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RE: Is Steemit Changing? And Is It For Better Or Worse?

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey buddy , i've been here about a month now and i'll say even since i got here it's changed. I have noticed a bit of trolling lately but i think ultimately the real community will superseed the troll/hate community. This platform is too big of a vision for some people, and those people won't always be here.

I think in order for us to keep steemit how it should be is just standing together how we always do. Dont give any attention to the haters or people who are disrespectful.. I find that when you ignore these kinds of people, they usually go away.

Thanks for this post, it's a great read.


What I truly and strongly dislike are the spammers who come on your post and start re-posting links to their own, non-related content. It's fine if it's related in some way to your article, but I'm seeing more self-promotion show up on my own content, which is totally not related - and it's lame.

And very rude to the original posters who are trying to initiate their own conversations and debates.