steemit.com/busy/@soumon/introduction-of-myself

This SP will help me a lot. Cause I have only a little bit SP in my account. I can't promote my blogging properly. I think you SP will help me to enhance my blogging quality and promotion. I believe that SP is life. I want to grow my blogs and flourish in everywhere by your great help. And I need your support for doing somethings different.


Am @yohan2on. A Uganda steemian. I promote steem/steemit here in my country. I blog about my steemit promotional compaigns and those of the entire team. I also write about Cryptocurrency, steemit, Tennis and Christianity.

Am applying for this delegation because i have the passion to promote steemit in my country and desire to support very many newbies that join this platform.

My steem power is below 1000sp and most of it is a delegated one.

Thanks @nomad-magus for being such a very kind and supportive person for the steem community.

Frankily speaking i have never commented on your blog posts. But got to know about you just yesterday from a friend called @ireneblessing who is one of my product of my steemit promotions.

I publish 7-8 posts a week.

Yours sincerely,
Onyeli Yohan with a steemit account name @yohan2on

Yesterday when I read your publication I was full of expectation to know that today you would make an announcement for your followers.... before going to sleep I wondered, what could it be? today i want to say with total emotion, that i congratulate your love for all of us and that your idea will have a lot of support, thanks for these opportunities that although they will benefit 5 steemians; at the same time they will benefit many more... i will start with my participation comment: the best of luck for everyone.
At this moment I will nominate myself, my blog is really varied; although I have a tendency to share my experiences in the kitchen and in my travels in each trip, giving many details of each place, although I am not an artist, I like to participate in some drawing contests, at least that serves me as a task to free the mind from the stress that could accumulate, I share some decorative and creative ideas, which can easily be done at home, I have many more ideas to share!
As for details about me; I never did an @introducemyself I think I don't like to talk much about myself, however, I entered a contest and made a little presentation that you can find here
Currently I work in communities that support small steemians in my country (Venezuela) where steemit has been an economic salvation for many of us who are active in this platform, I participate as a collaborator in small projects that focus on teaching the good use of the platform, with the increase of sp I would have the opportunity to support with my impulse those steemians that I believe are giving the best of themselves to get ahead, my country is in a difficult situation, so a grain of sand would be a big change.
Currently, my publication rate is 3 to 4 publications per week (with some exceptions) and I reaffirm my commitment to continue contributing my best and something more!
I just hope the language isn't limiting, thanks David, good luck on this new project, I'm sorry you'll have a great job from now on

NAME OF ACCOUNT: @kwadjobonsu
SUBJECTS: Agriculture, Christian Devotionals,#Steemchurch related publications, and Technology.
SELF-INTRODUCTION: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@kwadjobonsu/self-introduction
REASON: I am avid believer of the decentralized system. Gaining that much SP would enable me to contribute significantly to growing, new, and quality writers on the platforms. 1 steem is also able to feed most people in my country twice or thrice a day, and by upvoting good articles written by them, I will also be contributing to their well-being and survival.

The name of my account is @caesar816

I post about random events, there's actually no specific topics i post about. But now i am planning on how to brand myself here on steemit, so I can share with you the knowledge i have gained from my course of study in the university. I'm studying "Estate Management" in the university of Nigeria Enugu Campus. Apart from writing about my course, i would also be sharing with you guys some current news on the blockchain network, that's my plans for now. You know as a newbie on steemit, lot of things would be on your mind and one might not know where to start.

The Sp would go a long way to help me execute my plans for the steemit community as a whole. I have always thought of hosting contests by myself so I can help others grow too, but i don't have enough funds to start that. But if eventually I come out as the winner of this SUPPORT PROJECT hosted by @nomad-magus, I'm sure that my plans would come to pass.

Here is the link to my introductory post

I thereby confirm my commitment to post 3 times a week in the next 2 months.

May God reward you for this @nomad-magus

That sounds amazing. Unfortunately, lately I bearly have time for posting here so I can't try participate. I wish that will work, and if it will, I'm sure I'll be back posting again sometime soon. Good luck everyone!

I love this so much. I'm always glad to see people help others to grow. Thank you @namad-magus for putting the community at heart.

