EZSTEEM 1.2 UPDATE: Transfer Your Mined/Obtained SP in One Step and Configure Your Miners!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Change Log

- Implemented ezWallet.js, a JavaScript solution to easily transfer your mined Steempower to a single main account

- Updated steemd compilation to V0.13.0

- Now dynamically changes amount of cores to compile steemd depending on user's RAM

Installing EZSTEEM


Upgrading Your Previous Version of EZSTEEM

  • If you installed EZSTEEM to the default directory: cd /var/EZSTEEM && sudo git pull
  • If you installed EZSTEEM to your custom directory: cd /your/dir/here/EZSTEEM && sudo git pull


NOTE: If you already have vesting routes set, please remove them before using the ezWallet.js transfer functionality!

If you do not, the transfer will fail!

To run ezWallet.js, simply enter in these commands while within your EZSTEEM folder (default is cd /var/EZSTEEM) ,
cd steem/programs/cli_wallet/ && sudo cli_wallet -r -d
This starts the cli_wallet daemon which is needed for ezWallet.js to run.
cd ../../../js && sudo nodejs ezWalletMenu.js
From here, you can follow the onscreen instructions and easily modify your config.ini or withdraw your VESTS!

Do note that the withdrawal procedure will have to be done once a week using ezWallet.js


Courtesy of my fellow contributor @gikitiki:
If you used the default installation path of /var/EZSTEEM, try this command:

screen -dmSL myTest /var/EZSTEEM/steem/programs/steemd/steemd

The -dmSL means : detach with a new screen, allow a session name (myTest in this case, you can use whatever) and log stderr and stdout at ~/screenlog.0

You should now be able to exit your PuTTY session leaving it running in the background.

When you log back in again, use this command to bring it to the foreground.

screen -x myTest

You can also check the log using your favorite text editor or just watch it with tail

tail -f ~screenlog.0

Discover any bugs or want some improvements?

Comment here or make an issue in the github!

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You planning a digital ocean version?

If digital ocean lets you spin up an Ubuntu VM it should work fine!

Hmm getting this 970133ms th_a main.cpp:182 main ] Started witness node on a chain with 4600933 blocks.

and wont continue or move/

Hey carlidos, message me in steemit.chat and ill help you out!

This should make transfers a little easier.

I couldn't post on your tutorial what would be the steps to add our account as a miner instead of making new ones.

You can run ezWalletMenu.js to add a miner. Simply enter in your account name and then your active private key and it'll edit it for you :) If you installed EZSTEEM with default directory settings don't forget to do sudo nodejs ezWallet.js or else it won't be able to write the config file

Can I do this even after creating the miners already?

Yes, you can add/edit/delete them :)

Thisnis very helpful and a much wuicker and easier way to mine then any other. Its almost idiot proof. Thank you.

hey faggot, why are you falggin my posts, they have had nothing to do with you. check your human privlidge bitch