
Well, nothing serious. Perhaps it was my personal preference. I'd have preferred if you have used the quote like:

So the questions is - why is there so much junk on here? It finally hit me today. People are paid to post here (or at least have the hope of getting paid) so they post...and they post and they post and they post and it's mostly all just for the sake of posting. And just to be clear I think most of my posts (including this one) fall into the same category. I've considered writing a blog for years but I never did it, and now here I am posting for the sake of posting

It makes easier for me. But keep doing whatever looks good to you!

I used ,,hjghjgkg'' That's the only way I know from books.
How you did that? Can you teach me, please?

Oh, I understand you now! I know of two ways of doing it:

  1. Put the command < bolckquote> before you start your quote and end it with </ blockquote> (without any spaces in between)

  2. And this is the easier one which I prefer to use as it needs only one key to be pressed. Just key-in ">" before you begin to quote ....and that's it. This one symbol is enough. To discontinue the quote and coming back to your writing, you may need to put a couple of "Enter / Return" keys.

Hope you get it. Try it and let me know if I was not clear enough. Thanks for your interest in learning this!