I wish to apply and here’s a a quick intro about myself.
I’m @olumideolowoyeye, a singer , a song writer and a blogger obviously. Mostly my songs dominates my post but I’ve been lacking behind in music production lately the reasons are in the later part of this post . My music has inspired my poetic spirit and I do write poetry too

Looking back to January when I joined Steemit. So many things had been my inspiration and this had got me to make songs cause that’s my passion , creating melodies in form of Reggae Riddim. I’ve made quite a few number of songs and I have more I haven’t recorded cause I record unprofessionally on my phone.

Note all the songs that will be listed in this comment are made on phone and might not be of the highest quality but enjoy and I’d be dropping some few of my work that I uploaded on SoundCloud.





So all this while on steemit Created over 17 songs and I have lots more unrecorded cause it is actually not really encouraging that I record my songs unprofessionally on my phone . I believe this delegation would help me grow and help me gather funds for my musical productions and career .

Thanks for this excellent offer. Hope you will accept my application.

1. @usman119 is my steemit account

2. I write about steemit improvemt for minnows, success on steemit , tips and tricks, specially share nature excellent photography of my city. Participate in contests.

3. I am usman from pakistan , i am graduate and doing work. Having family. Need extra income for house hold and childrens expensive. So i start steemit for some earning. First 2 months i really struggle but now train cone on track littlebit. First two months i made only 2SBD. And after 4 months i have more then 20SBD.

4. Your steem power really give me extraordinary boost to my life and my account. For this i can make more friends and show my post to more people. I can give more strength who write better but can not get up to the mark upvotes because they are minnows. I will support them and in return then will support steemit and me .

5. I make commitment to you i will make more then 3 posts daily with 3-4 articles a week. Still now you can see my posts i made daily 3 to 4 posts. I will continue this in future . I promised.


please pay some special attention to my request, i shall be really thankful for this act of kindness.

To maintain the fairness of this process I'm impartial.
Anyone who meets the criteria will recieve my equal and attentive checking.
Good luck 🤞

Yes fairness in selection is mandatory.

Hello @nomad-magnus
My account name is also @mindtrap . I ve been on this platform almost 4 months now and I am still learning. And who doesn't? There are so many things that needs to be discovered here. I have become one of your followers since last month and what intrigued me was the fact that more or less we talk about the same topics.
I too like to write about philosophy (mainly but also motivation - inspiration) I also write some short stories.

I don't wont to promote my self through your post that is why I won't place any links since I am sure that you will do your own research!

The reason I would like to receive this delegation is the exact same reason I received my 1st delegation as well. I like to promote quality posts that earn just pennies...I know that I won't be able to send any post to the trending page put just to put a smile on an authors face even if it is with a few cents is more than enough for me.


I don't wont to promote my self through your post

Please do.

Only a sample. I don’t like self promotion

The name of my account is this one @redtravels. The name already explains a lot about my personality and hobbies. I love traveling and try to do this as often as possible! :)

I mainly write about my hobbies droning and traveling. At least one post a day and if I got enough time I write a second one and try to give tips towards other users, for example how to use some programs or photogear.

Some details about myself, well I love flying my drone thats for sure and I totally love the crypto scene. This is my introduceyourself post, if you want to know more about myself.

It will help me grow and spread some love towards my followers and I always try to stay in contact with as many people as possible ;)
I am posting almost every day since June 2017 on steemit!

If you want to know more, then just leave a comment.

Oh and here is one of my favorite drone shots!


Hi! my name is namayd! I am from Venezuela.

I am fond of photography, and I like to write about geography, I am a lover of geography! I study geography at the university, I'm in the middle of the career.

I have about 3 months, in steemit! It has completely changed my life, it has nourished me with knowledge and experiences, I have met people from all over the world. Every day I want to improve the quality of my posts. Although sometimes I have barriers, like the situation in my country, and the internet. I have managed to give my ideas.

I would use the SP, to cure quality geographic material, to give life to the tags: geography, geology and nature. And I would like to join communities, related to the same topics as: @geopolis @earthnation and @ecoTrain

Another goal of mine, in steemit, is to raise awareness of the injustices and situation in Venezuela. In addition to helping my family financially, because of the crisis. Thanks to Steemit I have not yet emigrated from Venezuela! Greetings friend!

My steemit username is @soorefunmi. I am an avid blogger of self love and confidence, hence the initiative to create a #selfiesaturday contest where people from various communities can connect and make friends with each other, while the shy ones can gradually come out of their shells. I also write fictions, poems, health and life articles, music is a huge motivation for me.

