Suggestion: The Upvote Button Should be at the Top of the Post

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I hate having to scroll down an entire shitty post just to press the upvote button. It's tedious.

This isn't a problem when upvoting directly from the feed, but when a post is linked to the chat, it becomes an issue because now I need to go through an entire Steemit post just find the button.

Please change this, it would save so much time.



Scrolling down is no problem to me. As I do it anyway while reading. This maybe a problem for someone who just wants to hit UPVOTE, without actually reading the complete post.
Upvoting directly from the feed shall be not encouraged, as in general this is blind voting, not voting for a good content

<Crtl>-f, $

would that speed up things for you?

That's actually genius! No wonder you're an engineer, friend.

I liked that your shitty short post is so easy to get to the upvote button. I enjoyed your shitty post so much, that I won't even upvote it, even though it's such a shitty post.

Follow me and give me up votes, we can be in this TOGETHER because I am so awesome.

If the post is shitty... why do you need to look for the upvote button? Just don't upvote.

I would even go further and say we should not have the upvote button in the feed, but only when opening the post.

But how would we upvote then?

Clicking on the Post... Reading it... Deciding if it's shitty or not... Finish reading and/or scroll down... Click on Upvote?

Upvote only appears when you answer 5 pre determined questions provided by the author and get all 5 correct. It's captcha for 2020.

To @herverisson: That's ridiculous.

Not so fast; I have heard rumours that some people actually curated like that, way back when. No written records of this survive beyond some oblique comments, but references to The Old Curators still linger in living memory. It is generally assumed they Stopped Caring at some point when both income and efficiency started to suffer and it was decided that gaming and scheming were also well within a system Working As Intended. It's all folklore now, of course, and rather hard to believe.

I mean. I've HEARD of these stories. But I've always assumed they're just that: stories.

Magical tales passed on to grandchildren in order to make them shut up for a moment as they listen to you tell the story.

I think we should do away with the upvote button. The posts with the least flags get the biggest rewards.

I've actually thought about this, as well. It's a good idea and would make the community better.

I'm serious. No one reads the posts on Steemit. What people post doesn't matter, it's never mattered. Let's stop pretending that it does.

Well I'm trying, I'm putting a lot into my show.
I still have faith in the system.
Given not everyone is going to reap the rewards but that doesn't mean it's not worth the effort.

The rewards are not what's being discussed here. They're irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

You know what I mean though.
Don't get me wrong, I don't have any complaints about getting upvotes from those that don't pay attention to the content at all...but I still have a large appreciation for those that do

I absolutely adore both of the people who read my posts, don't get me wrong.


How can you generalize this? There are thousands of minnows out there how are actually engaged in local Steemit-communities and they are reading what the others are posting, believe it or not. E.g. I don´t care what is in the trending pages or what is posted by the rewardpoolrapists or the whales but I am reading what is in my feed.
You can´t conclude from your opinion to all participants.

Yet somehow, I just did. Amaze.

Then you have quite a different concept of a "social" media platform than me - which is fine.

Wow Very beautiful. steemit post this post to you for thank you very much, and this post a lot like and like post vote and comments and post share, I like this post a total of all see and this post to everyone can vote

Wow such beauty comment wow much value in comment post vote share table cat dog car post office something something something fuck off.

Many compensate you give me now

I upvote only posts that I actually read, but I have so little SP that I don't have the slide rule so all my votes are at 100% and I only upvote 10 posts a day so I really don't mind where the upvote button is located. I guess if you give out a lot of votes because you can give out percentages of votes it becomes difficult to read every post you curate, so I guess for you the location of the button could be a problem (when articles are too long I just skip them).

Only upvote empty posts.

you are too good that you upvote the post with love