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RE: The opaque Blockchain and the need for translators

in #steemit6 years ago

There has been quite a few complaints against @transparencybot yet, as far as I have seen nearly all flags have been delivered by users of bidbots and bidbot operators. The complaints about the text in the comment the bot delivers have led to adjustments by the bot operator and he genuinely seems to be trying to be transparent and offer a community service. Yet, some people call it spam.

They are calling it spam because it adds nothing to their posts. Ironically they do not feel the same way about the bidbots posting their comments that adds nothing to the post. Strange how they are not down voting those spam comments that add nothing to their posts. Perhaps they forget their definitions of spam when the bidbots leave their comments?


Ironically they do not feel the same way about the bidbots posting their comments that adds nothing to the post.


Perhaps the bidbots could change their message: We upvoted you which is in no way a reflection of the quality of your post.


Funny, that is how I read the last line from the transparency bot ;)

I could basically filter out all the posts voted with over 50$ worth of bots and seriously improve the quality of my reading time.