After 4 weeks of hosting this #selfiesaturday contest, i have seen a lot of young authors and new steemians confused about what steemit is all about and so i took it upon myself to create a Steemit 101 post which i plan to continue. I would need this delegation to encourage other authors and since the delegation would mean that i am trusted, i would be more dedicated to creating exceptional and worthy contents while helping newbies climb up alongside myself. I would be able to interact well with other people effectively and after two months i should be able to stand on my own and boast of a flourishing blog.

I am confirming that i would be committed to creating worthy contents at least three times a week. I hope i am considered for this delegation as it would boost my commitment to steemit.

P.S: Everyone is invited to join the fun HERE

Thanks @nomad-magus for giving back to the steemit community .Your kindness is highly appreciated. You were among the first people i followed when i joined steemit and yes following you is worthy because you discuss life topics that train me to be a better person each day and when I realised after a week that your a great mentor I started recommending the ugandan community to follow you forexample @mwamin7 ,@bogere ,@musamalijames,@yohan2on ,@csearnaithan and @peeta every time a person asks for recommendation on he should follow that will add value to them i recommend them your blog truthfully your an awesome mentor.

My steemit user name is @ireneblessing and am a steemit promoter who blogs about my promotional work , I love to write about the spiritual concepts in the word of God , I also write about motivational messages and business advices .
My name is Irene and am from Uganda (Africa) here is my introduction post

Currently I have promoted steemit to 7 universities and most of the newbies after signing them up they start blogging and After posting they whatsapp me with their links to there posts so I can look at their posts mostly they are impressive and good but then with no steempower I cannot help alot yet these students write very good ,lengthy up to date posts so if am delegated the steem power will help the newbies that produce quality work to be recognised by the community .Also the #promo-steem uganda community is doing a great job day and night promoting steemit at the universities ,schools ,and streets but when they blog about there work it goes unnoticed so I believe if am delegated too will curate them to help them gain morale .If am delegated steem power will also be checking the new tag so I can curate the newbies in the different parts of the world because this will improve user retention on steemit and by the way when you instantly get 0.00 cents on your post it is frustrating and depressing and it is what the minnows go through atleast I will be the reason why some one smiles ...Hope you put me in consideration

  • This is me promoting steemit to the university*

Am also committed to producing content everyday where I post 5-8 posts a week

Once again thanks @nomad-magus for the kindness

I am @nishuxr


SP may help my account a better position which i used to publicity on my School on deprived children

Yeah,,I will try to obey these instruction ,,

I am Alex @Lafzaia//
I am a student of Engineering and i am from Bangladesh,,

Hello Alex,
Please apply according to the criteria detailed in the post.

The name of your account (if different from yours);

My account name is @creyestxsa94 :)

What are the subjects you write about;

The things are write about are mostly about my emotions and motivational posts. Also, i post about the poems that I write. :)

Some details about yourself; or a link to your @introducemyself post;

Here is a link to my introduction post .. :) https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@creyestxsa94/introducing-me

Why do you think the SPs will help you;

SP's will help me because I have a dream of helping my followers and the new comers on Steemit by upvoting their posts. With more Sp's, my vote value will also be more valuable to them and they would appreciate it more. So, with more SP, it will help make my dream on Steemit come true. :)

Confirm your commitment to at least three posts per week in the next two months.

YES, I commit to make at least three posts per week. :) I actually post everyday. I usually post 1-2 posts in a day. So, this is no problem with me :) :)

this is great, I would like to apply but I do not accomplish the 1000sp requirement.

I wish you very luck and good vibes in this new project in the community that I think is fantastic, especially to make us grow.

You have less than 1000sp so you are eligible!

oh well if it's like that I'd like to apply.

Great. Please follow the procedure detailed in the post. Good luck.

Just a clarification:I have more than 1000sp but more than half is a delegation. Am I eligible to apply?


Actually I always wanted to say that. But what power, I am ashamed to ask. I do not want to spoil friendship because of asking for delegate sp.

I learned a lot in the post @nomad-magus, therefore I write a lot about advice and enlightenment.

With a valuable SP, I want to help curate quality posts.

And also continuously mengupvote posting @nomad-magus. and curate the post that often commented in post @nomad-magus.

Wow, this is really generous of you! Thank you for doing this.

I would like to apply for this. I started off on this site writing funny history articles but I’ve since branched out and now I do a little bit of everything. Lately I’ve been doing short fiction and freewrites, but I’m going to be posting another big history article in a few days. I also do photography and I include original photographs with all of my posts (unless the topic requires that I use something else). Occasionally I post poetry or thoughts about philosophy. I’m just wrapping up holding my first big contest in which I’m giving away all of the money I earned from a @curie vote in the form of #steembasicincome shares.

I am committed to continuing to post on here regularly. Three a week is about average for me at this point. I do have a question, though: how often do you require a resteem? The only reason I don’t currently do it is because I wish there were a better system for distinguishing between original blog posts and resteems.

  • @ fajri26
  • these past few weeks, I personally started writing about nature or the environment of either damaged or endangered fauna or wildlife, a few weeks ago I also held a contest about elephants because of where my elephant lived about tragic tiger traps, so I made contest about the steemian view of the elephant conflict.
  • introduceyourself.
  • I also want to hold a contest about the environment for the future, I hope with the SP those who come can be helped.

thank you for your kindness @nomad-magus.

I am very mengapresiasikan over your kindness ...
My teacher @nomad-magus who has opened the opportunity for the steemian in developing the bloq them.
I really want to have a chance for your support @nomad-magus.
Account @wiralhokseumawe.
I often write to give freedom, child protection and corrupt governments.

According to you why SP will help you;

To be honest ...
SP will help me in developing my content and I am in dire need of funds to help comunitas I wake up. Comunitas engaged in helping underprivileged children's socialization and disaster victims. ...
Thanks for this my teacher @nomad-magus
Hopefully I'm lucky for this opportunity


Wow thanks @nomad-magus for being a kind hearted person. You inspire me so much. Thanks once again for wanting to give back to the community. I am therefore glad to be part of the people applying for this opportunity. The following are my details.

My account name is @mwamin7.
My posts are usually about steemit promotion. This is because steemit is a new social media platform and it has changed my life so much and I believe by promoting it to many more other people, I can be able to touch a number of people's lives. I want to be that person who people look at and say because of her I am now a blogger, because of her I earn an extra source of income and because of her, I am surely happy.
Besides steemit promotion, I have written a post about success and never losing hope.

Something small about myself is am your loyal follower just like I mentioned it one one of my comments on your posts. More details of who I am can be found in this link: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@mwamin7/hey-steemit-am-humbled-to-be-part-of-the-strength-community

The following are the reasons why I think the SPs will help me once am granted this opportunity:

  1. I will be able to support the Ugandan community especially the newbies that post once and lose motivation since they receive no upvotes.
  2. I will be able to develop more followers and become a better person and I will be able to gain the necessary SBD like you mentioned and keep up with the good hardworking.
  3. From the SBD gained, I will be able to do more steemit promotions without any difficulty. This to say: transport to and from to the promotion places will no longer be a hustle, I will be able to acquire more promotion materials such as t-shirts, pens and flyers. This will help me bring more people on board.
  4. Nothing hurts like seeing a good quality post from a newbie but with no upvote. It is quite demoralizing and this makes most of the new steemians to lose focus and stop posting. With these SPs I will be able to make this come to an end. I will upvote people's posts and encourage them to work more harder.

I would wish to stop here and once again thank you @nomad-magus for such an exciting opportunity.

I'm student of electrical engineering and my blog is about traveling, I saw many ups and downs in my life started job at the age of 18 and realized there's no future without a graduation degree, so I started my degree at the age of 22½ and now at the age of 25 still struggling for a stable lifestyle, when i joined steemit it was my dream to achieve something really worthy from steemit to make my family happy, but after 3 months I'm on the same place, it's really a big hope reading your this post, my blog is about traveling here's the link of my introduction post

If I'll get this delegation of SP I'll support my family and will do more work for this platform. You can also check my last week's progress. Thanking you in anticipation dear sir @nomad-magus

Hey its my first time to see your post and to start following you, after looking looking through your blog it was really an impression to me having such falling back mentors to the society. Am a newbie on the platform and am greatful for such a fair open opportunity given to the community thanks @nomad-magus.

  • Account name; Cserneithan
  • I write about Christianity, and life supportive posts. I have been able to write more than 3 posts last week.
  • One of my ambitions is to see the steemit community growing strong each day and its why i joined a steem promoting group in uganda teaching the society more of cyptocurrency and steemit. https://steemit.com/introduceyourself1/@cserneithan/introduing-on-steemit-my-1st-post
  • Getting the 600sp is first of all motivational to me to keep on blogging and bringing quality content posts thag will flourish the community in two months.
  • Having the 600sp will also help mi motivate my other fellows esp the newbies by upvoting there quality content posts that put our community ahead.
  • The 600sp once delegated to me will help me in upvoting your posts with
    100% upvote .
    Am so so happy for this application and commite myself that i will be posting on the platform with a least number of 3 posts per week.
    Thanks so much nomad-magus may God bless you.

So interested, but I am a new comer in steemit and your new follower. So I must be a lot to learn how to be good steemian and always consist to make a content everyday. thankfull about this project, maybe someday I'll be have a chance to follow this project. Thank for your help that makes every steemian grow up with your project Sir. Regards from indonesia


Dear Mr. @nomad-magus

Introduce myself

I'm @tfq86 from Aceh, Indonesia. i join steemit on january 2018. I love writing, photography and somtime travelling but i'm not a traveller just do travelling sometime. Most of my posts are free writing. I start to make series to my writing in order to make other steemian who want to follom me know who i am. i don't have any specific object in writing. i mean i'm a free writer.
6 weeks ago i start to participate in curation league held by @paulag you can check here https://steemit.com/curation/@paulag/league-of-excellence-and-curation-leagues-week-6 at the second week of league runs i start to be on the top League table because of curation i did. i also get SPs delegate from @paulag as prize of curation league prestation this delegation is for 3 weeks. If i get SPs delegate from you i think i can do more curation. i will find good content and curate it. i'm sure it will helps me to grow and also help other steemit user by curation i did. As you know steemit user increase day to day more of their post lack of attention even for quality post. i know it's note easy to curate it but i will try as best as i can. Even with 15 SPs i can win the Curation League moreover if i get 600 SPs delegate from you it will help me more in doing curation.
So far i always post one a day and i encourage myself to keep doing it regularly. you can check my account to make sure.
For the last words, i thank so much to you for your kindness to delegate SPs to help other. eventhough you don't choose me it remains a kind job and i happy for anyone you choose. Not many people can do like you did sir. thank you.
best regard @tfq86.

I second this proposal :-)

thank you @paulag for supporting me. it means so much to me

you are most welcome, it has been an honor watching your efforts on stemmit

I second this proposal too

thank you so much @jubagarang for your support. i appreciate it so much

I also support what you do during this, may you be elected

thank you so much @hermanlc for supporting me

An interesting offer, this kind of program is very helpful for us Minnow to be able to grow in steemit and independent.
But unfortunately at this time I have not been able to take part because it has not been eligible. Hopefully in the future there is another chance.


Can I from Indonesia follow this? and can I make sure I never do plagiarism (you can check my post) but I write in Indonesian but I make sure it is useful for readers. and I am building a small community here. the reason i want to get this sp delegation is to build a new steemit player and surely also a member in our community, you can see our komunutas at @meudrat. and I on behalf of myself and the community declare themselves to participate in your program. Best regards @jubagarang.
very much my hope to you

I sorry but currently I am giving preference to blogs in the two languages I understand well, English and Hebrew.

Okay no problem sir. I hope there is a friend of mine who managed to get it, this is for us too, so steemit and newbie more developed. thank you for replying to my comment.

Sir, you are really a great person. I salute you.You are doing a great work,people like you are reason that we love steemit community the most.May God bless you a lot.

If you are interested to receive 600SP delegation for two months then you are welcome to apply.

It might be too late, but after thinking about your proposal and being able to make three posts in this last week I decided to give it a shot. With that said I will do my best to make at least three posts every single week for the time of your delegation and perhaps beyond. If you take a look at my recent posts, you will get an idea what my subject would mostly be about. There is no doubt that I will commit to support minnows with a good contents by up-voting them. My username is @milano1113 and I believe that in my previous comments to your posts you already got to know somehow well. At least about what my opinions are. On top of it I’m an honest person, hard working, loving husband and love bing part of steemit community. I believe your delegation would definitely help me to grow on this platform and at the same time would help me to help other minnow steemiens.

Sorry mate. You would be a strong candidate but it is too late. 😕
The people were chosen yesterday morning. Please try again in the next round at the end of July. I will announce it.

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